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Civil War January, 1861 1 Very cold last night but the sun shines out very warm and brightly today. Considerable ice running in the river. A very small school today. Some are sick and some are taking a New York holiday. I have never before been so unsettled about the future as I am at the commencement of this New Year.

2 Not quite so cold last night as the night before. Very nice and pleasant in the forenoon. Cloudy in the afternoon. Toward night it rained also in the evening with some hail. Whether to remain here or to return to New Jersey I cannot as yet tell. I hope that the Lord will direct my footsteps.

3 Quite moderate last night. This morning cloudy till about ten o'clock: then the sun shone out warm and bright. I am determined by God's help to be more humble, less proud, and more prudent. My prayer is that I may become much better. Lord help me! Saw a great lot of pigeons yesterday. I should think that there were 2 or 3000. Wrote a letter to Rev. H. A. Buttz.

4 Cloudy in the morning but from ten till two o'clock quite pleasant and warm. Cloudy the rest of the day. The President appointed this day one of public fasting, humiliation and prayer for the country. I abstained from my dinner although I had school.

5 Attended a fast day prayer meeting last night. Quite cool and cloudy till about 11 o'clock. Then the sun shone out bright and warm. Attended a Magistrate election at Leatherwood School house. I went there to get names to a petition for a post office at Pond Run. Got 47 names, legal voters. 45 householders. Gave it to Bro. Steele to send on.

6 Quite cloudy: rained a little toward night and in the eve. Attended class and prayer meeting in the morning. In the afternoon went with J. B. Moore to see a sick scholar. He was very sick. Went to a prayer meeting in the eve.

7 Quite moderate indeed but cloudy. Samuel Finley Lewis, one of my pupils, died today, aged 13 years. His father is a very wicked man. The boy was a good boy but had never been taught to pray. Yet before he died he said he knew how to pray and did so. I trust that he is better off.

8 Very moderate today. Cloudy. Last Saturday the river raised a few feet. Today it is falling. The boy, F. Lewis, was buried today. I talked to my scholars this morning about the uncertainty of life. That they should take heed of this warning.

9 It rained considerable last night and some during the day. Had a very small school. Very bad traveling. Went out to the church but there was no meeting. The river commenced to raise again a little today.

10 Quite cloudy today. A few scattering snow flakes fell. It grew a little colder toward night. Nothing unusual occurred today. I heard the other day that Georgia and Alabama had seceded as well as South Carolina.

11 Quite cloudy today. Toward night it snowed. The river raised considerable yesterday and today. Helped Mr. Moore pick up a skiff that was afloat.

12 Cloudy all the forenoon. Quite pleasant after dinner. It froze quite hard last night. Mr. Moore set me across the river to Scaffold Lick Creek, nearly opposite his house. Found my brother's wife quite unwell when I got there at 10 ½ o'clock.

13 A warm, bright and lovely day. Quite cold last night. My sister-in-law had been confined about Christmas and delivered of a fine boy, after about 20 hours labor. The baby died when 10 days old. At ten o'clock started for Mr. Moore's. Got to the mouth of Scaffold lick at one o'clock.

14 Began to rain some time in the night and rained the most part of the day. Very small school. Yesterday afternoon I attended a class and prayer meeting. The preacher was not there for some cause not known.

15 Foggy, moderate, muddy and rainy. The river had been falling since Saturday. On last Saturday, I heard that Maj. Anderson had fired bombshell into the city of Charleston, S. C., and burnt it. The people of that city had fired shot into a vessel which had been sent to collect the revenue. (January 15, 1861, was on a Tuesday.)

16 I saw about a million pigeons flying on Saturday. I also saw bluebirds. It rained quite hard a good part of last night. The creek is up very high. Very cloudy and windy today and little rain and snow. The river began to rise again last night.

17 Quite moderate today but cloudy. Since Tuesday night the river has risen about 7 feet. The report about Charleston S. C. being burnt is all a hoax, so I have heard, but that a ship of war collected the revenue.

18 It rained quite hard toward morning till about 11 o'clock. Cloudy and a little foggy. Then the sun came out warm and pleasantly. The river raise three feet last night and 8 inches this forenoon.

19 A very lovely day. The river raised a little this forenoon but began to fall this afternoon. Mr. F. Moore started for Portsmouth but could not get over as the water was over the tow path. The back water was nearly up to the lane that goes to J. B. Moore's.

20 Another lovely day. (Sunday) Went to prayer and class meeting in the forenoon and prayer meeting this evening. Got a blank statement from Washington D. C. to be filled out in relation to the proposed Post Office at Pond Run. Froze a little last night.

21 Another lovely day. It froze quite hard last night with a white frost. A large school in comparison to what I have been having-22. The young folks of the district met at the school house this evening to make arrangements about an exhibition.

22 Another lovely day. It froze quite hard last night. 25 scholars today. Sent my watch to Portsmonth by Furman Moore to get a crystal in it.

23 Quite cold last night. It froze a little. It is cloudy and toward night it began to rain. Too rainy to go to prayer meeting.

24 Quite cloudy all day with a little rain. Nothing particular occurred today. It cleared off about sunset quite pleasantly. Sent a letter to G. W. Banghart, Belvidere, N. J. B. F. Royse took it to Portsmouth to mail it.

25 Cloudy and rather cold. I don't know of anything very particular that has occurred today. Senator Crittenden of N. J. offered a resolution in the senate to have the Missouri compromise annexed to the Constitution as an amendment. But it was rejected. I am sorry. I would like to have most any concession made rather than to have civil war.

26 It began to snow quite early this morning and snowed all the forenoon-a little in the afternoon. Took Mr. J. B. Moore's skiff and went down to my brothers. The sun shone out quite pleasant and warm a part of the afternoon. The skiff was a rowboat.

27 Very cold last night. After the sun got up it was warm till about three o'clock. Then I started to row the skiff back to J. B. Moore's . It blowed very hard and for half of the way the river was very rough, but after I got above Quincy, behind the point, it was smooth. I came up in 2 hours.

28 Very clear and cold last night. Quite pleasant today. A very little cloudy part of the day. Felt very stiff and sore from rowing the skiff yesterday. I expected to be 3 hours but came up in 2.

29 Not very cold last night: it did not freeze. Very pleasant today like a spring day: quite warm. It grew a little cloudy toward night. A man shot off the foot of a 3 pronged buck last Sunday morning. Today (Tuesday) some men and dogs chased it into J. B. Moore's land and Mr. Moore killed it. Yet as he was not well he let the men take it away, and they were so mean not to send him a bit.

30 It blowed hard last night and was quite cold. Quite pleasant today, the air a little sharp. The young folks met last night and recited their pieces. They did well. Also last Friday night. Went to prayer meeting.

31 Quite cold last night and froze hard. Very pleasant today. The sun shines pleasantly but the air quite keen. Quite cloudy at night. When a man gets married, the young folks make a scare-crow which they call a paddy. They make it look as bad as possible and put it along the road where the company must pass.

February, 1861

1 It snowed a very little last night. It rained a part of the forenoon and a part of the afternoon. A very small school. ----------Sometimes they put it in the door yard. One was put in a man's yard and he got terrible mad and burnt it up. Then another one was put there that had powder in it. That was put on a fire; it exploded and frightened the old man.

2 A little rainy this forenoon and cloudy all day. About three o'clock took a skiff and went to Quincy with Furman Moore and his wife. Took tea at Mr. McKinney's. I staid all night at Rev. Mr. Sashbrook's with Mr. Merrill and the P. Elder. He preached in the eve, Text 2nd Cor. Chap. 4, 3 and 4th verses.

3 Quite cloudy all day. It spit a little snow. Attended lovefeast at the Quincy school house. A good time. Bro. L. M. Merrill preached Text St. Mark, chap. 9, vers. 4, 5, and 8. The sermons last night and this morning (Sunday) were deep and splendid. Took dinner at N. Morses'. It took about two hours to come home.

4 A splendid spring like day. Bro. Merril said that the word hell was derived from 4 Greek words which were not similar. But three-Shaok, Heades, and Tartarus might be made to signify one thing: the tomb or prison house of the spirits. But Gehnnon (the valley of Hinnon south of Jerusalem) was the word used to represent the hell in the text. That valley was where the sons of Hinnon worshipped Muloch by offering their children in his arms. King Josiah Polluted it. The hell of the text will not be established till the day of resurrection.

5 Quite pleasant today but a little cloudy. It froze a little.

6 Monday night last went to Turkey crk to church. Bro. Foster preached, Psalm 49, ver 8. Very pleasant today but a little windy. The young folks met at the school house and practised their pieces last night.

7 It blowed very hard last night. Went to prayer meeting last evening. It blowed hard all day. In the forenoon it blowed, rained, hailed, sleeted, and snowed. In the afternoon the sun shone out brightly. Very cold last night.

8 A little more moderate last night. Quite pleasant today but a little windy.

9 Very warm and pleasant. Like a spring day. Went to the Post Office at Turkey Crk. The young folks met this evening at the school house to recite their pieces. Had a good time.

10 Very mild today. A little cloudy some of the time. Heard Bro. Foster preach in the afternoon. Text Acts Chap. 9 ver 17. Have had a cold for most a week. Appearance of rain at night.

11 Wind from the south. A few warm showers in the forenoon. The sun shone out a part of the day. Put a pair of half soles on my boots this evening.

12 Very pleasant today only a strong wind from the West. Nothing unusual occurred. The young folks met again at the school house this eve. Several new pieces were performed.

13 A little cloudy, but quite pleasant and moderate. Started to prayer meeting but there was none.

14 Quite mild and nice. A little rain in the forenoon. In the afternoon it rained quite hard: lightened quite sharply and thundered heavily.

15 Cloudy all day. In the forenoon a little rain. In the afternoon it rained a little and snowed. Closed my school at Pond Run (Nile Township, Scioto., Ohio) today. School of 6 months. 22 scholars present.

16 It snowed about all day: wind from the East by North. Last Thursday the river began to raise and now risen 15 or 17 feet. I picked up some drift wood.

17 It snowed a very little today. There was no meeting at the church. (Sunday) The day appeared very long to me.

18 Quite cloudy all day. Got my certificate from the directors and started for Buenna Vista. Called at J. L. Moore's and got an order on the treasurer for my money. Went to Irish bottom and staid all night at Mrs. McCall's.

19 Snowed last night and this morning. A little rain during the day. In the afternoon called at the school of Mr. Burbage. Went to singing school with and staid all night with him at R. L. Murphy's.

20 This morning pleasant but cool. Started for my brother's. Crossed the river at Buenna Vista. Arrived at my brother's at one o'clock. Staid there all night. Last Monday night heard Mr. Adams, the Presbyterian preacher, preach at the M. E. Church at Irish bottom. Text Psalm 119, ver 49.

21 Another very pleasant day. Left my brother's this morning and crossed the river at Quincy and arrived at J. B. Moore's at one oclock. Did not do much the remainder of the day. Attended the exhibition rehearsal at the schoolhouse.

22 Another lovely day. Did nothing of any account.

23 It rained a part of the day. Went to the office in the forenoon. Got a letter from G. W. Banghart. Sold my order of $133.33 to J. Nolder for $123.33. It made me grin to bear such a discount, but it was the best I could do. I want to get to Washington on the 4th of March.

24 Quite cold today. Went to Turkey Creek to love feast and preaching. Bro. Foster preached Text 1st John, Chap 3, ver 3. Was about my boarding house the rest of the day.

25 A very warm and lovely day. I started for my brother's. Got a skiff and crossed at Mr. Parr's. Had my picture taken by Jonas Aumiller who had a boat at Quincy. Gave it to my sister-in-law. Got there at two o'clock. Took dinner at Dr. Ellis'.

26 Another lovely day. Bid farewell to my brother and his wife. He sent me up to above Quincy on a horse. Arrived at Mr. Moore's at 12 o'clock. This evening attended a rehearsal of the exhibition at the church. It went very nicely. The church was trimmed very tastefully.

27 Quite pleasant today only a little cool. Went to bed last night at about 11½ o'clock. This morning was up at 6½ o'clock. Took the Steamer Liberty at Furman Moore's Landing at 20 minutes of ten o'clock. Arrived at Portsmonth at 11 o'clock; laid there two hours. Took on 309 hogs, 300 barrels of whiskey.

28 Quite a pleasant day. The boat goes quite slowly. Did not sleep much last night. The hogs made so much noise and my room was very warm. They set a first rate table on the boat. Arrived at Parkersburg at 8 o'clock. But that was to leave at 9 o'clock did not go out. Because a bridge had been broken down at Bridgeport.

March, 1861

1 Left Parkersburg this morning at ten o'clock. Changed cars at the broken bridge. Passed around the broken bridge. 17 freight cars smashed and an engine. We passed through a town called Oakland, Alleghany Co., Md. Quite a village. Nearly all the houses had the Stars and Stripes hoisted on them. Gave them three cheers. A very pleasant day. Passed through a great many tunnels.

2 Very pleasant today. Arrived at Washington at 6 o'clock. Felt quite unwell. Put up at the Richmond House Cor. D & 8th Streets. Went to bed from ten A. M. till 3 P. M. Took a dose of Rhubarb and Soda at 7 o'clock. Felt very sick to my stomach. Back felt very lame. Visited the Capitol. Heard part of Andrew Johnson's speech. He whipped Joe Lane terribly with his tongue. He was cheered and so the galleries were cleared. Then went to the House but there was so much confusion that I would not stay long.

3 Sunday very pleasant. Attended a M. E. S. School. Opened it by invitation. Then stopped a few minutes at the Catholic Cathedral. Then heard Dr. Smith of the Presbyterian, Text 2nd Cor. Chap 10 part 4. Our weapon. In afternoon visited the monument and President's house. In the eve went to Trinity Church. Dr. Butler preached Text Prov 29, part 23.

4 About 11 o'clock it cleared up warm, cloudy, and appearance of rain. Stood on the city hall steps and saw the procession form. About 1000 District of Columbia volunteers. They looked nice. There were no regulars present. Then went to the West Front of the Capitol. After standing in front of the steps about 1 ½ hours, Mr. Lincoln, the president-elect, appeared. He looked well and spoke loud and distinct. I was pleased with his inaugural. He spoke with decision.

5 Cloudy and windy. At ten o'clock took the steamer T. Collyer for Mt. Vernon. Got there at 12 o'clock. Got a hasty view of the old and new tomb. Walked over the grounds. Cut a hickory cane in the woods outside the enclosure and obtained a few other relics. Took a drink from the spring house. Got a few acorns from the old tomb. Saw Fort Washington. Yesterday was only about 100 feet from Mr. Lincoln when he delivered his inaugural. About 550 persons visited Mt. Vernon today.

6 Got quite cold today. Visited the U. S. Conservatory. Saw a great variety of tropical plants. Then went to the Smithsonian Ins't. Spent 2½ hours there; could spend a week profitably there. After dinner went to the U. S. Patent office. Saw vest, pants worn by Washington. At three o'clock took the cars for Baltimore. Staid all night at the Sherwood House cor Fayette & Harrison St.

7 Pleasant this morn but a little cool. Walked about town a little. Took the cars at ten o'clock for Philadelphia. Arrived there at 3½ o'clock. Then went to Germantown. Staid all night at W. L. Fortescue. Yesterday saw the writing case that Washington had in the Revolution. The vest and breeches were worn when he resigned his commission at Annapolis, Md., 1783.

8 Quite pleasant today. About two o'clock took the cars at Hensington for Phillipsburg. Before I left Germantown called on J. H. Withington. At the patent office also saw Washington's sleeping tent that he had in the revolution. Also saw his table, chairs, saddle, and camp chest. Got to Phillipsburg at 7 o'clock. Staid all night at J. H. Benners.

9 It rained all the forenoon with a little snow. Took dinner at H. D. Swayzey's. Staid all night there. Made a few calls about town. Took tea at Fritts'. Also saw at the patent office the press that Franklin worked at in London, and his cane that he willed to Gen. Washington.

10 A little cloudy. Called at Dr. Paul's S. School: opened it with prayer. Then went to the morning prayer meeting at the M. E. Church: lead in prayer and made a few remarks. Heard Bro. G. Dory preach: text Rom. Chap 5 ver 8. Then opened Bro. Dickinson's class. Took dinner with him. Then went and opened the S. School and spoke to the infant class. After school opened Br. Lawrence's class. Then led the Union prayer meeting at the O. S. Presbyterian.

11 Quite pleasant today. Made a good many calls. Called at Mr. Hoag's and Woodward's schools. Last eve heard a Mr. Welch preach, a converted Roman Catolic, text 2nd Cor. Chap 1- -3 &4 verses. He was a Methodist; was raising money for the board of the American & Foreign Protestant Union. Called at Bro. Lawrence's.

12 Very pleasant today. Started on foot for Townsburg. Took dinner at J. J. Pace's. Staid all night at W. J. Henry's. Also called at T. Hoagland's, Mr. Curtis, A. Ketcham's, and A. D. Corwin's. All appeared glad to see me.

13 Some appearance of a storm a little rain in the forenoon. Called at the school taught by Miss Selina Fleming, one of my old scholars. Took dinner at A. L. Flemming's. Then started for Hackettstown. Called at Wm. Osium's and Alexander Howell's. Got to David Park's at about 7 o'clock.

14 It snowed quite hard all day. Went over to Cat Swamp to see about a school, but the present teacher wanted to stay so I could not get it. Called and saw John L. Davis. Staid all night at Charles Park's.

15 A little pleasanter today. Took a sleigh ride down to town with C. Parks. Called to D. V. C. Crate and W. L. & G. W. Johnson's. Then went to Mr. John S. Labor's. He said that the school at Beattystown was taken up. He gave me a note of introduction to Charley Stewart. Got a ride there. Staid with him all night.

16 Quite pleasant today. Called on the trustees and engaged the school. Called at the school and saw Mr. Proctor. Then took dinner at Rusling Whites's and walked back to Hackettstown and staid all night at David Parks.

17 Pleasant but quite cold. Went to church and Bro. R. Vanhorn preached. Text Rev. chap 3 ver 5: a good sermon. Took dinner at J. Baldwin's and attended class there. 30 present. Had a glorious time. A good many new converts that I never expected to see converted. Some old men.

18 Rather cold today. Staid at Mr. D. Parks and mended my boots. After dinner went to Vienna and staid all night at Alexander Howells. Had a pleasant time. It snowed a little last night.

19 Another pleasant day. Went to Townsburg. Took dinner at J. G. Ingersoll'. Was at the store part of the afternoon. Staid all night at John Dean's. Saw Bro. Manning Force. 72 years old. He commenced preaching at 22 yrs of age. Been an effective preacher about all the time.

20 Quite a pleasant day but the air was quite sharp. Went to Hackettstown with John Dean for company. Spent a part of the afternoon with Mr. R. Gibbs and took tea there. Then went H. Hopler's and staid all night.

21 Very snowy all day. It commenced last night at about nine o'clock. About dark this eve it quit. Snow about 10 inches deep. Took dinner and staid all night at Nelson Vliets.

22 Quite pleasant today. The snow melted considerable. Took dinner at Mr. Henry's. Took tea at A. Ketcham's. Staid all night at A. D. Corwin's.

23 Quite pleasant again today. Snow disappears slowly. Took dinner at A Myer's. Toward night went to Daniel Hull's and staid all night. Enjoyed well there and other places that I have visited.

