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Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice

-- Baruch Spinoza

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Link profile: In memory of Ablseaman William Christopher fielding.

Category: Start / World War I
Tribute page to my Greatgrand-father who served in the MN during WW1. Site contains a database useful to those seeking their loved one's lost during World Wars and contains several links to naval and maritime related sites. 'MN Message Board' adds to the utility of this site. To keep a record of mariners who lost their lives during the World Wars, submit particulars on 'Merchant seamen lost at sea tribute page'.

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Military History
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Should the military offer 18-month enlistments, as Congress is now proposing?

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This Day in History
1314: The Scots, under Robert the Bruce, defeat Edward IIs army at Bannockburn.

1667: The Peace of Breda ends the Second Anglo-Dutch War as the Dutch cede New Amsterdam to the English.

1862: Union and Confederate forces skirmish at the battle of Chickahominy Creek.

1863: In the second day of fighting, Confederate troops fails to dislodge a Union force at the Battle of LaFourche Crossing.

1864: Union General Ulysses S. Grant stretches his lines further around Petersburg, Virginia, accompanied by his commander-in-chief, Abraham Lincoln.

1900: General Arthur MacArthur offers amnesty to Filipinos rebelling against American rule.

1915: Germany uses poison gas for the first time in warfare in the Argonne Forest.

1919: Germans scuttle their own fleet at Scapa Flow, Scotland.

1942: The Allies surrender at Tobruk, Libya.

1945: Japanese forces on Okinawa surrender to American troops.