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Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment nothing can fail. Without it nothing can succeed. He who molds opinion is greater than he who enacts laws.

-- President Abraham Lincoln

Arrow, January 2002

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Patriot of the Month, January 2002

DMZ-LT writes;
To me Arrow is the glue that has held together this cyber family of Vets as we wander through the desert - from one site to another - from one moment of learning together to another of senseless fun together. She has shown compassion and real caring to many of us here. Her words of welcome, acceptance and hope have kept US connected. This is my "group" since I don't do well in "real" groups. I have been learning, listening, sometimes contributing my 2 cents but mostly healing for over a year now. Thanks to all the brothers and sister vets. ALL the vets from them that carried ammo on ships, drove tanks and trucks, flew choppers, became bullet launchers for Uncle Sam typed morning reports OR all the vets who watched the evening news every night, hoping for a glimpse of their son or husband, and put another pin in the map that was hanging on the wall, or watched us die when we got home. WE have all served our country we are all vets. Welcome home. From my heart I thank Arrow for keeping us connected - I am blessed.

Sp4LittleJohn writes;
Arrow? Sis? You bet, but the one she prefers is ?Sis.? She?s the ?heart? of the PatriotFiles. Heck, if it weren?t for her most of us wouldn?t be here. When we were lost, she came and found us. When we?re down, she sings to us. When we need it, she ministers to us, sometimes we don?t even know that we need it, but Sis does. When we can?t find something, she surfs and finds it for us. When we don?t understand, she explains it to us. And, when we need a good swift kick, she ?kicks ass.? ?Bout the only thing bad that I can say about her is that she needs to loose that damn baseball cap. Her husband dies from Agent Orange related cancer. Does she resent the Armed Forces because of it? Nope. She digs in and helps as many of ?em as she possibly can. She raises two great kids on her own, sends ?em off to school, makes ?em able to stand on their own, stand tall, just like Mom, proud of their Mom. We?re proud of her too, Sis, ?Patriot of the Month.?
Military History
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This Day in History
1813: The United States invasion of Canada is halted at Stony Creek, Ontario.

1862: The Union claims Memphis, Tennessee, the Confederacys fifth-largest city, a naval manufacturing yard, and a key Southern industrial center.

1918: U.S. Marines enter combat at the Battle of Belleau Wood.

1944: Supreme Allied Commander General Dwight D. Eisenhower gives the go-ahead for largest amphibious military operation in history: Operation Overlord, code named D-Day, the Allied invasion of northern France.

1951: U.N. naval aircraft, along with Air Force and Marine Corps reinforcements, flew 230 sorties against enemy troop concentrations and supply lines in the central and western sectors.

1952: Operation COUNTER began as the 45th Infantry Division launched a two-phased series of attacks to establish strategic outpost sites in the Old Baldy area. The 45th Infantry Division seized 11 outposts west of Chorwon. Repeated communist counterattacks during the remainder of the month failed to dislodge friendly troops.

1972: South Vietnamese forces drive out all but a few of the communist troops remaining in Kontum.

1982: Israel invades southern Lebanon.