24 Quite windy and cool today. Staid all the forenoon at Mr. Hull's. I went to the chapel in afternoon. Bro. Daily preached. Text James Chap 5 ver 7. Staid all night at Bro. Hulls.

25 Another pleasant day. Took dinner at Robert Vansyckle's and tea at Mayberry Whitesell's. Then went to Wm. Osmun's and staid all night there.

26 Quite moderate today. A little rain. Took dinner at Tommy Frome's. Staid all night at John Whitesell's.

27 Quite rainy today. After dinner went to Townsburg and staid all night at Wm. T. Henry's.

28 A little pleasanter. The sun shone pleasantly. Took dinner at James Fleming's and staid all night there. Enjoyed myself very well there.

29 A little cooler today. Went up to George Marlatt's and took dinner at Jacob Marlatt's. Had some snapping turtle; it was very good. Staid all night at John Ingersoll's.

30 Looked much like rain. Got a ride to Vienna. Stopped a while and took dinner at Alexander Howell's. Got a little acquainted with a nice young lady. Staid all night at David Parks. It cleared away toward noon and was pleasant the rest of the day.

31 Pleasant today only quite cool. Heard Bro Vanhorn preach. Text 1st Cor Chap 15, verses 20, 21, 22. In the afternoon attended Sacrament of the Lords Supper. In the eve went to church. Bro Vanhorn, Text 1st Sam. Chap 7 ver 12. Staid all night at D. Parks.

April, 1861

1 Quite cool and cloudy. Snowed quite hard in the afternoon and evening. Was at David Parks all day.

2 A little more pleasant today. After dinner went to Rockport to see about the school. Staid all night at Mr. Ciphers.

3 A very pleasant day. Took dinner at William Whites. Got back to David Parks about dark.

4 Another very pleasant day. In the afternoon went down town. Air a little cool.

5 Another pleasant day. Went down town in the forenoon. A little cool.

6 Another lovely day. Went down town in the forenoon. Towards night went over to Obidiah Allen's. There was a stone frolic there. Did not go out in the field. Help eat the supper. Felt unwell all day.

7 Quite pleasant today. Heart Garret Vanhorn preach, text Phillipians chap 2, ver 12 & 13. In the afternoon attended general class. Staid at home in the eve.

8 Quite cold today. Went to Morris Weis. Then downtown. Was John Titus'. James Price's adjourned the suit that D. Parks commenced against him.

9 A little pleasanter today. Went downtown toward night. Did not do much today. Did not feel very well.

10 I am 28 years old this day. Very pleasant today. Went down to Rockport in the forenoon. Took dinner at William Stewart's. In the afternoon went around to make up a school and took the enumeration. Staid all night at Rusling White's.

11 Another very pleasant day. Finished taking the enumeration. Took a dose of calomel.

12 Another pleasant day. Calomel made me sick. Laid abed most all day. Went down town toward night. Got a letter from my sister Hannah.

13 Rained about all last night and this forenoon and evening. Went down town toward night. The report is that fort Sumter has been fired into and surrendered. A heavy thunder shower this evening.

14 Quite pleasant day. Hear Bro. J. C. Crane preach at Hackettstown. Text Rev. chap 2, last clause ver 10, "Be thou faithful, etc." Attended class meeting at Mrs. Titus. In the eve heard Bro R Vanhorn. Text 1st John, chap 2nd ver 1. A good sermon.

15 Rather cool today. Commenced school at Rockport. 19 scholars present. Taken board at A. F. Gregor's. A telegram was re'd yesterday that a body of secessionists of Delaware and Southern part of Pennsylvania had arisen and were marching to take Fort Delaware. The President has issued orders to have it defended. It can't be taken if the officers are not treacherous.

16 It began to rain last evening. Very rainy, cold, and windy all the forenoon. Didn't rain much in the afternoon. Only five scholars out. Heard today that the President had issued a call for 75,000 volunteers. An extra session of congress on the 4th of July.

17 Quite cold. Snowed all the forenoon. Only two scholars out. No school in the afternoon. Went to town- -staid all night at D. Parks. Major Anderson of Fort Sumter had two men killed. The wood work of the fort inside got on fire, and as he had but 100 men he could not man the guns and keep the fire down. He killed 30 men at fort Moultere and probably more. Silenced some of their batteries. He made a noble fight.

18 Quite a pleasant day. 29 scholars present.

19 It froze a little last night. Quite pleasant today. 31 scholars present. Virginia seceded this day. The Union men of the convention those from Western Va. went home to arm their section to maintain the union.

20 It froze a little last night. Very pleasant today. 31 scholars. As the Massachusetts troops were going through Baltimore to Washington, they had to march through the city, as the secessionists had torn up the rails. They were stopped by a mob. The troops said that they must go through. Were obliged to fire on them and killed ten. The sixth or 7th regiment of Philadelphia lost 2 men, 8 wounded, but went through.

21 Staid at D. Parks last night. A lovely day. Saw swallows for the first time this season. Heard Bro. R. Vanhorn, Text 2nd Peter, chap 1 verses 5, 6, 7, 8. Attended S. School and class. In the eve heard Bro V again, Text Exodus chap 17, verses 8 to 16. The 7th regiment of N. Y. got into Washington this eve: in three days or four it will be safe.

22 Another lovely day: very warm. Had no school. Attended a trial between D. Parks plntff & J. Price Deft. I was a witness. A. L. Fleming counsel for Parks. Pownall for Price. Justice took a week to decide. Got to Rockport about 7 o'clock.

23 A very warm day. Nothing unusual going on. Work in the garden morning and nights.

24 Another lovely and warm day. A splendid warm shower toward night.

25 Another lovely day. A little cool.

26 A very pleasant day; little cool. Two hickory poles and two flags were raised at Hackettstown yesterday. They had a union demonstration, Speeches, band music, songs, etc. I did not attend. A good deal of enthusiasm was manifested. About 25 volunteers enlisted under the state.

27 A very warm and pleasant day. Had school. After school went to Hackettstown. Attended a union meeting at union hall. The hall was full; 8 volunteers enlisted, making 23 in all. C. H. Valentine made a short union stirring speech. I was called on and made a few remarks but I could not think of all that I wanted to say.

28 Quite rainy all day. It rained hard by spells all day. Staid at D. Parks last night. Attended church in the forenoon. Bro Vanhorn Text 2nd Tim 4- -7: " I have kept the faith". I came very near volunteering last night. As it was I said that I would when the company lacked but one.

29 Another lovely day. A little cool this morn. But quite warm the rest of the day. Saw John Whitesell. He told me that Mary E. Hoagland, now Mrs. Craig, gave birth to a daughter last Tuesday. How happy I could have been and now be if I was only her husband. I believe that she would have been happier too. I have suffered a great deal for not being a little more determined. I think it is also the same with her. If she had been a little more independent it might have been all well with us.

30 Quite warm and pleasant till 2 o'clock then it rained awhile and cleared off a little cooler.

May, 1861

1 Quite cool today. It rained a little this morning and a little in the afternoon. A little hail this afternoon. The clouds looked like snow.

2 Very cold this morning. The ground froze nearly an inch thick. A little more moderate today, yet it is quite cool. A good fire feels comfortable. Went to town this eve. Got some muslin to make a flag.

3 Quite cold this morning. The ground froze a little. Went to town again this morning to get more stuff for a flag. Had no school on account of the funeral of John Osmun's wife. In the afternoon went to church to the funeral. Mr Lane preached. Psalm 90 ver 12.

4 Quite pleasant and moderate. It snowed yesterday afternoon. This forenoon dug a hole for the flag pole. And with M. White's team and hand got a pole 75 ft. long to the school house. In the afternoon got a few men (15) and raised it. The ladies had got the flag done. 9 X 4½. After the pole was raised, a meeting was organized. Mr. Skinner, chairman, E. A. Goodwin, Sec'ty. Dr. L. Cook and myself made a few remarks by request.

5 A lovely day. Went north Rusling White to Townsbury. Took dinner at W. T. Henry. Heard Bro. DeCamp preach. Text St. John chap 3 ver 14. Took tea at John Whitesells and got back to Rockport.

6 It rained quite hard all day. In the evening a heavy thunder shower.

7 Very lovely and pleasant this morning. Had 4 short and heavy thunder showers this afternoon. It blowed hard from P. M. Went to town after school and back.

8 Another lovely day. A little hail toward night.

9 Another fine day. A little cool. About 20 volunteers left Hackettstown this morning.

10 A very fine day. About four o'clock it began to rain. An attempt was made to burn Washington city. It was fired in four different places, but was soon put out. It rained quite hard in the evening.

11 Cloudy this forenoon: a little foggy. In the afternoon quite fair and pleasant. People planted corn. Went to town after school. _____ volunteers have come back for some reason or another.

12 Very warm and pleasant today. Went to town to meeting. Got there in time to attend the S. School rehearsal. Bro. Lippincott preached. Text Titus 2- -14: 28 years ago he formed the first class in Hackettstown and made the first regular appointment. When he traveled Warren Co. 1400 joined the church.

13 Quite cloudy today. No rain. Corn planting going on busily. Yesterday attended S. School and class meeting in town. In the eve attended and led a prayer-meeting in my school house. Had a thunder shower late in the evening.

14 Cloudy and a little foggy in the morning. About noon it cleared off quite warm. Went to town after school and back again.

15 A very lovely day. Clear and quite warm. Nothing unusual occurred.

16 Another very pleasant day. A very little cool. Got a ride to Hackettstown and back. No news of much account. Rec'd a letter from my sister, L.L. Goodwin. A little cool in the eve.

17 A very pleasant day but rather cool. My back feels very badly and has ever since I got back from Ohio.

18 Quite a pleasant day: a little windy and cool. After working a while in the garden, cut across lots to Townsbury. Took dinner at Wm. Henry's. Then went to Vienna. To a Union demonstration and flag raising. Feeling quite well I volunteered to go in the Warren Brigade.

19 Last night staid at David Parks. Another lovely day. (Sunday) Heard Bro. Vanhorn Text, Isaiah 28- -7. A first rate temperance sermon. It was much needed. In the afternoon went to the Sunday School and class meeting. In the evening attended church.

20 Quite rainy today. Had school. Gave notice that I should quit. This movement of mine is a matter of conscience with me. If I am not accepted or the company does not go, I shall feel satisfied.

21 A very lovely day. My employers are loth to have me go, but under the circumstances they feel like making a little sacrifice. Went to Harrsville and was examined. Collect my money without any trouble.

22 Another warm and lovely day. Finished collecting my money; got every cent. Sold my watch for $7.00. It was less than its worth, but I thought that I could use the money to greater advantage than the watch.

23 Expected to leave for Trenton but the Brigade was not full. So wait another day. Went to Vienna. Very warm today. Staid at Parks.

24 Took the train for New York. I shall try to get on a Man of War. The Warren Company is so uncertain about being filled. Arrived in N.Y. at 10½ A. M. Put up at L. H. Crooks, 84 Chatham St. Went to West 47th St. and saw my brother Charles and his wife.

25 Had considerable rain with thunder and lightning. Enlisted as a volunteer in the Naval Brigade. Sent letters to my sister, H. L. Stinson, and other friends. Sent three dollars to G. Widener, Belvidere, one dollar to Wm. Henry. Went to the barracks at old Quarantine station, Staten Island. Slept in the officers quarters. Did not sleep much for the men had had liberty and a great many were drunk.

26 A very fine day. A part of our company were kept on guard. But I and another man got out before it was set and took a walk on the Island. Had good fare today. The chaplain preached today. Text Psalm 137, verses 5 & 6. Slept in the quarters.

27 Another pleasant day. Went with a man to the hospital Seaman's Retreat. On Saturday night some of the Irishmen stole a barrel of whiskey and were very drunk and noisy.

May, 1861

28 Another pleasant day. Had no chance to get out. About four o'clock went on board the U. S. Steamer transport Coatzatcoalcos for fort Monroe. The Steamer was a good deal crowded. I made out to get a mattress on the floor.

29 Got under way this morning. Very pleasant all day. A heavy swell on. Felt a very little sea sick. After we were about 25 miles out met a U. States Steamer with a prize in tow. The men gave three hearty cheers.

30 Another pleasant day. All quiet last night. Sea smooth. Arrived off Fort Monroe, Point Comfort, Va. about six o'clock. About 8 o'clock another steamer (screw) came in with a prize schooner from the Southward very deeply loaded, apparently loaded with wood, but very deep. I think she must have had something in the hold. About ten o'clock the Quaker City Steamer came in with another prize schooner.

31 A very pleasant day. About noon left the ship for our encampment. Our Colonel told us that we were accepted. Went out about a mile inside Col. Duryee's picket guard. We had no canvass tents but made tents of rails covered with brush. I with a Lieutenant and 7 men went in search of water about dark. We passed all of Col. Allen's sentries and were showed by them through his camp. When we got to the well, we found a sentry with a countersign. We had none, and were obliged to wait till the sergeant of the relief guard came along: then we were all marched to the guard house and kept all night.

June, 1861

1 In the morning we were taken before the Colonel (Allen). He would not listen to our story but ordered us to the fort on fatigue duty without breakfast, and supper too, for we had not taken any the night before. But as it pleased Gen. B. to let our lieutenant speak and explain how we were after water, he ordered us to the guard house!

2 Pleasant yesterday. Also most of today. A shower toward night.

3 Quite showery today. We are not far from the enemy. We have no arms as yet or uniforms. We have some fears that matters are not right about our acceptance. Toward night the Col. (Bartlett) came up to the camp. Then our captains called us up and told us all about how deceived we were. The Col. wanted to smooth the matter over with promises, but we would hear nothing from him. He had told us too many lies.

4 Stood guard last night between 10 & 12 at the officers tent. Monday night was on guard again out at the edge of some woods. I was in a dangerous place. Stood 2 hours between 10 & 12. Had an old musket and bayonet but not loaded. There were advance picket guards of other companys outside, so that we would know of the enemy's advance and give warning, and retreat behind the other regiments.

5 Yesterday it was warm but rainy: went down to the fort to help unload a transport ship so that Gen. Butler could legally provide quarters and rations for us. At night as we had not enough tents I with others slept under a wagon with boards set up against one end. Many of the men had to sleep on the damp ground.

6 Yesterday cloudy. I did not do much as I was so lame from Tuesday's work carrying boards. I got acquainted with a man who works in the fort, and now I stay about his house (Mr. Oldfield). I slept on the floor in his house last night. The Brigade had been grossly deceived.

7 Quite cloudy again today. We are waiting anxiously to be recognized by the government. The men are very anxious to have their uniforms and if they had them we would be quite well contented. Staid in my tent this night.

8 Still quite cloudy and cool. No rain. Nights very cool. The men have a fine time getting clams, oysters, and bathing. I have not eaten any as I am afraid that I shall be made sick. Today I have an attack of the diarrhea. Have easy times. Gen. Butler has permission to do as he pleases with us. He has given us in charge of Col. Wardrup of Mass. who has surrounded our camp with sentries so as to keep us from doing mischief.

9 A warm and pleasant day. It does not appear much like Sunday. I don't get outside very often: only when I go to burn and grind coffee or go after water. Most of the men are very much afraid of doing their duty or a little extra work. Ever since I have been here I have done more than my share: yet I rather do it than grumble.

10 Last night 120 of the Brigade manned 6 boats and carried troops across Hampton Crk. The enemy had entrenched themselves about 10 miles from the fort in order to run off niggers & white men. They had masked batteries and ditches outside them. Therefore our troops failed for want of ammunition and field pieces. The Brigade did not get back until about midnight.

11 Another warm day. Went to the fort and was inspected yesterday. Had to strip naked. The examination was very slight. The rest of the company and Brigade went inside to be inspected today. Feel quite sick so I am cooking for them.

12 A very warm day. The sun is very hot, yet the heat is alleviated by a cool breeze making the tents quite comfortable when the bottoms are raised. We have very poor brackish water to drink; and as it is near an old gas establishment, the water tastes of the coal gas which makes it very disagreeable. But thirsty men will drink most anything in the shape of water.

13 Another very warm and pleasant day. Nothing unusual occurred. The news of our defeat at Big Bethel pleased the rebels highly. They magnified our loss very hugely. We, the federal troops, had only about 30 killed. It was only through the incompetence of the General (Pierce) that it was a defeat.

14 Very warm. Cool breeze. Our company was marched into the fort to be sworn in. I with 10 others took the oath to serve three years unless sooner discharged. The rest wished to wait to hear Gen. Butler's report. In the afternoon he rode into the camp and made the necessary and satisfactory explanations. At night stripped, bathed, and put on a fatigue dress uniform. Blue flannel shirt and duck pants.

15 Another pleasant day. Last night was put into Company F and went into a new camp. Took our tent and mess traps, but had to leave our old blankets as they were so lousy. Some had to sleep on the floor without any blankets. But my India rubber blanket was enough. Co. F changed us into Co. A for some of their own men. So we had to move our tent again.

16 Another very warm day. Like my new tent. Camp and mess first rate. Quite a heavy wind and shower about five o'clock with thunder and lightning. Another heavy squall about 12 o'clock. Two boats' crews (20 men each) at two o'clock in the night went to Hampton to ferry over two company of Zouaves. They were towed up there and back by a screw propeller: returned about daylight, bringing about $1000 worth of books from an Academy.

17 This morning they were taken to a Seminary near by and put in charge of our troops. Our men have made frequent trips by squads into the country getting many useful articles. Quite cool and a little rainy all day. Some more boats crews out tonight, 6 or 7 of them. Felt quite sick tonight.

18 Quite nice and cool today. Had an election for officers. Changed back into Co. D yesterday. Felt better today. Three companies of the National Zouaves came to the hospital to take away and bury one of their privates. He was one of a picket guard and was shot by another on last Sunday morning. The other guard saw him and challenged him three times, but receiving no answer shot him. He lived a short time.

19 Major Winthrop was wounded at the battle of Big Bethel on the 10th inst. His remains were escorted to the boat for Baltimore by about 200 regulars. The brass band playing a solemn tune. Very warm today. The Minesota, Harriet Lane, and Jamestown are in Hampton Roads & Southern privateer was taken the other day.

20 Another very warm and pleasant day. Six boats manned by 120 men of the brigade went to Hampton today and came back toward night. I have been quite unwell all day. Have no appetite. Sent a letter to my brother Charles in New York and one to G. I. Palmer of Gardiner, asking them to lend me a little money. Now I will soon be able to tell whether they care anything for me. A little money would come very acceptable just now.

21 Feel no better today. Still very warm. Went to the hospital. Dr. gave me some Castor Oil and Calomel. The hospital accommodations for the Brigade are very poor: no one to wait upon us: no chance to have our clothes washed. Some days salt fat-pork and beef served out to the sick men.

22 Still very warm, but a nice cool breeze. Feel a little better today. For breakfast we have soft bread and coffee with a little cold salt meat, sometimes fried ham. Today for dinner we had vegetable soup (preserved), fresh beef (boiled), bread and rice. Dinner today good enough. For supper soft bread and butter: a little cold fresh meat and tea.

23 A shower and heavy wind last night. A very pleasant day. Don't feel so well today. A great many mariners from the man of war ships are ashore today. They managed to find some whiskey somewhere and some of them got a little drunk. It does not appear much like Sunday. Sent a letter to Dr. Paul desiring to borrow a little money. I can now prove his philanthropy.

