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Vietnam True story (lots of them about). Was attached to Hq 1/13 near Division HQ at DaNang. LZ overlooked Dai La pass. To the right (northern side) were a bunch of OP's overlooking the area. I had Sgt of the guard one night and our Lt was sitting with me on top of a bunker taking in the evening / morning air. Beautiful clear night - sweating like a dog. About 1 or 2 in the morning a series of about 3 or 4 'flashes' up near the top of the hill.

A few seconds later a very agitated voice came over the radio requesting instructions from Lunchmeat 6. I never did like that call sign. The Lt grabbed the handset and asked what the problem was. By this time there were several more flashes and booms from the top of the hill.

The very nervous voice responded that they were having grenades thrown at them and requested instruction.

Only a Marine Lt would react with such decisiveness...obviously learned at OCS.

With a brief glance at me and then up to the top of the hill he keyed the handset an with a very clear and precise voice responded:

THROW SOME BACK! - I'm not sure, but I think he was smiling at the time.

Scott Mason
RVN Nov 67-July70
13th Marines
Semper Fi

Note: By Scott Mason


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dai la pass
by seabees
on Feb 18, 2008

I would like to know if the LT's bunker was right on the right side going thru the pass? I'm sure i was camped about a1/4 mile down .on the left, a seabee rockcrusher. We were a reactionary force for them, also what were the hillsto the right' 364? can I get in touch with him? This was Happy Valley and the road to 55

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