24 Quite cool today which makes it very pleasant. Went into the fort and put my name to another descriptive roll. Took some Rhubarb and calomel as I did not feel so well today. Eat bread and coffee for breakfast. Although nice ham and potatoes were served up, but I could not eat them. Eat no dinner.

25 A very pleasant day. Felt quite well. Good appetite. Had good meals. Slept in camp tonight rather than to change into the new ward. Nothing unusual occurred today.

26 Another fine day. Went back to the hospital and got my discharge and a good breakfast. Re'd two dollars from my brother Charles with a promise of more. A very heavy thunder shower with a heavy wind after dark.

27 Nothing unusual occurred today. I cooked for the mess. Got a letter from Dr. J. Marshall and from Belvidere with five dollars in it. Helped pull some ambulances from the wharf to the fort. Drilled a little while today.

28 Nothing unusual occurred today. Rain toward night.

29 Quite rainy this morning. Put all the fires out. Our messes were arranged differently today so I cooked again as I was first on the list. Got a little damp.

30 Quite cloudy and a little rain. Struck our tents and put them and our luggage on board of boats to be taken to Hampton for us. After breakfast marched into the Fort and after waiting about four hours received a Harper's Ferry musket apiece. But no ammunition. Then marched to Hampton. Got a little wet. Yet it was quite wet.

July, 1861

1 Another warm day but cloudy. A little rain last night but we got along quite comfortable. The 3rd Mass. volunteers came up today and took quarters in the empty houses Hampton contained before the war. 1800 people. Now all are gone but a very few people and niggers.

2 Very pleasant today. Was in Hampton yesterday, and through a part of the town. It looked dreary and desolate. Today our company stood guard and did boat service. A double duty. A wrong calculation somewhere. The Captain got tight. So did the 2nd Sergeant and made a row. Was put in the guard house. I was sentry part of the time. He was drunk and ugly. It took four or five to put and keep him in the guard house.

3 This afternoon struck tents and crossed over to Hampton. We first took up quarters with Company C. Then moved into the next house and took supper. In the evening we got a 1000 round of cartridge and moved near the outer edge of town into a fine, large two story white house. Plenty of wood and good chances to cook. A flag staff was also raised at night.

4 A very lovely day. Had a good nights rest. The day was ushered in by the ringing of the bells, firing of cannon, etc. The companies and Regiments had dress parades. There are now about 4000 troops in town. For dinner today we had string beans, new potatoes, cabbage, beets and corn with salt beef. The captain and 1st Lieut. drunk again. They with other 1 had a regular blow out. Whiskey here is cheap. Three or four companies were out scouting last night.

5 Another pleasant day. All the regiments in the vicinity of this place and the Fort were reviewed by C. L. Cameron, Sec. Of War, and Gen. Butler with other Hon. Gentlemen. Ten regiments. Our company went out scouting with others. I did not go as I am unwell.

6 A little cloudy today and a little rain. Am much pleased with our new quarters. Four rebel officers came into the picket guard yesterday afternoon with a flag of truce. I did not ascertain their business. Our arms were loaded Wednesday night and tonight we discharged them.

7 A very heavy rain and thunder this morning. Nothing unusual occurred today. A good deal of bustle in the camp. Rec'd a letter from A. C. Howell Friday and one today.

8 A very lovely day: very hot. At daylight went and got ½ barrel of new potatoes. Walked to the fort and got a box from A. C. Howell, Vienna, N. J., containing crackers, lineament, etc.

9 Another warm day. A little cooler than yesterday. Nothing unusual occurred today.

10 Another very lovely day. Quite warm. Nothing unusual occurred today.

11 Very pleasant day. Sent a long letter to my sister, H. L. Stinson, Hallowell, Me. Got my bayonet, scabbard, cartridge, & cap box. Went on drill tonight- -the first time for more than a week. A slight shower. The colored persons are engaged in digging entrenchments. About 60 men.

12 Nothing unusual occurred today. Matters go on as usual.

13 Very fine weather. Colored men keep coming into camp and are set to work on the entrenchments.

14 Very fine weather. No divine services that I know of. It did not appear much like Sunday. The officers had a grand dinner. Turkey, pigs, chickens, etc. The brass band of the German Turners (encamped the other side of the creek) were there and discoursed fine music.

15 Matters and affairs going as usual. Quite warm today.

16 A little cloudy with a little rain in the afternoon and night. The company took up their quarters in the old church (Episcopal ) to be on the look out. The afternoon the Capt & 6 men went out five miles to Gen. Lee's Brother's house. Brought in a nigger whose wife lives near our house- -and a lot of ham and bacon. Gen. Lee is in the rebel army.

17 Another pleasant day. Went to the fort and back. C. & D. Company went scouting last night within 1 mile of Big Bethel. Brought in sheep, fowl, and cattle. Had an alarm today. Maj. Whittimore had sent a party outside the picket to cover the woods. The picket or officer of the day did not know it, so about noon we all turned out and went out to see. We were ready for a fight.

18 Nothing unusual occurred today. A fine day. Our company and the rest of the Brigade were on picket guard today.

19 The diary entry was combined with the 20th.

20 It rained during the night and this morning. Warm and pleasant in the afternoon. Some of the officers of the Brigade (6 men) went out scouting last night. Got fired on. Three men killed and wounded. Captain Jenkens reported wounded and taken prisoner. About 11 o'clock two companies, A & B, went after the dead bodies. Found one. Major Rollins. He was not of the Brigade. Tracks of a carriage were seen where the rebels had taken one of the dead away. Two men of Co A were left behind as the company were ordered to look about in the woods for the other body. 8 men were sent after them, but Maj. Whittimore would not allow of further such although they were heard to give the signal. The two men came back last night. They went away with the Mass. S companies.

21 Yesterday quite rainy. Ten of each company were detailed to attend the funeral of the man shot by the rebels on Friday. I was one of the number. Coffin shrouded in the flag. The German Turners (N. Y. 20th) headed the escort. Arms reversed. Vollies fired, etc. Today inspection of arms in the morning: dress parade in the eve.

22 A fine day. Attended a prayer meeting led by one of our Brigade. Prayers and remarks by himself, myself, another soldier, and a colored man. Got a good many hard shake of the hand by the colored brothers. Quite pleasant today. Drill from 5 ½ o'clock to 7 ½ o'clock. In the eve from 6 ½ till sunset. Rainy in the eve.

23 Quite rainy all night and this morn. Drill from 8 till 10. In the eve from 5 ½ till sunset. The men got a lot of corn. Gen. Butler was in town today.

24 Diary entry combined with the 25th.

25 At eleven o'clock our company and company F started on an expedition to Back River. We took four large boats with one rifled cannon. Five launches and 100 men from the navy accompanied us with 5/2 lb. Howitzers. We were towed by the propellers Fanny & Adriatic. We also had 2 co's of the 10 Reg. N. Y. V. M. At the mouth of Back River a body of men fired on us but the gun of the Fanny dispersed them. We arrived there about five oclock. We rowed about till two o'clock in the morning; burnt about ten schooners and sloops. Took one schooner in tow. Near the shore we were fired on but the balls fell short. We arrived at the fort about day light. The night was cold and we suffered from cold as we had no blankets and very little to eat. At six o'clock we were taken up to Hampton in the steamer Fanny which took us to the fort yesterday.

26 Yesterday we were ordered to be ready to march at ten o'clock. But we remained ready all day. Got but little sleep. Another warm day. At noon I and 10 others had to go out a mile on picket duty. Nothing unusual occurred, although at nine o'clock all the picket was called in near to the town as it was rumored that an attack would be made. We staid inside the breastwork till one o'clock. Then we went out again. And extended the picket.


28 Another warm day. The picket guard got to the Fort about ten o'clock. I made out to find a few cakes of hard bread in our quarters before I left Hampton. When the town was evacuated last night, all the stores that were there were broke open and robbed or the property destroyed by our own soldiers, property of our own citizens. A shameful thing. When I got to the fort I went to the bakery and a friend gave me a loaf of warm bread. We then went to Camp at Camp Hamilton near the Chespeak Seminary and I had to cook, after coming off guard. We had no tents till Lieut. Miller of Dureyee's Reg., our drill master, complained to Gen. Butler. He came over and censured the Maj. (Whittimore) and placed Capt. Holliday in command & Liet. Noyes, Quartermaster, in place of J. O. Whittimore. We got our tents fixed about dark.

29 Yesterday another warm day. I had to go on guard again. 2 hrs on and six off. Got a little sleep in the night on the ground in the open air. Re'd. 5 dollars from H. C. Davis of Rockfort, N. J. Went into the fort. Saw two acquaintances from Hackettstown.

30 Another warm day. Had to move our tents three times. Nothing unusual going on today. Had a short company drill.

31 Today we had to move our tents to another ground a short distance off. It was night before we got settled. Our officers know but very little about their duty. We get humbugged more than any other regiment.

August, 1861

1 Another warm day, but a little rainy toward night. Went into the fort again today.

2 A very warm day. Stood guard today. It was very fatiguing in the hot sun. And instead of being relieved so as to only stand 8 hrs. I had to stand about 10 hours.

3 Another warm day. Sent a letter to my brother Thomas in Kentucky and one to the Belvidere Intelligencer, N.J. Saw La Mountain ascend in his balloon and was towed by a steamer near Sewall's point so that he could examine that point. He ascended about 1000 ft.

4 It still continues very hot. Had an inspection of arms and acoutrements this morning. Went to the Seminary to take dinner and supper to some men on guard. Dress parade in the evening.

5 Another very warm day. Cool nights and evenings. At ten o'clock the regiment mustered on the parade ground to answer to the pay roll. The paymaster was present. The articles of war were read to us last night and this evening.

6 Nothing unusual occurred today. Very warm.

7 Very pleasant today. I and another took the job of cooking for the company. I would not think of doing it but in this regiment there is no chance for a man to get promoted unless he lies, swears, cheats or steals. Then again I can cook quite well, and food well cooked is very necessary for soldiers.

8 Another fine day. Last night all hands were turned out, for the secessionists came into Hampton and set fire to all the houses. All were burned to the ground. An Episcopal, two Methodist, and one Baptist. They fired on the Dutch picket but killed no one. But we think the Dutch shot some.

9 Another fine day. 200 of our men went out on picket today. I had to boil meat for them last night. A steamer from Sewell's point came out with a flag of truce. The Adriatic went to meet her.

10 Another fine day. A fine thunder shower this afternoon. The balloon went up yesterday.

11 A very warm day. Nothing unusual occurred today. Another balloon ascension.

12 A pleasant but hot day. Nothing unusual occurred.

13 It rained and blowed hard this evening. The men began to growl at us about cooking, so I and my assistant stopped right off. No man can possibly please them. It is the worst company in the Union Coast Guard, I believe.

14 It rained most all night. It is very cool today.

15 Another pleasant day but a little cloudy. Nothing unusual occurred today.

16 Quite rainy today. 20 of our Co. and 20 of Co D went to Hampton to guard the 20 of the Mass. men in repairing the telegraph wires to Newport News. It rained a little all day. We had to humbug around some. We marched to the fort and waited awhile; then went to Hampton. Our Captain's mistake. As it rained we came back in the afternoon.

17 Very rainy in the afternoon. Yesterday we stopped at a widow woman's house. She gave us a dinner of boiled corn, bacon, corn bread, and potatoes. It went first rate, although we had provision with. Went to the fort and got a letter from Henry C. Davis, Mansfield, N. J. enclosing $5.00.

18 Another pleasant and hot day. Stood guard. Gen. Wool arrived at the fort yesterday.

19 It rained quite hard all day. Nothing unusual occurred today.

20 Another rainy day. Matters the same as usual.

21 A pleasant day but quite cool. Went and wrote some letters. Was some distance from the camp and getting deeply engaged. The hour for drill passed by. When I went in I was put into the guard house. It was very unfair, I think, as I never gave any cause of offence in that way or any other, while some others have repeatedly missed the drill and done worse things and they were let pass.

22 Another pleasant day. Was set to work with some others, but we did but very little although we had a guard.

23 Diary entry combined with the 24th.

24 A fine day. Our company was out on picket guard today. So by being put in the guard house I escaped that duty. Gen. Wool reviewed our regiment and the 20th (German Turners). I procured a piece of the bell of the Episcopal church of Hampton. It was about 200 years old, presented by Queen Elizabeth. The church was next to the oldest in America. The oldest is at Jamestown, Va. It stood through two wars. It is a great shame for the rebels to burn it. Was on guard today.

25 Another very pleasant day. Would have been glad if I could have heard some preaching. Wrote a letter to my brother Thomas in Kentucky. Nothing unusual occurred today. Only there are preparations going on for an expedition to some place.

26 I went on picket guard today with the company. My post was under a nice shady tree. Very comfortable. I and another man went outside the lines to a man's house and got a few apples. He gave them to us.

27 Another pleasant day. A little cloudy and appearance of rain, but no rain. Had to stand guard last night every two hours so that I did not get more than two hours sleep. Felt very unwell last night and all day today.

28 Our company went out on picket again today, but as I was unwell I did not go. Set for my photograph today in full uniform with my musket.

29 A little rainy today. Was on guard today at the bridge. My eyes are getting sore. Nothing unusual occurred today. My post was on the bridge leading to the fort.

30 Very warm today. A little shower during the day. Fished a little but had little luck. A false alarm about one o'clock.

31 Another fine day. Was on home guard again. Felt very unwell today so I had a supernumerary put on at night and got a good nights sleep.

September, 1861

1 Another very lovely day. Got along very well although I did not sleep any. Last night's sleep did me a great deal of good. I would like to hear some preaching today, but it is not possible.

2 My good luck favored me today so that I got clear of guard duty. We got paid today from May 28th to July 1st, $12.46. Many of the men got quite drunk on Lager Beer, etc. immediately. But the shops were soon shut up.

3 Had to go on picket guard today. A great number of the men were sick and managed to get off. We had the 3rd Division, quite pleasant posts. The mosquitoes were awful bad. When I was off post I could not sleep. If I covered up my head I would be smothered. If it was not covered the mosquitoes would eat me.

4 Quite warm today. The Mass. 16th relieved us and it was 11 o'clock before we got in. Did not do much or sleep any either.

5 A little cloudy today. Am on police duty. Sent a letter and two photographs to my sister, one letter and photograph to my brother in Ky., letter and photograph to A. F. Howell, Vienna, N. J. Also sent N. Y. Herald to Thomas.

6 Was on guard today at the hospital. It rained quite hard from 8 to 10 P. M. Nothing unusual occurred today. The streets and tents were changed today by order of Col. Wyman of the 16th Mass, Volunteers. The Germans had to change too. It made us all very angry.

7 Very unpleasant today. Considerable rain. Had nothing to do today. Our streets as well as the Germans were all fixed so nice. We all thought it very foolish to change them just for a little appearance.

8 A pleasant day. Had no meeting to go to. Would be very glad to go to a prayer meeting or hear some preaching. Our officers did not attend to the moving of our tents on Friday, so we had to move them again today and at last got them right. A little rain toward night.

9 Another fine day. Was detailed for the home guard. Was put in as acting corporal. Only had to post three reliefs. And had nothing else to do. Had a very easy time. Only had six posts.

10 Another very pleasant day. Yesterday had some more photographs taken: just the bust. My friends will think more of them than the money if I never return. As we are liable to be called on to the battlefield at any moment and life is so uncertain, I think it is useless to hoard up my money.

11 Slept a little today. Had another day of rest. Nothing unusual occurred.

12 Was detailed for picket guard today. It rained a little this morning. Had quite an easy time today. Everything quiet. A negro came in from near Fox Hill for protection.

13 Another warm day. My eyes are bad again with a bad headache. About dark we had orders to get ready for a march with 24 hrs. provision. As I was so unwell I did not get ready to go. But had to help cook some bacon for the men. I heard that they were going to Newport News.

14 A very warm day. The men did not go last night but slept on their arms.

15 One company of our corps (100 men) went into the fort this afternoon to take the place of some regulars who had been sent to Washington, D. C. I had to take the place of one of them on the home guard.

16 Another pleasant day. Nothing unusual occurred. A heavy rain this evening.

17 A heavy wind this evening. Matters go on as usual. About 60 recruits have just arrived. Felt very unwell today.

18 Felt very unwell today. Went to the Doctors. Very feverish last night. Caught cold. Tonsils swelled.

19 Another warm day. Went to the Doctors this morning.

20 It still continues warm and pleasant. Went to the Doctors again; am relieved of duty.

21 Another lovely day. Went to the Doctors. Some prospect of being paid.

22 A little rainy this forenoon. Could not go to the fort as I was unwell. Sore throat. A fine afternoon.

23 A pleasant day. Throat very sore. On the sick list: excused from duty.

24 Another pleasant day. Off the sick list.

25 A pleasant day. Went on guard. Was put as orderly for the Colonel. Had but little to do. Staid in my tent all night. The paymaster began to pay off this evening.

26 Another pleasant day. Got paid from July 1st to Sept. 1st $23.66. Sent a ten dollar treasury note to my sister by Adam's Ex. Went to the fort.

27 A very stormy day. A terrible easterly wind. I was afraid that it would blow the tents down but they stood it well. Two of my mess mates were drunk so I staid out of camp to be out of their noise.

28 A very pleasant day. Nothing unusual occurred.

29 Still very pleasant. Had to stand guard.

30 Another lovely day. Nothing unusual occurred.

October, 1861

1 Still very pleasant. Went to the fort. Re'd. a box from A. C. Howell, Vienna, N. J., containing 1 qt. Linement, 1 bottle of blackberry wine, some cigars, and cakes. Had a good time talking with some of my old friends.

2 Rather cloudy today and rainy in the evening. Wrote a number of letters.

3 It rained very hard most all night. The street was nearly flooded. One tent blew down and had to be fixed in the rain. Today it is very pleasant.

4 Very pleasant today. Went on guard again today. Got along quite well. Was on the post at the guard house. Had a number of prisoners, some very drunk and troublesome. But I got along very well with them.

5 Another lovely day. Had a good rest today. Nothing unusual occurred.

6 A lovely day. Got a chance to go to church at the fort. Went to the Episcopal church inside the fort. Heard a good sermon. "God be merciful to me a sinner." Also partook of the Lord's supper. This is the first time I have been to church since I left New Jersey.

7 Another quite pleasant day. Nothing unusual occurred today.

8 Quite cloudy and cool. Went to the fort again on business. Got back in time for drill. The Col. told us all to put on our overcoats with equipments outside, and to lie down as we were to be called at two o'clock in the morning.

9 Was turned out at two o'clock. Formed into a line: then in close columns: waited awhile and then were marched off to our tents, being cautioned to be ready to turn out at a moments notice. But we were not disturbed. Mounted guard again today. Quite sormy. Wind N. E.

10 Another cool disagreeable day. Only got my feet wet last night as I had an india rubber blanket & cap on.

11 Quite damp and disagreeable day. Sent a letter to Sellers of the Belvidere Intelligencer. Nothing unusual occurred.

12 Cloudy in the morning; toward noon it cleared off beautifully. Had to go on guard again today. Got along very well.

13 A very pleasant day. Quite cold last night. Got but little sleep last night. Slept quite a good deal today.

14 A very pleasant day: nothing unusual occurred today.

15 Was on guard today. A very pleasant time. Matters are as usual.

16 Very pleasant moonlight night last night. Got about three hours sleep. Very unpleasant today. Nothing unusual occurred today. Quite rainy toward night.

17 Another unpleasant day. Matters the same as usual.

18 Pleasant today. Was on police duty today. Had a great deal to do.

19 Mounted guard today. Quite rainy toward night. But it did not rain while I was on post. Was at the Colonel's tent; a good chance to sit down at night.

20 No rain but cloudy, wind N. E. Got no sleep last night, but little today.

21 Had a good nights sleep last night. Wind N. E.

22 Quite stormy today. Mounted guard today. Got along quite well.

23 Quite pleasant today. Matters the same as usual. A large fleet of steamers, war vessels, etc. in the harbor with troops for an expedition.

24 A little cloudy today. Wind N. E.

25 Mounted guard again. A pleasant day. Got word that one of my brothers was 1st mate of the propeller Matanzas, a store ship of the fleet.

26 Went to the fort today but could not get off to the vessel as the vessel was a great way out in the harbor. Gen. Wool reviewed the troops today. I staid at the fort all day. A pleasant day.

27 Went to the fort again but met with no better success in getting off to see my brother. A fine day.

28 Another pleasant day. Had a seven hour drill. It went quite hard but just what the men deserved as they have been so careless.

29 Very pleasant. The whole regiment went over to Hampton. One company gathered lumber, the others stood picket and went scouting. I was sent with another on a road through a woods. I went out in the woods a little ways and shot a pig. Others fired their guns so I tried mine.

30 Had another review by Gen. Wool & Brig. Gen. Mansfield. It was well done. The fleet sailed yesterday.

31 Today was mustered in again for pay. Mounted guard again. Our streets were trimmed with bushes and bonfires in the streets in the eve, and the Col. treated us to apples, raisins, nuts, and lager beer. Some of the men got a little tipsy. (Hallow eve)

November, 1861

1 Quite an unpleasant day. It blowed very hard.

2 It blowed still harder this morning. It is bad for the fleet.

3 On guard again today. Wanted to go to the fort but had to mount guarrd.

4 Nothing unusual occurred today.

5 Had to work with a fatigue party today, but got clear in the afternoon and got a ride to the fort and got a box that was sent to me by David Parks. It had three pair of nice stockings in it.

6 Another pleasant day. On guard again.

7 A pleasant day till about dark: a little rain.

8 Part of our company went to Hampton and got boards to build small houses for themselves. I and another man got an old ten plate stove. It will do well for us. We got a lot of good boards.

9 We went to work today and built a small house: we built it it right around the tent and got it all inclosed before night. It rained a little about dark, but our house did not leak any.

10 Had to mount guard again today. It seems to be my luck to be on guard on Sunday.

11 Another pleasant day. Went to Hampton and took a lot of crackers to a poor white women, 80 years old. I also bought ¼ lb. Green tea, ½ lb. Butter, 1 lb. Sugar and tobacco for her. She thanked me a thousand times and seemed very glad. Attended the funeral of one of the privates of our regiment.

12 Drilled about four hours today. A lovely day. Our house is very comfortable.

13 Another pleasant day. Detailed again to help level the color line, but got clear in the afternoon.

14 Rather unpleasant today: a little rain toward night. Was on guard again today. Got along very well. Rec'd a letter from my sister inclosing my brother George's little girl's likeness. It looks very nice. I have not seen her for most seven years and she is now most nine.

15 A little rain in the morning, but pleasant the rest of the day. Quite cold at night.

16 A pleasant day but quite cold. It makes us shiver a good deal. But I am very thankful for the nice little house that we have with the stove. We kept a fire all last night and slept very comfortable.

17 Quite cold this morning. We all turned out for inspection this morning with our new clothes and looked nice. We marched awhile and did well. After ten o'clock it was quite warm. Went to the fort to go to church, but went to the express office and found a box sent by W. L. Henry, Townsbury, N. J.

18 Another pleasant day but quite cool. Got a letter yesterday from Mr. Henry, but as it was not directed properly, it was advertised at the fort. The box contained ½ pk apples, pies, cake, jumbles, cheese, butter, honey, chestnuts, tea, new cider, 1 bottle 5 year old applejack from Nelson Vliet. The other articles were sent by my other friends.

19 Quite cold last night and this morning. Was on guard yesterday, but had the toothache so bad last night the officer of the guard let me off. I get it stopped about 12 o'clock.

20 A pleasant day. Nothing unusual occurred. I am getting along quite well.

21 Another pleasant day. Went to Hampton to help get some boards for lieut. Cawley. Did not get much. Staid there all day.

22 Another fine day. Went on guard. Got along first rate.

23 A pleasant day. It rained about three o'clock this morning. I happened to be at the Colonel's tent and Capt. Dyer, Ass't. Adjt. General, came for an orderly. I was detailed. I had enough to do. I had to go with orders to every camp twice, about ten. I had enough to do. Not very pleasant.

24 Another fine day. Inspection this morning. Our band came out this morning. They done well considering all things. I got rid of inspection. But as Gen'l Mansfield had been ordered to take command of Newport News, so I was not needed as orderly any longer. I was not sorry.

25 On guard today. Quite pleasant.

26 Quite cold last night. I left the guard house and went to my house. Thereby the guard was detained a few minutes at three o'clock. The officer put me on for four hours extra, and another. But I stood it well enough.

27 Another fine day. Went out to help get logs to build Lieut. Cawley a house. When I came in, the paymaster was paying the reg't. My company had been paid.

28 Another fine day. Was on guard today. Got my pay. Sent 5 dollars home.

29 Another fine day.

30 Another pleasant day. Nothing unusual occurred. I get along very well, but I would enjoy myself a great deal better if there were more sober and pious men in my company. There are but two or three in the company but will get drunk as often as they can.

December, 1861

1 A very pleasant morning but quite cool toward night and cloudy. Was on guard. Our inspection was prolonged quite a while. We had to march around the parade ground four times. We did not get on guard till eleven o'clock.

2 Cold and cloudy today. Heavy firing at Newport News for about two hours, commencing at day-break. The steamer Yorktown tried to get out of the James River but did not succeed. A little snow this evening. Very disagreeable. Our house is very comfortable. I pity those who are in tents.

3 Quite cold indeed this morning, but the sun shone warm. Wind, N. W.

4 Very pleasant today, but very cold last night. The coldest night yet. Ice made ¼ inch thick.

5 Very pleasant today. Not so cold last night. A southerly wind today.

6 A very lovely day indeed. I never saw such fine weather in December. On guard today. Sent $8.00 to Charles F. Clark, 32 Harrison Ave., Boston, Mass.

7 Still very fine weather. Nothing unusual today.

8 Still very nice weather. Had quite a battallion drill this morning before the inspection. Went to the fort after dinner but it was too late for church.

9 A most lovely day. On guard today. All the reg't turned out to the funeral services of the physician. They all had epulettes, and made a fine appearance with the band. A good many of the Germans went.

10 Another most lovely day. Matters the same as usual.

11 A very pleasant morning, but about noon it clouded up and blew quite hard. Went with a party to get logs to build a house for the Colonel.

12 Fair weather but very cold. Very cold last night. Was on police duty today. Nothing unusual occurred today.

13 Very pleasant today, but not so cold as yesterday. On guard again today. Sent another letter to C. F. Clark, 32 Harrison Ave., Boston.

14 A very pleasant day. Nothing unusual happened. Still have good health, indeed. Better than I ever had before, I believe.

15 A little cool but otherwise quite pleasant. Staid in camp all day.

16 Another pleasant day. Nothing unusual occurred. Matters remain quiet in this department.

17 Another lovely day. Was on guard again today. Had a good time.

18 Another lovely day. Most of our company went on picket guard. Had no drill today.

19 Still another pleasant day. Had no drill. Everything went nice.

20 On guard again today. Quite cold at night. Rec'd a box from my sister containing various articles. Grey woolen shirts, cap, comfort, etc.

21 Quite cold today. Had nothing today. Was very comfortable.

22 Diary entry combined with the 23rd.

23 Another pleasant day. The Germans (N. Y. 20) at Newport News went out on a scout and were attacked. The rest of the 20th who were here went out in the forenoon. Our regiment went to Hampton Bridge in the afternoon and waited for orders, but the rebels fled, so we had to come back. Quite cold today. Had to go on guard again today. Got along very well.

24 Quite cold today. When we were on battalion drill this afternoon, we saw the Germans go toward Hampton, so we started after them. We only got part way when we saw them coming back, as they had got a false alarm.

25 A very pleasant day. Quite warm. Nothing to do today. The first time I ever spent Christmas in such a way. It is not a very merry Christmas to me. I hope it will soon be different.

26 Quite cool today. Got a pass and went to the fort. Could ascertain nothing about the box that Miss Carhart of Belvidere, N. J., sent me about three weeks ago. I did not get back in time for drill. Was out on dress parade.

27 Went on guard again today. Quite cold today. McDougal of Hackettstown, N. J., now in the 10th reg't of N. Y. quartered in the fort. Came up to see me. He told me of a friend of mine in Belvidere, N. J. who was in the reg't of Cavalry. Harlan's, Penn. We went over and took dinner with him- -Doc Angle- - and I was extremely glad to see him.

28 A pleasant day but quite cold. Had nothing today. Wrote an order to Charles F. Clark, Boston, Mass. Also wrote a letter to Miss Sarah Crate, Hackettstown, N. J. and also sent a few sprigs of hollie to her.

29 Quite cool today. Went out for inspection and had to march around the large parade ground seven times without stopping. And then went to our quarters without inspection. It was so late that I did not go to the fort for church.

30 Quite cool today and windy. Did not drill much. Nothing of much account occurred today.

31 A very pleasant day indeed. Were mustered in today for another two months pay. I suppose we shall not get the money for three weeks.............I have seen a good many places and passed through a good many scenes the past year. I feel very grateful to a kind God who has so kindly preserved my unworthy life. I have not improved the time the past year as I ought to have. But one thing I have done which I hope will prove to be of good account. That is, I have offered my services to my country; if need be, my life. I did it through a sense of duty and devotion to my country. I did not enlist for honor or pay. I want to help sustain the honor and integrity of our glorious stars and stripes. I hope that I may do good and that my country may speedily be restored to its former state of peace and prosperity. If I am called into action, I hope to be able to do credit to my name and family, as well as to the honor of my country. Let what may happen, I wish to leave this my record at the end of the year. I feel that I belong to my country: that money or honor would not tempt me to undergo the privations of various kinds which a soldier has to undergo. I hope that at the close of another year I can look back (if I am allowed to live) with greater pleasure, and know that I have done something of some account.

January, 1862

1 A very pleasant day. Had nothing to do for all day. At daylight the band serenaded the Colonel playing Home Sweet Home, etc. A dull time for me. Last year at this time I was in Ohio teaching school; Now I am in the U. S. Army, Union Coast Guard at Camp Hamilton near Fort Monroe, Va. I hope I shall be able to do something for my country this year.

2 On guard today. Quite cold. Have word that we were all going toward Yorktown tonight.

3 Cloudy and quite cold today. At nine o'clock our reg't., 4 companies of the 20th N. Y., and 3 companies of cavalry, started for Big Bethel. The infantry held possession of the different roads, and the cavalry went on. Found Big Bethel deserted, but drew the guns of two masked batteries in the rear of the town. Having thus found out the position of the batteries, we all retuned to camp just after dark. We marched altogether about 20 miles. The roads sandy & dusty.

4 Quite cold and rainy.

5 Quite cold today. The Col. gave us a march of about five miles through the woods, etc. A part of the way on the double quick with our knapsacks. A little rainy toward night.

6 A cold disagreeable day. It rained some last night and froze as it fell. This morning the ground was covered with ice. Did nothing today. Got a box from Charles Clark, Boston.

7 A pleasant day but quite cold. Nothing unusual occurred.

8 A very fine day. On guard: Countersign Ohio. Cloudy and moderate in the night.

9 Moderate: rainy in the forenoon.

10 A little rainy this morning: pleasant the rest of the day. A part of Gen. Burnsides expedition has got in.

11 Another pleasant day. A few drops of rain. A part of Gen. Burnsides expedition arrived here today.

12 A warm and pleasant day, indeed: like spring. Gen. Burnsides expedition sailed again this morning. At our inspection this morning We marched around the field 7 times. Was on guard but did not get on till one o'clock. Countersign Lafayette.

13 The wind in the south yesterday. This morning about five o'clock it came around into the North. Quite cold and a little rainy. Co B went on the expedition yesterday, or started. Co. D has also gone.

14 Quite snowy and sleety last night. And very bad today with a little rain.

15 A little rain today. Went on guard. Countersign Oswego. It rained some today. A very disagreeable day. Not very cold.

16 A very pleasant day but awful muddy. The relief was divided last night so I only stood two hours in the night. Got a box sent by Miss Ella Carhart, Belvidere, N. J. It was started December 5, but as the freight was not paid, it remained in Philadelphia and the office there got afire, so that everything in the box was wet; the cakes, etc., spoilt, but the _______ etc. was all right.

17 Today it was quite pleasant. Nothing done today. The Colonel is away; to Washington, I expect.

18 A little foggy today. On guard. Had four reliefs. Countersign Warren. Had quite an easy time.

19 Quite a warm and pleasant day. Did not have any marching of the reg't; only a slight inspection. Had no chance to go to church. Colonel not home yet.

20 Very pleasant during the first part of the day. A heavy thunder shower in the evening with lightning.

21 Another unpleasant day. Cool and foggy. Went on picket guard to Hampton Bridge. Countersign Brandywine.

22 Another cool and foggy day. Got along very pleasantly on guard. Got home about ten o'clock. Did nothing all day in the way of drill. Got a box from Charles F. Clarke.

23 Cool and cloudy today. Snowed a little in the afternoon.

24 Cool and rain. It rained about all day. Had to cook our own dinner & supper for the weather was too bad for the cooks. But we did it better than it had been done for a long time.

25 Cool and cloudy. On guard today. Countersign Gates. Quite a pleasant day.

26 A very warm and pleasant day. The part of the reg't remaining here went on a scout to Back River. I went on guard again for another man as I wished to remain in camp, not knowing but what my brother, 1st mate of the steam transport Matanzas, might possibly come ashore to see me. He did not come. I expect the vessel did not remain in port long enough. The countersign was Morgan.

27 Quite moderate today and pleasant. Went and saw Lieut. Buttz of Belvidere, N. J., now in Harlan's Penn. Cavalry. Had a pleasant time.

28 A warm and pleasant day. Drilled some during the day. Had not much today. Got a letter from Belvidere, N. J. (Helen Sharp)

29 A very pleasant day. Went out after wood. John McMahan of Brooklyn, N. Y., but now in the company shot Michael Dolen of the same place. Done in cold blood on account of some old grudge. He was buried this afternoon. I was one of the escort. The murderer made no effort to escape. He had been on guard and just came off post.

30 Cloudy and rainy. On guard. Countersign Lincoln. The dead body was disinterred and sent home today by some of the 10th reg't in the fort.

31 A tolerable pleasant day. Drilled in the afternoon a little while.

February, 1862

1 Quite rainy and disagreeable today. Did not do anything today.

2 Quite a pleasant day. A little cool. Looks like snow. On guard again. Countersign Crown Point.

3 Began to snow at about 7 o'clock A. M. Wind N. E.

4 A very pleasant and warm day. At least the paymaster has commenced to pay off. I got paid today.

5 Another lovely and warm day. Was on police today. Had quite an easy time.

6 Quite cloudy and rainy today. Had nothing to do today.

7 Quite pleasant today. On guard again today. Countersign Mansfield.

8 Quite rainy today. Nothing unusual occurred.

9 No rain but cloudy. Did nothing today. Very nice and warm toward night. Two contraband negro women came in today.

10 Quite cold last night and this morning. It got quite moderate by noon. On picket guard. Countersign Italy. Did not have any post till night; then went over in Hampton on a double post. No. 2 outside the breastwork. Quite a dangerous one, but heard nothing.

11 An old Negro, six large boys, two women and a baby came in today. The woman that had the child had been severely whipped by her master and three others: then she left. Her back was all cut to pieces. Today very pleasant. Went to the camp of the Mass. 16 reg't to a class meeting. The first I have been to since I left New Jersey. Had a very good time.

12 Another warm and lovely day. The blue birds are about singing merrily.

13 Another warm and lovely day. Drilled a little. Gen. Burnside had captured Roanoke island.

14 Very warm and nice till one o'clock; then it began to blow and rain and continued stormy the rest of the day. On guard again. Countersign Cairo.

15 Very stormy all day. Nothing new.

16 A little more pleasant today. A little snow last night. A bad night last night.

17 It rained most all day; very hard. On guard again. Countersign North. I had a good place to stay so I was out of the storm and my post was taken off at night.

18 Quite pleasant today. Went to the fort. Fort Donnelson on the Cumberland River, Tenn., was captured last Sunday with 15,000 prisoners. After hard fighting.

19 Quite rainy today. Nothing new.

20 Pleasant today. On guard. My post was taken off at nine o'clock so I had a good nights sleep.

21 A warm and pleasant day. Nothing to do. Went and saw G. C. Angle of the Penn. cavalry.

22 Very rainy most all day but moderate. On picket guard. The outer one. Countersign Cumberland. Was in the grave yard of the old Episcopal church. Saw the grave of John Goodwin, born in Ramsgate, England. Also saw the grave of a man buried in 1781, aged 128 years.

23 Moderate and cloudy. Did nothing today.

24 Pleasant but very windy. On police duty. Got a box of articles ready to send to D. V. Crate, Hackettstown, N. J. It contained two bricks from the old Episcopal church at Hampton, Va. Also two or three pieces of china ware, a marble urn, some shells, etc.

25 Had nothing to do today but drill a little. A very pleasant day.

26 On guard today. Quite pleasant till nine o'clock P. M. Then it began to rain and rained most all night. I did not suffer any. Countersign Benton.

27 Very pleasant. Drilled some in the afternoon. Got a letter from Wm. T. Henry and daughter. Called on G. C. Angle and the other Belvidere boys in the Penn. Cavalry camp.

28 Quite pleasant but a little cool. Mustered in again today for another two months pay.

March, 1862

1 Very cold last night and this morning. Otherwise quite pleasant.

2 Rather unpleasant today. Some rain. On guard today. Countersign Roanoke. Some rain during the night.

3 Quite rainy today. Heard some very heavy guns from the vicinity off Craney Island. It made the earth tremble here.

4 The company went on picket guard today. As my back was rather lame, I went on the sick list. Quite a pleasant day.

5 Another pleasant day. On the sick list.

6 Very nice and warm till noon; then clouded up and snowed quite hard part of the night. Wind North. On guard. Countersign Jackson. Rec'd a box from Ella & Len Carhart & others, Belvidere, N. J.

7 Quite pleasant but a little cool and quite windy. Had nothing to do for the day.

March, 1862

8 A very pleasant day. Did some washing. At about three o'clock the reg't started for Newport News, arriving there about dark. The iron clad steamer Merrimac had come down from Norfolk, sunk the sloop of war Cumberland, fired a number of shots at the Congress. She surrendered and at night was set on fire. Both vessels were lying at Newport News. We stacked our arms and slept in the open air. About midnight the magazine on the Congress blew up with a terrific noise.

9 A lovely day today. (Sunday) This forenoon witnessed the naval battle between the rebel steamer Merrimac and the U. S. iron clad steamer Monitor and Minnesota. After 4 hours fighting the rebels retreated. In the afternoon we the 20th N. Y. and other marched out to meet a land force, but they did not come. Slept outdoors tonight.

10 A pleasant day but did nothing. The men fixed up little shanties.

11 A pleasant day. The Colonel put me in charge of a house and two men as a guard.

12 Another pleasant day. In the same place. Nothing new. About 200 men lost on our ships. The capt. and some 15 men were killed on board the Merrimac.

13 Quite a pleasant day. Things the same.

14 A little stormy today.

15 Another stormy day.

16 Pleasant today. Came back to Camp Hamilton. Was glad enough to get back.

17 Another lovely day. Had nothing to do. Everything is quiet.

18 Another fine day. Drilled from 6 to 7 and 10 to 12 A. M. Had a battallion drill from 3 to 5 P.M. We need it bad enough.

March, 1862

19 Another pleasant day. Another Battallion drill. A large number of troops got here today. The 3rd Maine is coming. Quite rainy tonight. The chaplain held a social meeting this evening. I enjoyed it much.

20 Quite stormy today. Quite a good many troops landed today. They all had the blanket tents. Each man carries half of one. They do well on a march in warm weather. Half the 3rd M C reg't arrived today. On guard. Countersign St. Lawrence.

21 Quite pleasant but a little rain in the eve. The company my brother is in arrived this afternoon. I had begun to think they had got lost. I had my brother, Hannibal Johnson, & Charles Gardiner, old schoolmates, stay all night with me. I got a good supper for them.

22 A pleasant day. Got a good breakfast for my friends. Was over to see them again. This afternoon saw my old school mate Gorham Johnson. He is captain of a company. Saw a number of other school mates.

23 Another pleasant day. Another lot of steamers and steamboats loaded with troops have arrived. My brother and cousin George Hubbard with two others came over to see me.

24 A tolerable pleasant day. Had drill as usual. The troops are already advancing, and others continue to come. This eve called on Rev. Mr. Whittaker of Belvidere, N. J. He is chaplain to the Harlan's Penn. Cavalry. Had a pleasant interview.

25 Quite a pleasant day. On guard. Countersign Huron. Had quite a good time of it. Quite busy times. Troops are taken right up to Hampton and landed. A large lot of canal boats are here loaded with wagons.

26 Not quite so pleasant today. A little cool with a little snow toward night. Gen Wool and staff reviewed all the troops in his division today. I should think the line two miles long; about 6000 cavalry and infantry. Attended a prayer meeting in this camp in the eve.

27 A very pleasant day. A great deal of business going on in the vicinity. Unloading transports, etc. Had some drill in skirmishing today.

28 A very pleasant day. Had a pass to go to Hampton to see my brother. Saw him and had very pleasant time. Witnessed a brigade drill and saw four regiments on dress parade. Another large lot of troops arrived today. Most of them were landed at Hampton.

29 Quite a pleasant day. Had to police the streets. Did not have a great deal to do.

30 Rather stormy today. Was on guard today. Countersign Cumberland. My brother Edwin came over and staid all night with me.

31 A very pleasant day. Exchanged our old muskets for the long Enfield rifles. Got another two months pay today. Sent an allottment ticket of $12.00 to my sister Mrs. G. G. Stinson, No. 79, payable in N. Y.

April, 1862

1 A pleasant day. I should have put down that I sent the allotment ticket to my sister today, as I did sent it this afternoon.

2 Another pleasant day. More troops arrived. Nothing else new. Gen. McClellan is here.

3 Another pleasant day. The troops around Hampton broke camp and advanced today toward Yorktown. There were other troops ahead at and beyond Big Bethel.

4 The troops around Hampton advanced today instead of yesterday.

5 Pleasant day. A little rain last night. Heard heavy cannonading from Yorktown all day. It was from our gunboats engaging the enemies batteries.

6 A lovely day. A little rain last night. Heard more cannonading today. Had a short sermon from our chaplain today, on the parade ground. And prayer meeting in the evening.

7 Rather cool and cloudy today. Drilled considerable. Nothing else of importance occurred. Rained in the afternoon and evening.

8 Quite rainy part of the day. On guard. I have been off eight days. I have not been off so long since sometime last fall when I had a sore throat. Countersign Galena.

9 Quite rainy today. Most of the company on picket. Had a quiet time in camp.

10 A little rain and snow this morning but the day turned out quite lovely. Today I am 29 years old. It does not appear to me that I am so old. Time flies swiftly.

11 A lovely day. The Merrimac and several other rebel gunboats were in sight all day. Sometimes quite near; in the Roads. One of their steamers captured two or three small schooners that lay near Newport News. A few shots were fired from each side, when they retired. The Roads were full of schooners (transports) in the morning, but they got outside in a hurry.

12 Another lovely day. The rebel boats in sight all day, but not so near; off by Crany Island. We did not know but what they would fire some shells into the camp. So we packed up our knapsacks so as to be ready.

13 Another lovely day. Nothing unusual occurred today. No signs of the Merrimac and her consorts.

14 Another pleasant day. Had quite a long drill. Everything quiet in this vicinity.

15 Still another pleasant day. We get six hours drill per day. It is quite wearisome as there is so much sameness about it.

16 Very nice weather. Drilled in the forenoon. About 11o'clock suddenly felt quite sick. Got excused from afternoon drill. Took some pills at bed time.

17 Fine weather. Physic made me feel weak today. Got the captain to excuse me. At dress parade we had orders to have our breakfast at four o'clock tomorrow morning, knapsacks packed, to be ready for marching at 4 ½ o'clock. I think it is a knapsack drill.

18 Had breakfast early. Got on the march at about five o'clock A. M. Went out ½ mile beyond New Market bridge. The Col., Maj., & Adj. had horses, but about a mile from Hampton we halted. The horses were at loose to get a little grass. The col. could not get his and had to walk the rest of the way - - or seven miles. We were all glad of it.

19 Very pleasant today till about 3 P. M. when it began to rain a little. On guard. Countersign Santa Cruz.

20 Rather cool and rainy. Considerable rain last night.

21 A pleasant day. Nothing unusual occurred today.

22 Another pleasant day. Had to drill.

23 Went on picket. Very pleasant till nine o'clock P. M. Then it blew up quite cool. Heard considerable heavy firing from Yorktown. Only had to stand 3 hours. Countersign Springfield.

24 A very pleasant day.

25 Had to drill. Pleasant day.

26 Quite rainy and cool.

27 Still quite rainy and cool.

28 Cool and stormy.

29 Pleasant.

30 Mustered in for another two months pay. On guard.

May, 1862

1 Quite pleasant.

2 A fine day. Had no drill. Regiment went on picket.

3 Quite pleasant and warm. On guard. Countersign Newport.

4 Still rather rainy.

5 Not very pleasant today.

6 Pleasant day. Matters as usual. Everything packed up ready to march.

7 Another pleasant day. Did nothing today.

8 Made a start today. Got part way to the fort and came back to take all we had. After a great many halts got to the fort, and about dark embarked on board a canal propeller and canal schooner. Staid on board all night. Came back to camp the next morning.

9 Fine day. Was detailed for guard. The brigade left for Norfolk this evening. The guard was left behind. Felt quite sleepy and unwell. Norfolk is reported as evacuated.

10 Another fine day. The troops did not get landed on the other side at Willoughly's point till early this morning. Last Wednesday the President reviewed our brigade.

11 A very fine day. The wounded from West Point and Williamsburg began to come into the hospital which is adjacent to our quarters. I assisted all day in attending the wounded.

12 More wounded came in. 250 in all. Worked all day very hard in attending the wounded. Was glad of the opportunity to assist my brother soldiers who were wounded. It was a sad sight; some had lost their eyes, arms, legs, etc. Some through the groin and hip.

13 A fine day. Went to the fort with all our baggage, put it on board a steamboat after dark. There were about 30 wounded secesh prisoners brought into that hospital.

14 Diary entry combined with the 15th.

15 A little rain today. Got to Norfolk at about six o'clock A.M. Went about the city and sold some old N. Y. Heralds for secesh money. Towards noon went out to the camp at the intrenchments. Carried the flag through the streets. One lady from a window waved her handkerchief. At another place on a stoop a woman veiled her face and turned her back to us. After we got to the intrenchments, two miles off, had to come back to the fairgrounds, ½ mile from the city in another direction.

16 Rainy today. Some got their tents up, but there were plenty of secesh barracks, first rate ones, so some of us staid in them. Detailed for guard. Countersign Washington.

17 A little pleasanter today. Toward night took a walk and got some roses. Very pretty.

18 A very fine day. Broke camp and went back to the intrenchments.

19 A fine day. A heavy shower toward night.

20 Another pleasant day. All day fixing our tent. Got a letter from my brother near Richmond.

21 A very fine day. Still continue to fix the tent. Nothing unusual occurred.

22 Another pleasant day in the forenoon. Rained all the afternoon. On guard. Countersign Florida.

23 Quite rainy today. Matters all quiet along the lines.

24 Pleasant day. Matters as usual.

25 On guard today. Picket. Countersign Suffolk. Had a nice lot of strawberries.

26 Rainy today.

27 Pleasant in the afternoon. Went into the city. A free Negro from Baltimore shot Corporal Hogan of Co. C. In the evening a lot of the men went down and maltreated every nigger they met. A number killed and wounded.

28 Very pleasant in the forenoon but rainy in the afternoon. On picket guard. Countersign Cairo. One year ago this morning left New York.

29 Pleasant but hot. Nothing new. One year ago this morning arrived and anchored off Fort Monroe.

30 Pleasant till about five o'clock. One year ago today landed at Fort Monroe. At five o'clock this eve a thunder storm set in. On picket.

31 After six o'clock A. M. hot and pleasant. The thunder storm continued all night. I never saw such a severe one. It seemed like one continued flash and peal.

June, 1862

1 A very pleasant but hot day. On home guard. Countersign Roanoke.

2 Still pleasant but hot. Nothing new.

3 Very pleasant but hot. On home guard. Countersign Madison.

4 Very rainy. Sent A. C. Howel, Vienna, Warren Co., New Jersey, a five dollar U. S. Treasury note, payable in New York City. No. 54307, Series 22, Letter C, Issued Mch 10th, 62. J. D. Potter saw me inclose the bill and give it to the post master.

5 On guard today. Countersign Clay. Cloudy but no rain. A very comfortable day.

6 Rainy weather today. Nothing new. Good news from McClellan's army; they whipped the rebels. A good many lost on both sides. It is also reported that Bureaugard's army is scattered.

7 Very pleasant till evening when we had a thunder storm. On guard again today. Countersign Jackson.

8 A very pleasant day. Nothing unusual happened. Happened to let a man go past without examining his pass very particularly, so the officer of the day put me in the guard house as he happened to see me. It is a shame to any Colonel to have such a place to keep human beings. A magazine 12 X 4 ft., ten or twelve crowded into it, and no good ventilation.

9 Rainy today. On guard at the upper end of the Breastworks. Countersign Vicksburg.

10 A pleasant day. Nothing unusual happened. Have a slight attack of diarrhea.

11 A pleasant day. Had a pleasant time on picket. Countersign Macon.

12 A pleasant day. Nothing unusual happened.

13 On guard. Showery. All quiet.

14 A pleasant day. All quiet. Nothing unusual.

15 A very warm day. Toward night the wind came out of the Northward suddenly and fiercely, and began to rain.

16 On guard again. Quite cool and very pleasant. Had orders in the afternoon to carry our rifle to a support or shoulder, which is not in the rules and regulations. So I disobeyed and carried it at a right shoulder. The officer took of post at 3 ½ o'clock, put me in the guard house till nine o'clock P. M. Then I was to go on post, but I told him I was sick so I went to my quarters.

17 Warm and pleasant. Matters as usual.

18 A very warm day. Showers toward night. Last Monday a negro was caught going out with letters to Richmond. He had had a market pass but lost it.

19 Quite pleasant today. Nothing today. Matters as usual. A heavy shower in the afternoon.

20 A very pleasant day. On guard. No countersign. Camp was moved today to a point of land near the fair ground. Had to take our knapsacks with us.

21 Very pleasant last night. Very warm today. Had a long march into camp. Very hard job to carry our knapsacks. As soon as we got in went to work to fix our tent in good order.

22 A very warm and pleasant day. Nothing unusual.

23 On guard again on the breastwork. Hospital station. A good time. A shower in the afternoon.

24 Cloudy and cool. A heavy shower this morning. Thunder and lightning all night, but not much rain. A shower this evening. Heavy one.

25 Thunder and lightning most all night. Cool and pleasant this morning. Sent eight dollars to Mr. A. C. Howell, Vienna, Warren Co., N. Y.

26 A pleasant day but quite warm. Nothing to do. Matters as usual.

27 Very warm day. On home guard. Got along quite well. Countersign West Point.

28 Cloudy but very pleasant. Matters as usual.

29 Inspection this morning at six o'clock A. M. Had a little march. Had some heavy rain. Went and got some wild plums.

30 Very warm today; a slight shower. On home guard. Countersign New Madrid.

July, 1862

1 Pleasant today. Matters as usual.

2 Quite rainy today. Nothing new. Went to town. Saw nothing unusual.

3 Quite rainy today. On picket guard. Acted as corporal. Everything quiet.

4 Cloudy today but no rain. Nothing new in the camp. Everything quiet. I trust that another Anniversary will see everything quiet and prosperous.

5 A very pleasant day: rather warm. Was made corporal today. I don't expect it will last long, for I am not rough and profane enough to suit some of the officers.

6 A very pleasant day. Did not get a chance to hear preaching. Nothing unusual occurred.

7 Pleasant day. Very hot. Not but a very little wind stirring. Felt very unwell. Headache, caught cold. Very warm last night.

8 Warm today, but a pleasant breeze. Felt quite unwell. Detailed for guard. Was in charge of 9 men at the south end of the breastwork.

9 Was very feverish all night. Came into camp early: got a ride. Felt tolerable comfortable today. Very warm, but a fine breeze.

10 Another pleasant day. A heavy shower in the evening. Had a chill all the evening, then a fever.

11 Had no rest at all last night; was very sick. Feel a little better today. Quite warm today. A pleasant breeze.

12 Another pleasant day. Quite warm. Feel quite well; went out on dress parade. The chill came on about nine o'clock. I was quite sick.

13 A pleasant day. Did not go out on inspection. Felt quite unwell. Had a hard night of it. Quite warm today. Took some pills.

14 Pleasant day. Quite warm. Feel a little better. Took large doses of quinine to keep off the chill tonight, but it did no good.

15 Another fine day. Pleasant breeze. Felt bad all day. Still take quinine.

16 Another fine day. Quite warm. A tremendous heavy thunder shower last night. For a long time it was one continuous peal of heavy thunder and flash of lightning. Feel quiet well.

17 Quite pleasant today. My chill is broke for I had none last night. I am so glad to get over it so soon.

18 A damp disagreeable day. Some rain. Was corporal of the home guard. Got along first rate.

19 A pleasant day but cloudy. I and another fellow went and got some blackberries. After we eat all we wanted and picked our dishes ful, we hid them and took a walk. We saw two churches and two old school houses. And a few dwelling houses. Very common ones.

20 A very pleasant day but a little cloudy. Had no inspection and was glad of it.

21 A very pleasant day. Had a slight shower. Nothing unusual occurred.

22 A pleasant day. Quite warm. Went and got some blackberries and some apples. The Colonel passed me out.

23 On guard today. Cloudy. Some rain in the evening. As all passed were stopped, had to pass a good many out.

24 Quite pleasant today. Had considerable sleep today. Nothing unusual occurred today.

25 Very pleasant today. After dress parade, had a march in line of battle and a charge at double quick.

26 A hot day. Took our tents down and the floor up and cleaned all about it. Nothing else unusual occurred.

27 Another hot day, but a pleasant breeze. On picket guard at the hospital. It was night while asleep a lot of cats got in the house and got a fighting. Waked us all up. We did not know what was the matter at first.

28 A hot day. Came off guard. Had nothing to do today. Matters as usual.

29 Quite hot, but a fine breeze. Got a pass and went to Newport News but did not get started till 3 o'clock from Norfolk. Arrived at Newport News at six. Went up to see Lieut. Lawrence of the 9th N. J. but he was not there; he is still at Newbern. I staid all night with Wm. Hawkins.

30 A pleasant day. Cloudy part of the time. Slept on the feather bed first rate. Had a fine supper and breakfast. Left Newport News at 8; arrived at Fort Monroe at 9 o'clock. Went into the fort, then over to Camp Hamilton. There are about 30 hospitals there. Did not look natural there. Took dinner with Co. H., 99 N. J. V. Left the fort at five, arriving at Norfolk at little past six. Got to camp all safe.

31 A pleasant day. Cloudy. Rain toward evening.

August, 1862

1 On home guard today. Had a pleasant time. Nothing unusual occurred. Countersign Savannah.

2 A pleasant day. A little rain toward night. Went and got some blackberries. (I made a mistake; there was no rain.)

3 Pleasant till toward night: then some rain. Had a company inspection. Made a visit on Mr. Hilliard, a union man from N. Jersey; had a good time.

4 A pleasant day. Quite hot. A heavy shower toward night.

5 A pleasant day. On guard. Nothing to do till night. Then I had three men to keep guard on the road. Countersign Winchester.

6 A hot day. The long roll beat last night. All turned out and got most to the plank road when the alarm was found to be false. Very warm today. The regiment got in line in four minutes after the long roll beat.

7 Another warm day. Expected trouble in the city this night. At dress parade the Colonel gave us a short drill in street fighting.

8 A very pleasant day. Nothing occurred last night. Went and got some blackberries today.

9 Did not feel well today. Matters go on as usual.

10 On guard. Countersign Lexington. A great many men were allowed to pass out. A heavy shower in the evening.

11 A pleasant day. Very warm. Cooked for the tailor today. A heavy shower toward night.

12 Another very warm day. Took dinner to those men who were out on picket from my tent. I had to do it or they would have gone without dinner. Got wet coming in.

13 A very pleasant day. Was detailed for picket. Guard was mounted at dark. Countersign Trenton.

14 Got along well last night. Slept most of the time. Quite warm today. Got back to camp about ten o'clock.

15 A very pleasant day, yet we had a little rain toward night. The paymaster got along today, after expecting him for a long time. Got all my money; took no allotment ticket.

16 Quite cool today. A great many of the men ran past the guard and went to the city. Detailed for guard. Felt unwell. Symptoms of chill and fever. Countersign New Orleans.

17 Cool today and pleasant. Went to the doctors. He sent me to my quarters.

18 A pleasant and cool day. Had a hard fever. Felt very bad. Head felt very strange. Felt a good deal sick to my stomach.

19 Felt a little better. No fever.

20 Improving a little. No appetite. Pleasant day. Our Lt. Col. Halliday died this morning at five o'clock.

21 Quite well today. The Lt. Col. was buried today with great pomp. He was a free mason. A great many officers were present. Went on guard this night at the gate, although I am not off the doctors list.

22 A pleasant day. Felt quite well. Countersign last night was Beaufort.

23 A cool day. A little rain. Nothing unusual occurred.

24 A cool and rainy day. Matters as usual.

25 A little rain and cool. Was detailed for guard. Countersign Mexico. Had a good nights rest till four o'clock the next morning.

26 A very pleasant day. Rather warm. Matters as usual. Got off guard this eve.

27 A tolerable pleasant day. Nice & cool. Cooked today.

28 Cloudy; a little rain toward night. Detailed again for guard. Two corporals that were detailed were drunk. Countersign Monterey.

29 Pleasant. Quite warm. Nothing unusual occurred.

30 Very cool in the morning. Matters as usual. A little cloudy. Detailed for guard. Countersign Baltimore. Got the gate guard.

31 A pleasant day. Cooked for one of my mess. Mustered in again for another two months pay. I suppose it will be a month before we get it.

September, 1862

1 A pleasant day. A shower towards night. Blowed quite hard in the night and rained.

2 A fine day but very cool indeed in the morning. Detailed for guard. Got the first relief from 6 to 10 P. M. Had 8 hours to sleep. Countersign Monitor. Got along very well.

3 A very fine day indeed, but quite cool this morning and last night. On duty all day.

4 Very cool last night and this morning, but warm during the day. Hear bad rumors about our army before Washington, and my heart aches, and I tremble for my dear country. If the south gain their independence, I don't care about living.

5 A pleasant day. Cool nights and mornings. Detailed for guard. Got the gate. I was to go on picket, but changed with Neville. Worse news today. I am so impatient and angry at the way things are managed. With so much money and so many men at command, it is shameful to think that the south are not conquered long before this.

6 A very pleasant day. Got along firstrate last night. Countersign Charleston. About noon got very feverish. It lasted 4 hours and then I began to perspire.

7 A very pleasant day. Got pills last night from the Doctor. Had a fever about noon which lasted a short time. The steward, Mr. Smith, said that I had better come into the hospital which I did in the evening.

8 Another fine day. Took pills last night. Had a slight chill & fever.

9 A fine day. Another chill today. Showery toward night.

10 Quite pleasant today. A little rain. Had a chill as usual.

11 Rainy today. Another chill which makes me feel badly.

12 Still rainy. Another chill; a slight one.

13 A little rain. A chill.

14 A fine day. A slight chill.

15 A very pleasant day. Quite warm. Had no chill. Felt quite well.

16 Another beautiful day. Had no chill today. We have another physician. He is assistant. Saw him today.

17 Another pleasant day. Feel better, although I am weak. The new Doctor does not think best to give much medicine. So I am not taking any.

18 A pleasant day. By my own request I was discharged from the hospital. Nothing new. Only good news from McClellan's army.

19 Moved our tents this forenoon, nearer the point. I had to help and it was a hard job for me. Got permission and went down the creek to Mr. Hilliards, who came here from New Jersey a few years ago. He and his wife are nice people. Staid all night.

20 Rained last night. Some rain today. Went to a secesh house and bought some nice large pears, as big as my two fists. They grow on dwarf trees. He had a great lot of them.

21 A little rainy today. A very dull day to me. Had nothing to read. (Sunday)

22 A pleasant day. Had a slight chill.

23 A fine day. Went on guard. Yet I did not feel well. But I got along very well. Countersign Lexington.

24 A pleasant day. Took the chills about 12 o'clock M. Had a bad time of it all night. Had a shower toward evening and rained considerable during the night.

25 A pleasant day. Felt quite unwell.

26 Everything the same today as usual.

27 Nothing new. A little rainy this evening.

28 A little rainy this morning. Inspection this afternoon. Feel very weak.

29 A pleasant day. Got permission from the captain & Colonel to go to Mr. Hilliard's down Tanners Creek two miles, and stay a week. But his daughter came home with her husband and took their spare room. But I staid there this night.

30 This forenoon went to Sergeant Dix's place up the creek a little ways. He has charge of the Creek Patrol. By his invitation I took up my quarters with him for a week.

October, 1862

1 No diary entry.





6 A fine day. Went to the city and then came to the camp. Had a fine time with Sergeant Dix. Pleasant weather all the time. Made myself useful as possible. My health improved a good deal. Rec'd a box from H. C. Davis, Rockport, N. J. Some nice butter, etc.

7 A very lovely day. On home guard. Countersign Rome. Got along very well. Yet did not feel very well. A slight diarrhea.

8 A very pleasant day. Don't feel very well.

9 Another fine day. Feel a little better.

10 Pleasant weather. Feel very poorly. Had a good appetite yesterday and I expect I eat a little hearty. A little rain toward night.

11 Quite rainy after part of the day. On guard. Got along quite well. Wind N. E. commenced with a thunder shower. Countersign London.

12 A cold rainy N. E. storm all day. Got along tolerable well.

13 Still rainy and disagreeable. Nothing new.

14 A little more pleasant today, yet wind continues N. E. and a little damp.

15 Quite a good deal more pleasant. Wind still N. E. but no rain. On home guard. Got along well. Countersign Suffolk.

16 A pleasant day. Nothing to do and nothing new.

17 Another pleasant day. Matters as usual.

18 Nothing unusual today. Pleasant weather.

19 We have very cold nights. A very pleasant day. Countersign Antietam. Heard the Norfolk church bells ring. I thought of home, how glad I would have been to be there to church a little while.

20 Got along well on guard last night. A fine day. Matters as usual.

21 Another pleasant day. Got a pass and went to the city. Found nothing there to interest me much. Got a good dinner; that was all of any account.

22 Another beautiful day. Nothing to do. Time passes slowly.

23 Still very pleasant. A little windy. On guard. Had charge of three men out on the road. Countersign Manassas.

24 Quite cold last night. But I had a shelter, a fire, and a plenty of blankets so I got along well. Another lovely day.

25 Quite a pleasant day. Was busy writing letters and copying an acct. of a few articles I had sold. About nine o'clock P.M. Co C & D began to pack up for a march. They started about 1 o'clock for Deep Creek, 8 miles from Norfolk.

26 Quite a rainy & disagreeable day. Had to go on guard. At dark the rest of the regiment started for Deep Creek. It was very muddy in some places, but most of the way the sand was a foot deep. It rained frequently for a few minutes at a time. I put my rubber blanket over my shoulders, knapsack, etc. so all my body part was kept dry. Had a heavy march and a hard time, but got along quite well.

27 A little pleasanter today. Arrived at Deep Creek at about 12 o'clock last night. Got quarters in a stable. Slept in my wet pants and socks.

28 A very fine day. To accommodate the 1st Sergt I went on picket guard as Sergt. Only had a corp. & 6 men, and went about ½ mile. Got along firstrate.

29 Another lovely day. Everything quiet. This place, Deep Creek, contains 50 or 75 houses. Mostly old ones. A store, grist mill, blacksmith shop, etc.

30 Another fine day.

31 Still continues very pleasant. Nothing new. Was mustered in again for another two months pay. I hope that we will get it soon.

November, 1862

1 Still very pleasant.

2 Another lovely day. Had inspection and a march with knapsack of about two miles. Went on picket at the two bridges. Had a fine time. A plenty of sweet potatoes and persimmons.

3 It still continues very pleasant. Countersign last night was Seven Pines. Everything quiet.

4 Another lovely day. Everything quiet.

5 Still very pleasant. Took dinner to two men from my tent who were on picket. Got a fine lot of persimmons.

6 Quite cool today. Some appearance of a storm.

7 Quite stormy today. Quite a snow storm last night. The ground was all covered this morning, but it soon disappeared. Some rain today. On guard today. Home guard. Countersign Highland.

8 Not very pleasant today. A little rain.

9 Very pleasant and warm today. Matters as usual.

10 Another fine day.

11 A very pleasant day.

12 A lovely day. This evening started on a march. Don't know where we are bound. But hear that it is to be an escort for a man to take a sketch of the country. Got started about 11 o'clock with three days provisions and one team. 4 companies under command of Capt. McIntyr Co. D.

13 Took the road along the Dismal Swamp Canal; arrived at the half-way house at 4 o'clock this morning. The house is half in Va. and half in N. C., 14 miles from camp. Laid down a got a little sleep. At 3 ½ o'clock P. M. started for South Mills. Got there about dark. Made a short halt and traveled till 12 o'clock. Put up in an unfinished church.

14 Continued the march. Went near the Camden Co. Court House, then past Currituck Co. Court House to another church where we stopped for the night.

15 Quite pleasant yesterday. Had to send to camp for more provisions. The extra team overtook us about ten o'clock. At night we got to Great Bridge 9 miles from Camp. Put up at a large deserted house. It caught fire around the chimney just after we got well fixed and came near burning us out, but it was soon put out.

16 Got into camp today about noon. Not so tired as I expected. Feet got quite lame. Carried my knapsack till yesterday noon when we put all of them in the wagons.

17 Quite pleasant.

18 A little cloudy but no rain. Part of Co started off this eve on another sketching expedition.

19 On picket today. On picket guard at the R. R. station. Countersign Norfolk.

20 A little rainy in the night. Quite rainy at the middle of the day. Most of the reg't., all except those on guard, went to Norfolk in the cars to a general review.

21 A pleasant day.

22 Rainy.

23 Pleasant.

24 Cool and cloudy.

25 Rainy. Matters as usual.

26 Cloudy & cool.

27 Cloudy.

28 Snow last night about an inch deep. Quite cold.

29 Quite pleasant today.

30 A pleasant day.

December, 1862

1 Rainy day.

2 A pleasant day.

3 Rainy day.

4 Very pleasant. Got a pass and went to Suffolk. Saw Lieut. Buttz and his father who had just arrived from New Jersey. Also saw Chaplain Whittaker and all the Belvidere boys. All were well.

5 A very rainy day. Staid in doors all day.

6 Very pleasant and quite cool. At night started for the cars but got left.

7 Very pleasant but quite cold. Very cold last night. Arrived in camp at noon.

8 A very pleasant day but the ice last night froze ½ inch thick. On guard today. Countersign City Point.

9 A lovely warm day. Not quite so cold last night.

10 Very pleasant today. Quite cold last night.

11 Still pleasant.

12 The weather as fine as ever.

13 No diary entry.











24 All along back since the 12th the weather has been very fine. Nothing unusual had occurred. Today bought two fine hens and several other things for a Christmas dinner.

25 A fine day. I roasted my chickens. Very nice. Had a fine dinner.

26 Very pleasant today.

27 Rainy today. On guard.

28 A fine day.

29 Still pleasant.

30 Still quite pleasant. Nothing unusual.

31 Another pleasant day. On guard at the camp. Quite a cold day and night. I can hardly realize that another year has passed away. Although my surroundings have not been pleasant or agreeable, the time has passed away very quickly indeed. I have had a very little pleasure, and have had to endure many unpleasant things from my companions. The society that I have had to be in is so far different from what I have been used to that I find it very disagreeable. If I had good society or could mingle with a little once in a while, I could get along more happily. Yet I will live on in hope, wishing that I may be free from this before the close of another year. My patriotism is about worn out. Seeing how matters are managed in Washington, D. C., I don't see as we are making much progress towards crushing this rebellion. It might have been long ago if it had been properly managed. Well, good bye, Old Year. God grant that my sins of omission and commission may be buried in oblivion.

January, 1863

1 Pleasant. Matters as usual. In looking back the past year, I think I have not got along well, considering the poor society that I have been obliged to be in. On guard last night. Watched the old year out and the new one in.


3 Got a pass and went to Lieut. Ryan's camp five miles toward Suffolk. Staid all night. Had a pleasant time.


5 On guard at the R. R. bridge. Had a pleasant time & conversation.







12 Nothing of any account has occurred the past few days. At 5 A. M. Co A, B, & T started on a scout to Suffolk by way of Lake Drummond. Col. in command. Had mules to tow us in a lighter, ten miles to the feeder. Then poled the boat up to the feeder and in the lake. Could not get out of the lake to Suffolk, so had to come back the same way we went.

13 Last night got on a log. Could not get in the lake yesterday, so turned back a little way and bivouacked around the lock. Passed the night comfortably although there was a white frost. Was on the lake today. Nothing remarkable about it; only one shanty on its shore.

14 Got back to camp at nine o'clock. Had a pleasant excursion. There used to be a hotel on the shore, but the mosquitoes were too thick. It has since been burnt.

15 Rainy toward night.

16 Rainy day. Cold in the eve. On guard.

17 Pleasant but cold. Very cold last night.

18 Pleasant.

19 Pleasant. We are expecting a cavalry raid. So we turn out in the night frequently so as to be ready for them.

20 Rainy and windy. On home guard.

21 Very rainy and windy last night. Pleasant today.

22 Rainy day.

23 Disagreeable weather. Damp.

24 The same today as yesterday.

25 A warm, pleasant day. Had a lengthy inspection. On guard. Did not get upon guard till noon.

26 A pleasant day. The company was on reserve picket.

27 A rainy day.

28 Rainy. On guard. Quite a disagreeable day.

29 A little snow last night. Pleasant today.

30 Pleasant.

31 A fine day. Heard cannon at Suffolk. The paymaster has come at last.

February, 1863

1 Another fine day. On guard. Got paid today.

2 A pleasant day. Was collecting a few small debts and lost $8.00.

3 A very cold & severe N. E. snow storm all the forenoon. The hardest that I have seen in Virginia.

4 Clear & cold. On guard. A little more moderate toward night. On guard today over the prisoners.

5 Rain most all day.

6 Fair & warm.

7 Pleasant day. Nothing unusual happened.

8 A very pleasant day. On home guard.

9 Nothing unusual occurred. Warm and pleasant. Went to Suffolk.

10 A lovely day. Enjoyed myself well with my friends.

11 Another fine day. A little foggy. Returned to camp today.

12 A little rainy.

13 Fair and cool. On picket guard. Countersign Mohawk.

14 A very pleasant day. The Inspector General was in camp to condemn useless articles.

15 Quite rainy today. Took dinner with a citizen. Had a street inspection.

16 Cloudy. No rain. On camp guard. Countersign Fort Donnelson.

17 Quite rainy. A box of tobacco came to me from New York.

18 A very rainy day. Nothing unusual occurred.

19 Cloudy but no rain. On home guard.

20 Pleasant day. Matters as usual.

21 Pleasant till toward night.

22 Quite rainy all day. A little snow last night.

23 Cloudy and quite cool. On camp guard.

24 Got a pass and went to Norfolk. A fine day. Went to the theatre in the eve. Did not like it much.

25 A very lovely day. Warm like spring. Staid with Mr. Potter last night. Went to Tanners Creek to see Mr. Hilliard. He is to go North in a few days with his family.

26 Some rain. Quite warm. Came back to camp today. Did not enjoy myself very well at Norfolk.

1 A very little rain during the day. On picket guard. Two Bridges. Had a very pleasant time.

2 Quite rainy today. Mustered in again for another two months pay. Did not get relieved from guard till noon.

March, 1863

1 Very rainy all day. Wrote several letters.

2 Tolerable pleasant today. A little cloudy.

3 Very pleasant. On picket guard. Left bank canal. An easy time during the day.

4 Very cold today. Did not feel well today.

5 Clear and very cold.

6 Clear and moderating. Detailed for Provost Guard.

7 A little rain. Warm. On guard. Countersign Fair Oaks. Had three posts at the village. Had no one to relieve me but got along well.

8 Very pleasant. Everything as usual.

9 A very pleasant day. Got orders to get ready to move. Toward night the 177th Pa. came to relieve us. Our negro minstrel band performed tonight for the first time. They did well.

10 At daylight turned out and got breakfast. Started about 6 ½ o'clock for Suffolk. Took the cars. Got there at 9 o'clock.

11 It rained hard yesterday and last night and cold too. Staid last night with Doc Angle, 11th Pa. Cav. Today a little more pleasant but quite cool.

12 Pleasant but windy and cool. Got our tent fixed up in style.

13 Fair but quite cool. On picket guard. Got a new fort. Corcoran. All quiet.

14 Tolerable pleasant but quite cool. Very cold last night. One of 11th Pa. Cav. while on a scout got shot today.

15 Cloudy & cool. Had inspection. Was told off for color guard. Went to the camp of the 11th Pa. Cav.

16 Cloudy & cool. Nothing unusual.

17 Tolerable pleasant. Fair and warm. The 11th Pa. Cav. & a battery went to Blc'k water. Lost about 40 men and accomplished nothing.

18 On guard at camp. Countersign Winston. A little rain before morning. Quite cool.

19 Quite cold. Began to hail and snow and continued all day.

20 Snowed all day today. Quite cold. Nothing unusual happened.

21 Cloudy and a little rainy today. Very disagreeable weather.

22 Quite pleasant and warm. Snow melting and very sloppy and muddy. Went to the camp of the 11th Pa. Cav. To church in the afternoon.

23 Very warm and pleasant today. On guard with 6 men at the Head Quarters of Brig. Gen. Terry. Had a good time.

24 Another fine warm day. Matters as usual.

25 A fine day. Matters as usual. The reg't practiced firing with blank cartridges. Did tolerable well.

26 A very fine day. Went to the 11th Pa. Cavalry.

27 A fine day.

28 Tolerable pleasant. Heavy shower toward night.

29 A pleasant day but quite cold. On picket guard. Countersign Corinth.

30 Quite pleasant but rain in the eve. Cold.

31 A rainy day. Got 4 months pay.

April, 1863

1 Pleasant, but very cold.

2 Cold but pleasant. Most all the men went to the village but came home sober as no whiskey could be had.

3 A fine day. Windy but quite warm. Went to town and to 11th Pa. Cavalry.

4 Sent $5.25 to H. C. Davis, two to Belvidere, yesterday. Sent $15.00 to C. F. Clark. $10.00 to my sister. Today cool and cloudy. Snowy in the eve. On guard. A bad time of it.

5 Quite cool today. The snow fell to the depth of about 3 inches. Expected an attack last night.

6 Cool. Snow about all gone.

7 Pleasant but quite cool. Some talk about leaving.

8 Pleasant. Was waked up last night in order to pack up to leave camp. Got ready, then went to sleep.

9 On picket. Took knapsack. Quite a pleasant time.

10 We were to leave this morn but the order was countermanded as the enemy were reported near. We all fell in and stacked our arms on the parade ground.

April, 1863

10 We were to leave this morn but the order was countermanded as the enemy were reported near. We all fell in and stacked our arms on the parade ground.

11 A fine day. At about six P. M. the long roll was beat. We fell in and occupied the rifle pits in the front of our camp. The enemy were seen two or three miles off.

12 A fine day. In the pit all night. Was detailed for color guard yesterday. Still in the pit. A shower in the eve.

13 Cool and cloudy. Toward night one of the 130th N. Y. who was near me was shot by a secesh sharp shooter. They are opposite us in pits and holes.

14 Cool and pleasant. Heavy firing from our gun boats through the night. A company of our S. Shooters went across the creek on a skirmish. Three got wounded: one mortally, it is thought. We don't know if any of the rebels were killed or not. We still stop in the pits.

15 Rather rainy and very disagreeable in the intrenchments.

16 A pleasant day. Nothing unusual occurred.

17 A fine day. Two of our companies and 6 of the 130 N. Y. V. went across the creek on a skirmish. They were out about two hours. The rebels were in rifle pits on the side of a hill. We could not dislodge them. We had three wounded and one killed. I think a few secesh were killed.

18 A very pleasant day. Was to town and to the 11th P. Cavalry. The enemy's bullets fall quite thick in our camp. One man of Co. G. got wounded in the leg while in camp.

19 A fine day. Was taken sick yesterday with a billious attack. A man of F. company was wounded in the calf of the leg while standing in his tent. 150 men and 6 pieces of heavy artillery captured this eve.

20 A little cloudy. A man had a bullet pass through his neck; it went in at his mouth. He was just looking out of the rifle pit.

21 Feel quite unwell today. Matters are as usual. Bullets still fly about camp.

22 Still a little firing with rifles and cannon. Rainy.

23 Still rainy. Reinforcements continue to arrive.

24 Bad weather. Pleasant toward night.

25 Quite pleasant today.

26 Still very pleasant.

27 A very lovely day. Rec'd a box from Benj. Soder, N. Y. City, containing 1 watch, tobacco, cigars, and paper.

28 Matters as usual. Quite rainy.

29 Damp and rainy. Nothing new. Pleasant in the afternoon. Rain at night.

30 Rainy and disagreeable. Mustered in today for two months more pay.

May, 1863

1 A very pleasant day. Our reg't went out on a skirmish. We lost about 60 men, wounded and killed. The enemy was more strongly posted than ever. Our artillery played smartly. I think they did some excution.

2 A very pleasant day. Some bullets a flying. No one hurt today. Some of the wounded died today.

3 A fine day. On our front the enemy is quiet. A large force (Federal) crossed the Nansemond (Petersburg) and are fighting.

4 Fine day. Several deserters have come in. The rebels have left. Our reg't was ordered out first as usual. We went about two miles and sent out scouting parties. Deserters continue to come in.

5 A fine day. Attended funeral of Chas. Fish, shot in a skirmish on the 17th. His body was left and buried by the rebels with a notice on the head board.

6 Rain last night. A heavy mist all day. Attended funeral of Color Serg't Daniel Dix.

7 Cloudy and somewhat cold and rainy. Still on the same ground. Matters as usual.

8 Still cold and rainy. Staid with Mr. Potter in the hospital part of today.

9 Cloudy and rainy. Nothing new.

10 Very fine today. Warm and nice. In the hospital attending to Potter.

11 A very warm day. Moved camp today. Near the 11 Pa. Ca'ly. Took logs and all. Felt very unwell. Staid in the camp of 11th Pa. Cavalry.

12 A fine day. Nothing unusual. Had a sort of a chill and fever. Felt very bad indeed.

13 Another fine day but I feel very unwell. Expect to move again.

14 Moved again today. Felt very sick. After we got to our camp ground (a short distance) felt so unwell, and as it began to rain, I went to the hospital.

15 A fine day. Staid at the hospital last night. Was ordered to join the company but was unable to go out with them. The 19th Wis. went along.

16 Warm and nice today. Feel a little better. Expect to have a chill tomorrow.

17 A lovely day, only quite warm. Still feel quite unwell. Nothing unusual occurred.

18 A pleasant day. Matters as usual.

19 Still very pleasant. Nothing new.

20 Fair weather. Matters and affairs as usual.

21 A very warm day. Went over to 11th Pa. Cavalry. Saw some released prisoners who had been at Richmond.

22 A very warm day. Felt a little better. Nothing new.

23 Still very warm. Took the cars and went out to Windsor near the Blackwater to join the reg't.

24 A slight skirmish on the front. Still very warm and dusty. The forces fell back about six miles toward Suffolk. The rebels did not trouble us.

25 A little cloudy today. A slight rain: not much. Everything quiet. Got along quite well.

26 About noon began to fall back to within 4 miles of Suffolk. Made ourselves comfortable about dark, but at ten o'clock started for Suffolk.

27 At daylight started out again. To a place 4 miles from Suffolk in the forks of the R. Roads.

28 About noon started again for camp and got paid in the evening. A warm day and awful dusty. A rumor afloat about our going away.

29 A fine day. Sent $20.00 to my sister. Had a letter from her. She wrote that my brother Edwin, at the battle of Fredericksburg, was taken prisoner May 1, paroled May 15.

30 A fine day. Nothing new.

31 A fine day. After inspection went to the camp of 11th Pa. Cav. to the dedication of their chapel. Had a good time.

June, 1863

1 A pleasant day. Quite warm.

2 A little rainy.

3 A little cloudy and rainy. Nothing unusual. Quite unwell.

4 Warm and pleasant.

5 Weather pleasant. A Brigade drill this afternoon.

6 A fine day. No drill.

7 A nice cool and lovely day. A heavy thunder shower last night. The first rain of any account for three weeks. Went to 11th Pa. Cav. to church.

8 A pleasant day. Matters as usual.

9 Still quite warm and pleasant.

10 Pleasant as usual.

11 Warm and windy. Had orders to get ready 3 days rations; to be in light marching order. But the order was countermanded.

12 Quite pleasant. A slight shower. At ten o'clock started for South Quay, 3ms. On the Blackwater. We were the rear guard. Stopped all night at Holland's Corner. The advance went on and cannonaded the forts on the other side, but got no response.

13 This afternoon went to Carrsville, 6 ms. About 10,000 troops were with us.

14 Cloudy and pleasant. Went to Franklin ( 6 ms.) Made a demonstration, but got no reply. Then went to Sanders corner. 7 miles.

15 Went to Blackwater bridge, 6 ms. Made a demonstration; no reply. Back to Sanders Corner and then to Carrsville, 4 miles. Got there at 3 o'clock.

16 This morning went to Franklin again. Took possession of the defence on our side of the river. A few rifle shots exchanged. We lost a captain, and two men wounded. Staid here all night.

17 This morn, our reg't and the 118 N. Y. got orders for Suffolk. The Brigade was under marching orders. Got there at 8 o'clock.

18 At ten o'clock took cars for Norfolk; then steamboat for Yorktown.

19 Got here at Yorktown some time in the night. Landed this morning. Had rain today.

20 A little cloudy. Had a general inspection.





25 Been in the same camp since we came to Yorktown. Have been expecting to move every day. Had a few showers.

26 A little rainy today. Got up at Reville, 2 ½ A. M. Started for White House on a steamer. All the troops at Yorktown also went the same way.

27 Cloudy. Col. Spear of 11th Cav. returned from near Richmond. Captured ___ Gen. Wm. Lee, 1 surgeon, 1 Lt. Col., 5 other commissioned officers, 75 men, 80 loaded wagons, about 300 mules.

28 A little rainy. I believe that there is nothing new.

29 It still continues to be a little rainy. Matters quiet as usual. We now belong to Brig. Gen. Getty's Division. Col. Wardrop Brig. Gen. of the brigade.

30 A little rainy by spells all day. Mustered in for another two months pay. About dark we crossed the Pamunkey on our way to Hanover Junction. Only went two miles that night.

July, 1863

1 Pleasant only very warm. A good many men of other reg'ts fell out. Gen. Getty's Division went. About 10,000 strong. Camped at King William's Court House.

2 Reville at two o'clock, but did not get started till 7 o'clock. Camped at Brandywine about 15 miles.

3 A very warm day. Started at 4 o'clock. Took about 3 hours rest at noon. When we found an ice house, I got some. A fine rolling country. Well cultivated. Many very large fields of wheat were passed. Camped at 11 o'clock on Taylors plantation. He has many thousands of acres. Early this morn started for Hanover Junction, about 15 miles, arriving at the R. Road at about dark. Soon the rebs opened upon us with shell from a fort about 1000 yds. off. One of our companies and 3 of the 118th N. Y. skirmished close to the fort. Took 11 prisoners.

4 Quite warm. Expected to open the engagement this morn but got orders to return to White house immediately, so at 2 o'clock started for Taylors and staid all night.

5 Quite pleasant till noon when it rained very heavily till night. We marched through it, 9 miles in 2 hrs & 40 min. Camped tonight at King William's Court House.

6 Entry combined with July 8.

7 Entry combined with July 8.

8 Very pleasant today. Got to the White house at noon. Quite tired, having marched 110 miles. At 8 o'clock took up our line of march for Yorktown. It rained very hard most all day. Made the roads awful bad. We made about 15 miles.

9 Started about daylight this morning and got within 2 ½ ms. of Williamsburg. No rain. Quite warm. Wm.burg has only one long street about 1 mile long. Got to camp at 8 o'clock; same as night before.

10 Very warm today. Started at six o'clock. Got to Yorktown at 4 o'clock. We have now marched 160 miles in 10 successive days.

11 Quite a pleasant day. Rather warm. Went and got a lot of nice blackberries. They are very thick around here.

12 Quite pleasant only we had a shower.

13 Pleasant but we had a shower.






19 Since last Tuesday the weather has been quite warm, but have had a shower every day. Reviewed today by Gen. Foster.

20 Quite pleasant today. Rain at night. Moved inside the fort.







27 Quite pleasant. A cool breeze. Pleasant weather since last Monday. Had several showers during the past week. Nothing unusual has occurred.





August, 1863



3 Had a shower every day for the past week. Weather very hot. A good deal of sickness among the men of the Garrison. They remain at Yorktown.






9 Very warm during the past week. Rain most every day.







16 Very warm today. Rain most every day during the last week. Moved to Gloucester Point today.

17 Very warm during the past week. My health quite poor. Still a great many men sick.







24 Still very hot the past week. My health does not improve. A slight shower during the week.







31 Quite cool the past week. One or two showers. Had several deaths during the past week.

September, 1863

1 Mustered in yesterday for two months more pay.






7 Still quite cool. We still have a death most every day. Only 21 men for duty in the reg't. No news.


9 Went to Camp Hamilton today to visit my friends in the Hampton Hospitals.



12 Returned to camp today. Had a pleasant time.


14 Quite pleasant the past week. Only about 20 men in the reg't for duty. Still have many deaths.


16 Saw the new moon this eve. It pointed down. Some say it is a sign of wet weather; some say dry. I will try to observe hereafter how it does run.







23 On picket yesterday and today. Had a pleasant time.

24 Got 4 months pay today.





29 On guard yesterday and today again. Pleasant. Everything goes on as usual.


October, 1863


2 Today I was detailed to take charge of Slab Richmond. The 118th Reg't. went to Norfolk.










12 Had quite a pleasant time last week. A plenty to do.







19 Had quite pleasant weather. A little rain. Expected to leave last Monday. So I was relieved of the charge of Slab Richmond. We still remain at Gloucester Point. The new moon points down. The last month was quite dry.




October, 1863

23 At 8 o'clock began to go on board the propeller John Rice.

24 The 9th Vt. also embarked with us. Took us all night to get our goods on board. Left Yorktown at 8 A. M. Got to Fort Monroe at 11.


26 It was so stormy did not leave Fort Monroe till this morning at about 7 A. M. The wind quite heavy from N. E. Sea quite rough. Was a little sea sick. Had a very disagreeable voyage. Arrived at Moorhead City, N. C., at about 9 A. m. Got our goods on the cars and started for Newbern at about 3 P. M. Arrived there at about 5 P. M. Went into tolerable comfortable barracks.

27 Quite a pleasant day. This eve our company & D got orders to pack up to go ten miles in the country.

28 About three o'clock took the cars and went about ten miles; then marched 3 to a picket-station called Red House. I had to go on guard. Quite a cold night.

29 Pleasant say. Got bunks made today in some outbuildings what used to be negro quarters. They will be quite comfortable.

30 Still very pleasant. Busy in fixing up and clearing the premises.


November, 1863


2 Still have pleasant weather. Everything quiet. Seen nothing as yet.


4 A lieutenant of the 12th N. Y. cavalry was shot this afternoon by guerrillas. He was riding between two picket posts that were some ways apart.





9 Still very pleasant. Everything continues quiet.






15 A heavy rain last night till eleven o'clock. Was on picket guard.

16 Very pleasant today and last week excepting Saturday night. Went to Newbern today in the cars and drove back a mule and cart for the post. Came on the pine tree road and got to camp at dark.





21 No entry


23 Quite mild and pleasant the past week. Quite a number of deserters came in. Nothing new.







30 Quite pleasant last week, except on Saturday and Sunday when it rained very hard. Nothing unusual occurred. Got my box this eve from my sister. Boots fit good.

December, 1863







7 Nothing new during the past week. Have been helping build a shanty.







14 Last Saturday got up some butter, cheese, etc to accommodate the men. A little rain last week.



17 Rain last night.

18 Heavy rain last night.


20 A pleasant day.





25 A lovely Christmas day. But did not enjoy myself much. Took dinner with a citizen, one who had been in a rebel prison.


27 Matters as usual the past week. Had several cold days.

28 20 men including myself and 30 men of the 132 N. Y. Vols., 2 companies of the 12th N. Y. cav. with 2 howitzers went on a scout to Trenton on the Trent river. Distance about 20 miles. The infantry rode out in wagons and crossed the river in a small boat. Saw no rebel force. Brought in 4 families.


30 Got back to camp before dark.

31 A rainy day but very mild. Mustered in for another two months pay. The past year had slipped away very fast and I am truly sorry to say that my Christian life has not been what it ought to have been. I have not guarded my action and words as I ought to have. I trust that God for Christ's sake will pardon me. For a while back I have been trying to mend my course and be somewhat as a Christian ought to be. I trust that Jesus will assist me. I mean to live a better life in the future. May God help me. Amen.

January, 1864

1 A pleasant day. I hope that if I live to see the close of this war, that I can look back upon it with greater satisfaction than the last year. If I live to return to New Jersey, I hope that I shall appreciate Sabbath privileges more highly than I ever did before in my life. I am determined to try and do more good, by example and precept, than I ever did before. I think when I review my past life that I might have done much more for the cause of God. I am sorry that I have neglected so many precious opportunities. May God, for Christ's sake, help me to do my duty. Amen! I am very thankful, indeed, that God in great mercy had spared my unprofitable life thus far through this war.



4 Pleasant and warm yesterday and today. Matters as usual.


6 Cloudy and cold. Went to Newbern today after some butter, etc. Towards night it began to rain and freeze.

7 Rained most all last night and froze. A good deal the same kind of weather today. Raining and freezing. The trees are getting very heavy with ice.

8 No rain today. So much ice collected on the trees that the branches kept breaking off during the night. After dinner started with 4 men and a team of two horses to the station. The wagon got stuck twice; the horses would not pull. We took them out and drew it out ourselves, both times. We had to return to camp without accomplishing our object.

9 Very warm and fair. On guard.

10 (Sunday) Very pleasant and warm. Would love dearly to lie in Warren Co., N. J., to attend S. School, church, class, and prayer meeting. I would be very happy.

11 Quite pleasant today.

12 Pleasant.

13 Rainy.

14 Rainy.

15 Pleasant.

16 Very pleasant. On guard.

17 Still pleasant.

18 Very rainy all day. Went to Newbern in a Government wagon and four. Got up some goods. Got somewhat wet.

19 A lovely day.

20 Very nice and warm.

21 Still warm. Helped other corporals to build a small house on the outer picket post.

22 A lovely day. Like a spring day. On guard. Worked a little on the guard house.

23 A lovely day. Very warm. Stopped on picket to work on the guard house.

24 A splendid day.







31 Lovely weather since the 24th. Nothing unusual occurred.

February, 1864

1 The rebels attacked the 132nd Reg't.; drove them to Newbern. We retreated to that place by the Trent Road. I lost all my goods, $150.00 worth. Staid behind the breastworks all night.

2 At about one o'clock A. M. a party of rebels in launches captured the gunboat Underwriter that was lying under the guns of Fort Stevenson, but was set on fire by the guns of that fort. Two men behind the breastworks near me were wounded by pieces of shell that the fire burst.

3 A pleasant day. On guard last night. The enemy are retreating. Our company went to Fort Stevenson tonight to support the Garrison. All quiet today and pleasant.

4 Everything quiet. On guard at Head Quarters. A fine day.

5 Another fine day. The 132nd N. Y. Vol. returned to Batchelers Crk today. I got permission and went to the Red House. Got there about 4 ½ o'clock. All provision and clothing had been carried off by the women of the vicinity.

6 A fine warm day. Staid at Mr. Stewart's last night. Went to several houses today, but found nothing of my goods of any account. Got back to town on the cars about 4 ½ o'clock.

7 Another fine day. Had an inspection but it was slight.

8 Still very pleasant. On picket guard.

9 Another fine day. On guard again with all the company.


11 Company A went to the Red House today. I and Mr. Hall also went. I could find nothing of my goods. Staid at Mr. Stewarts this night.

12 Still pleasant. Came down to Newbern on the cars. Started shop again in the barracks.

13 Was in the city today without a pass and was arrested and put in the guard house, but did not stay long as I sent a note to Lieut. Kelly of Co. H who happened to be in the city and he came and took me out.


15 Very pleasant weather all the past week. Got a pass to the city for a week.


17 Very cold today, a sudden change.

18 Another cold day.

19 Cold today. About two inches of snow fell last night. The first snow that we have had this winter.

20 Cold this morning, but very pleasant after the sun got well up. Got another standing pass until further orders.

21 Quite cold this morning, but quite warm and pleasant after nine o'clock. The weather looks like another fall of snow.







28 Had very pleasant weather all last week. Quite warm. Several days it was quite windy. Nothing unusual had occurred. My little shop keeps me quite busy.

March, 1864


2 Thus far this week I have helped work on a new fort that was being built. It is quite a large fort and will be mounted with 10 guns: one a hundred pound Parrot on a pivot to command the river.

3 Did not feel well today so I did not work. At sunset we got orders to pack up to go on board a transport. Some say we are to go to Roanoke Island. Some say to other places. We got aboard the Thomas Collyer and started at 11 o'clock.

4 Arrived at Roanoke Island about noon. Had to get on a stern wheel steamer to land. Was on camp guard for the night. Had to quarter in tents.

5 Quite a pleasant day. Got some large fish called Drum fish at 5 cents each and made a good dinner for four of us. Was detailed to act as 1st Lieut. over a company of negroes. All on the island were being organized and armed.

6 Some rain. With some others I went across the island to see a large sand hill about 100 ft. high. It gave us a pleasant view. There are 80 families of whites and about 4000 negroes. Got relieved by the 103rd Pa. and got on the same transport and at one o'clock started for Newbern.

7 Arrived at Newbern at about two o'clock P. M. Got into our old quarters again. Can't imagine what we went to Roanoke Island for. But I am glad to get back to Newbern.

8 Another pleasant day. Looked over my accounts. Found that I had $21.00 due me. I owe 12 dollars. So I shall do tolerable well if I get all that is due me. I also started shop again today.

9 A pleasant day.

10 Quite rainy today.

11 Another rainy day.

12 A little rain today.

13 A splendid day. Nothing new has taken place during the last week in this vicinity. Two years ago tomorrow our forces captured this city. One year tomorrow the enemy tried to retake it. They are again expected tomorrow.








21 Quite pleasant the past week. Nothing unusual has occurred.

22 Windy and rainy today.

23 Quite stormy today.

24 Pleasant.

25 A stormy day.

26 Pleasant.

27 Pleasant, but windy.

28 Co. F D had to go across the Trent river last night to protect the negroes from abuse from the 1st U. S. colored infantry. Had a pleasant night. Nothing occurred.

29 Had considerable rain today. Was on camp guard.

30 Pleasant day.


April, 1864

1 A little stormy.

2 A little rainy today. And rather cool.

3 A little cool, but quite pleasant. On picket guard last night, on the beach. Had a good night of it. Was promoted to Sergeant today. I ought to have had that position a year ago, but it is better late than never.







10 A pleasant day. Anniversary of my 31st birthday.

11 Had several rainy days last week.







18 A few rainy days last week, but not much rain. Co. E and F went to Rocky Run this afternoon to assist in doing picket duty. I was left behind.

19 The rest of the reg't. except Co. D embarked on a transport to go to Plymouth to reinforce that place as it is attacked by the enemy. They had an iron clad to assist. It sunk two of our gunboats.


21 The reg't. returned as Plymouth had surrendered before they got there. But the reg't. had to go right back to Roanoke Island.


23 Went to Rocky Run to join my company today.

24 A little rainy today. Went on picket for 48 hours.

25 One of the men on the post next to mine left his post and went some distance yesterday to a house. Did not return until this morning. Thought he had got captured.

26 A warm day. Got back to camp safe. Just as I had got to bed after tattoo orders came to pack up and return to Newbern. But had to wait for the picket so did not get started till near 11 o'clock. We relieved some of the 92nd N. Y.

27 About two o'clock reached Newbern. Co. E took steamer, went across the river to Fort Anderson. Our company also crossed to Fort Chase about 3 miles by the above fort. Got no sleep this night.



30 Mustered in again for two months more pay. The next time I am mustered it will be out of the service. I shall be glad.

May, 1864

1 Pleasant weather during the past week. Nothing unusual has occurred. One year ago we had a heavy skirmish with the rebs at Suffolk, Va. Soon after we began to move about. Appearances indicate that we will again get on the move. But I shall not have to stop long. Yet it may be long enough for me to lose my head or some other part of my body.



4 The enemy made an attack on the picket at Deep Gully. A part of our reg't. went up. The rebs had killed and captured some of the 12th N. Y. cav. but that was about all.

5 The rebs made a raid to the Neuse river this afternoon just below the town. They had 9 pieces of artillery. The N. C. loyal cavalry (1 comp) made a charge and captured two pieces. They boarded schooner and took some things.

6 A fine day. Yesterday the gunboat drove the rebels away. We have seen nothing of them today.



9 Very pleasant weather all last week.






15 Left Fort Chase and came to our barracks in Newbern. Matters remained quiet the past week. Quite pleasant weather. Had a heavy squall of wind one night.







22 A pleasant day. Quite pleasant the past week. Nothing unusual occurred. Been having drills 1 ½ hours in the evening.


24 Got orders to have two days rations cooked, and be ready to go on an expedition at any moment. A pleasant day.

May, 1864

25 A pleasant day. Rec'd. revolvers. Co. A got the same and cutlasses. Went on board Steamer Massasoit and left at 7 P. M. Took 5 days uncooked rations with us.

26 Arrived at Cape Hatteras at 3 A. M. During the day took on board from a schooner 25 tons of coal. About noon started for Roanoke Island. Arrived there at about 5 P. M. Lay at anchor all night. Find we are on expedition to blow up the ram that is up the Roanoke river.

27 A fine day. About three o'clock started for the fleet in Edonton Bay. Arrived there at about nine o'clock. Capt. Lee (John C.) of Co. I has charge. He had got up a torpedo to be fastened on to a spar 60 ft. long that is to be attached to the bows of the boat.

28 A fine day. Went to the picket boat at the mouth of Roanoke river, then back to the fleet. I think that if we go up the river, the boat will be disabled and all killed or taken prisoners. We have rations for 95 men.

29 A pleasant day. Lay at anchor with the fleet which consists of the double enders Massabesset (flag ship), Tacony, Wild Lucy, Ferry Boats, Com. Barney, Com. Hull, and propeller Whitehead.

30 A pleasant day. Took from off Flag Ship 4 deserters who said that they belonged on board the ram. Also 2 contrabands. And went to Roanoke Island, arriving there in the evening.

31 Lay at anchor all night off the island. Took on board ten days ration. A good deal of growling on board. A little matter would stir up a mutiny. Started for the fleet at about 5 o'clock. Had poor chance to cook. The steamer is small. Had to cook a part of the rations in the furnace.

June, 1864

1 Lay at anchor with the fleet. Sent on board the Commodore Barney some freight that we brought up to her.

2 Lay at anchor last night near the mouth of the river. With the fleet today. When Lee got a lot of liquor in him, he would do a little toward getting the torpedo arrangement ready.

3 A little cloudy. The Thos. Collyer came up. Had the Col. of 15 Ct., Ass't Quartermaster Bradley, and the 15 Ct. band and some few others. Capt. Smith commanding fleet, and the above got on our boat and we went ashore at Edenton. It is a pleasant place, only it looks lonely and deserted. Yet quite a number people were there. Saw a number of pretty girls. The band played national airs.

4 Did not do anything today.

5 A fine day. The Steamer Rockland came up with orders for us to return on her, which we obeyed with alacrity and pleasure. Got to Roanoke island about five o'clock. Went ashore into an old building and staid all night.

6 A little showery today. Still on the island. When we went to the fleet on the 31st, had a number of N. C. people who were put ashore to see their friends, who were some ways into the country. They were kept on board several days.

7 Staid on the island till about noon, then took the Steamer Thomas Collyer for Newbern via Hatteras. When we went to fleet 31st, also had a man, wife, and two little children. They were going to see their friend. The smallest child was sick. They were kept on board two nights, then sent back to Roanoke. We found them in the building we occupied there two nights. They had to stay there with us, women and all together.

8 Got to Newbern this morning at about two o'clock.

9 Had nothing to do today. Pleasant.

10 Fine day. All that came back from Roanoke Island went to the Red House and Beech Gr. Our detachment went to Beech Grove. Got there about dark. Put up a tent; had a quiet time.

11 Quite a pleasant day. Was detailed for guard. Had to visit the posts twice. There were 4 posts. Went to the out post across the creek, and then went to a house ½ mile beyond and got some eggs and milk.

12 Quite rainy today. Went to Newbern city. The pay rolls came up to be signed. My boots gave out and I had to go barefoot a while, and I know I shall catch cold.

13 Quite a pleasant day. We got relieved and went to Newbern city. Took up our quarters in the old barracks.

14 A pleasant day. Nothing to do. Expect to start for home in a day or two, as soon as a transport arrives.

June, 1864

15 A fine day. Expected to get off today but did not.

16 Another pleasant day. At five o'clock fell in and was escorted through Newbern the reminder of the reg't. Went on board of the Propeller Parthenia, a very slow boat.

17 A pleasant day. Got to Hatteras this morning at about six o'clock.

18 Still quite pleasant. A little cloudy. Got to Fort Monroe at about six o'clock. Did not go ashore. The vessel coaled up.

19 A pleasant day.

20 A fine day. Quite warm. Got to New York City at about ten o'clock. Got ashore about noon. Went to the N.Y. State Soldiers depot. Took Dinner. Then delivered up our arms. Got cleaned up. Stopped at Crookers, 74 Chatham st.

21 Went to Belvidere, N. J. Got there at about 8 ½ o'clock. Put up at Brokaws.

22 Called around and saw my friends. All seemed glad to see me. Went to M. E. church to lecture.

23 A fine day. Went to Vienna. Hired a horse and carriage. Gone all day.

24 A fine day. Made a number of calls. Went to M. E. church to prayer meeting.

25 A very warm day. Came on to N. Y. City. Put up at N. Y. State Soldiers depot. Thermometer 98.

26 A warm day. (Sunday) Went to a M. E. church this morning and to Central Park in the afternoon.

27 Still very warm. Nothing new. No sign of getting mustered out.

28 Everything just the same. Fair and hot. I feel very impatient at this delay.

29 Nothing new. Don't feel well.

30 Another hot day. Just made out to get to work on our rolls this afternoon.

July, 1864

1 Myself, 1st sergt. and two others worked all day on the rolls. Got five finished.

2 A hot day. I worked all day on the rolls. Made out two myself. A good deal of work. 112 names on each of five rolls, 16 on the two pay rolls.

3 A hot day. Attended services in the afternoon at the N. Y. Soldiers depot. Towards night the boys began with their fire crackers, guns, and pistols.

4 A hot day. The young folks kept up a great racket all night. I could sleep but a very little. There was a parade of the City militia. I wish I was out of the city. Witnessed the fireworks at the city Hall in the eve. They were splendid; paid me for

5 A fine day. About nine o'clock last night a fire broke out near the N. Y. Soldiers depot where I stop. It spread and 8 or ten buildings were burnt. Ten steam fire engines were out. I caught an additional cold last night.

6 Got mustered out today and rec'd our discharges. A hot day.

7 A hot day.

8 A little rain today. Got paid off at four o'clock P. M. Paid up to July 2nd. Started at eight P. M. on New Haven & Boston R. R. for home.

9 A fine day. Arrived in Boston at six A. M. At 7 ½ o'clock A. M. took the cars on Boston & Maine R. R. for Gardiner. Arrived there at about 4 P. M. Folks very glad to see me.

10 A fine day. Not quite so warm as in N. Y. Went to church in the forenoon and S. S. concert in the afternoon.

11 Quite a warm day. Took accommodation train for Hallowell. It looks just like the same old place. Came back at 2 ½ P. M. A little shower took place just as we got outside the city.

12 Another warm day. Had a heavy shower last night.

13 A warm and pleasant day.




17 Attended church forenoon and eve.

18 Very warm and dry the past week. Took the Fly train to Hallowell and then went over the river. Saw some familiar faces, but there has been very many changes. A great many old persons have died.

19 Called on all the old neighbors who were left. Visited the graves of father and mother and sister. Came to Gardiner on the last train. Found bro. George at home. A long time since I saw him. Ten or eleven years.

20 Hot and dry. Did nothing today.

21 Hot and dry. At three o'clock took Eastern Queen form Gardiner to Balt. Arrived there at 6 ½ o'clock. Stopped at Mr. Turner's. Sister Hannah accompanied me.

22 Still hot and dry. Did nothing today.

23 Hot and dry. Crossed the ferry to Woolwich and hired a boy to take us in a carriage to Winship Lilly's. Paid $2.00. Arrived there at noon.

24 Hot and dry. Mr. Lilly kept up a continual tirade against the government. I said but little for fear of getting excited. At five o'clock Mrs. Lilly took us in a carriage to Mr. Gilmores.

25 Cloudy and cool. Went to Mr. Fullerton's on foot in the afternoon. Sister staid there all night. I came back to Mr. Gilmore's. Had quite a rain in the evening.

26 Cloudy in the forenoon and windy. Fair and hot in the afternoon. We went to Bath in the forenoon, and to the Menagarie in the afternoon. Did not like it much. A great crowd there.

27 Hot and dry. Made a call on Mrs. White, a cousin.

28 Hot and dry. Made a call in the morning on Mrs. Kelly, a cousin. At eleven o'clock took Str. Scotia (a captured blockade runner which now runs from Portland to Augusta) to Gardiner. Arrived there at 3 o'clock.

29 A very little rain fell in the morning. Did nothing today.

30 Went to Hallowell. Took dinner with Bro. James' wife. Then went to Augusta and saw him.

31 Hot. Attended church all day and evening.

August, 1864

1 A very warm day. Took Str. Eastern Queen for Boston. Had a pleasant trip down the river.

2 A little cloudy. Some rain fell this morning. Arrived in Boston at 5 ½ o'clock. Had a good night's rest. Took cars at Worcester depot at 8 ½ o'clock A. M. for N. Y. City. Got there at 6 o'clock. Rained a little this eve.

3 Quite a pleasant day. At 8 o'clock and 90 minutes took passage on the N. Y. Central R. R. for Belvidere. Got there at 2 o'clock P. M. A heavy shower this afternoon and evening.

4 A pleasant day. Called around and saw my friends. A National fast day. I fasted and attended church.

5 A little cloudy today. Went on a picnic to Manunka Chunk Station. Only a few were present. Had quite a good time.

6 A pleasant day. Called on more of my friends.

7 Attended church all day and evening.

8 Another pleasant day. Met one of my scholars that I thought a good deal of. L. T. D. Staid all night there.

9 A hot day. In the forenoon I went a gunning with L. T. D. but got nothing. About two o'clock started for Townsbury. Staid all night at J. Paces.

10 A hot day. Called and staid all night at T. Hoaglands.

11 Another hot day. Took dinner at Vansyckles. Staid all night at J. Whitesells.

12 Took dinner at Mr. Henry's. Staid all night Daniel Hull's.

13 Another hot day. Took dinner at Mr. Almer's. Staid all night at Mr. Myer's. A singing class met there in the eve. Had a good time.

14 A hot day. Attended church all day. Staid all night at A. L. Fleming's.

15 Quite hot. I staid all night at J. B. Ingersoll's.

16 A pleasant day. Attended S. School Convention in the eve at Jayne's Chapel. Staid all night at A. Ketcham's.

17 A heavy shower of rain this morning. Staid all night at John Dean's.

18 A pleasant day. Staid all night at H. Hopler's.

19 Another pleasant day. Staid all night at Wm. Osmun's.

20 Another hot day. Staid all night at Wm. T. Henry's.

21 A little rainy today. Went with Mr. Henry to church at Danville in the morning. In the afternoon went to Jayne's Chapel. Bro. Buttz preached. Staid all night at Wm. Henry's.

22 A little cloudy today. Went to Hackettstown. Staid all night at David Parks'.

23 A pleasant day. Staid all night at D. Parks.

24 A hot day. Went with the M. E. S. School on a picnic to Port Murry. Went in canal boats. Staid at A. F. Cregors at Rockport.

25 A hot day. Staid all night at H. C. Davis'.

26 Another hot day. Made a number of calls. Came back to Hackettstown and staid all night at D. Parks.

27 A pleasant day. Made calls. Staid at D. Park's all night. Went to Vienna in the eve to a war meeting. Made a few remarks by request. Was cheered.

28 A fine day. Went to M. E. Church. Rev. Dr. Porter preached. Went to the Presbyterian meeting in the eve. Staid at D. Park's all night. Hackettstown.

29 Another pleasant day. Staid at D. Parks.

30 Pleasant. After dinner went to A. C. Howells, Vienna, and staid there all night.

31 A lovely cool day. The S. School on the Vienna circuit had a picnic. 4 schools. I attended. Had a fine time. Came back to A. C. Howells and staid all night.

September, 1864

1 A fine day. Got a ride to Belvidere. Took Board with L. T. Dickinson.

2 A fine day.

3 A little cloudy.

4 Rainy today. Went to the Old School Presbyterian church in the morning. Sunday School in the afternoon. And the funeral of a soldier. Sermon by Rev. Mr. Knighton. Rainy in the eve.

5 Rainy today.

6 Cloudy but little rain.

7 A lovely day.





12 Quite pleasant the past week. Nothing unusual happened. Walked to Washington, N. J. from Belvidere and staid at Mr. Hartpence's.

13 Walked to Rockport, and staid all night at Mr. Cypher's. A little cool and cloudy today. Saw an old friend, Mr. Jenning's, at Washington. It has been a long time since I have seen him. I attended school with him one winter at Monmouth, Me.

14 A pleasant day. Went to Hackettstown and staid at D. Park's.

15 Quite pleasant.

16 Pleasant. Left Mr. Parks and went to Townsbury. Staid all night at Mr. Henry's. The teacher Mr. Delins has left the school at Vienna and gone to war.

17 A fine day. Walked to Belvidere. A telegram from my brother was waiting for me. He did not need me, so I will take up a school.

18 A little cool today. Rained a little in the evening.

19 Got a horse and carriage and went to Vienna and engaged the school. Went back to Belvidere the same day.

20 A fine day. Got a ride to Hackettstown and staid at D. Parks all night.

21 A lovely day. Went to Vienna and back.

22 A little cloudy. Did nothing today.

23 A little rainy. Went to Vienna and staid at Mr. Howell's.

24 Showery today. Went to Hackettstown to get some things in order to keep Bachelors hall, as I can't get board less than $4.00 a week and I can't pay that.

25 A lovely day. Attended church in the morning and evening.

26 A fine day. Commenced school today. A fair beginning. School at Vienna.





October, 1864



3 Nothing unusual occurred the past week. Had a good school. On Friday night went to D. parks. Came back Sunday night.





8 Pleasant. Quite cold. Went to Jacob Paces and staid all night.


10 A pleasant day. Heavy frost last night. The first of any account of the season. Quite cool today. Cloudy and rainy most of the last week.


12 Began to rain about 12 o'clock M. Attended the re-opening of the M. E. Church at this place (Vienna). Had only service on account of rain.

13 Cool and rainy.




17 Last week quite pleasant, all but Wednesday. Thus far get along well with my school.




21 Went to David Parks.

22 A little stormy today.

23 Went to church at Hackettstown. Took dinner at C. Titus'.

24 Quite pleasant most of last week.




28 Quite pleasant all the week up to last night when it began to rain quite hard. Rainy all day.

29 Staid about home today.

30 Went to church at Vienna in the forenoon. Went home with Mr. Henry and took dinner with him. Went to Jayne's Chapel in the afternoon. Staid all night at J. Deans.

November, 1864




4 Began to rain last night. Rained some today. A little pleasanter in the eve. Went to Hackettstown to a political meeting (Republican). Got back at 12 o'clock.

5 Staid about home today. Staid at J. Dean's all night. Made a call with some young folks to N. Vliet's.

6 Went to church in the morning and eve.

7 Rainy today. Tomorrow is election day for President. I think that Lincoln ought to be elected as I think he is the best. I can't believe in McClellan and the platform. Yet if McClellan is elected, I hope it will be for the best.

8 Today I voted for Abraham Lincoln and A. J. Johnson for Presidents.



11 Last night was out till two o'clock to a small party at Mr. Hulls.

12 A little stormy the first of the week. Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson are elected presidents. At Mr. Olmsteads last night till two o'clock to a small party. Had a good time. Went to Hackettstown today.

13 Today heard Dr. Porter of Hackettstown preach. Took dinner at C. M. Titus'. Quite cold, and a few flakes of snow fell.


15 Had quite a snow storm this afternoon.




19 Went to Hackettstown and back. Quite stormy during the week.

20 Attended church at Vienna.




24 Thanksgiving Day. Had no school. Heard Bro. Clark preach a good sermon. A pleasant day.




28 Some bad weather last week, but not much. Have not much success in the extra meeting yet.



December, 1864



3 Quite pleasant weather for the greater part of the past week. A little foggy today.

4 A little cool and pleasant. Went to church here in the morning: then to Jane's Chapel to a love feast and Quarterly meeting at two o'clock P. M. A large turn out. A good time. In the eve church at Vienna was full. Bro. Bryce P. E. preached; a good sermon.





9 Quite cold today.

10 Quite pleasant the past week. Last night it snowed quite heavy. Snow 6 inches deep. Fell quite even.

11 Quite moderate today. A little foggy.

12 Clear and cold today.

13 Cold today.

14 A little more moderate today. Pleasant.



17 Quarter closed yesterday, but I shall keep one week more before I have a vacation.






23 A pleasant day. Treated my scholars today. Take a vacation next week.

24 Went to Belvidere today. Got a ride from Townsbury. Sleighing good. Staid all night at Bro. Dickinson's.

25 Another pleasant day. Attended church morning and evening. S. School in the afternoon. Staid all night at Mrs. Lawrence's. (Sunday)

26 A little rainy and foggy today. Went to Phillipsburg. In the eve attended the N. E. Fair and Festival at Easton. Staid all night at J. C. Bennet's Hotel.

27 Still foggy and damp. Attended the fair this eve. Staid at Bennets.

28 Returned to Belvidere today. Still foggy and damp.

29 Moderate and foggy.

30 Quite cool today. Returned to Vienna.

31 Stormy today.

Note: by Eugene Goodwin, 99th New York Infantry Regiment


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1758: British forces capture Frances Fortress of Louisbourg after a seven-week siege.

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1912: The first airborne radio communications from naval aircraft to ship is conducted.

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