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Military Quotes

You can always tell an old soldier by the inside of his holsters and cartridge boxes. The young men carry pistols and cartridges; the old ones, grub.

-- George Bernard Shaw

World War I

December 25, 1917: In this book I shall try to tell the important things which happen while I am in the U. S. Army today is Christmas I have had good time have received lots of presents mostly eatables saw a good wild west show would have liked to have been at home today well I suppose that is all except one thing if anything should happen to me please mail this book to mrs Ola Cruzan 1120 Tenny Ave Kansas City Kansas or to Miss Faye M Butler 54 East 32nd St Kansas City Missouri United States of America


January 5, 1918:
this is sat and I am joyful for I am going home this afternoon to see my folks and another certain party 12:18 p.m. Left here on time 4:50 pm. got in K.C.K. on time called up Faye made date for tonight 7:45 went home eat supper visited a little Bit then Left for Mo got over there on time went to picture show Left her house 12:45 Spent a pleasant Evening got home at 2 O'Clock Went right to bed good night

January 6, 1918:
Spent the day at home also Visited my Folks had a good time at 7:30 I bade the folks good By Caught a Car for Mo got there 8:30p.m. Stayed in that night until 12:10 had to go to catch my train as it left at 1:00 O'Clock had a good time hated to Leave Caught the train got a good seat Slept all way from K.C. to Manhatten got in on time everything all O.K.

January 19, 1918:
Got a pass Last Night to go home got off at noon went to catch the train and train was 2 1/2 hour Late was Late all the way going home got in at 8:30p.m. did not go home at all But went to see Faye Stayed in all Evening Left 1:15 a.m. got home 3:30 Folks was glad also suprised to see me went to bed 4:00 got up 7:00 O'clock had a Nice Visit home all day

January 20, 1918:
got up at 7:00 Still Sleepy But had to get up had a nice Dinner in a.m. happened to think today is Lawerence Birthday Left home 5:45 met Faye over in Town and we went to a show had a pleasent Evening I suppose that I will [erased] Day [erased] something important [erased]
B. E. C.

January 26, 1918:
went to K. C. on Special train got there 5:30 p.m. Expected to see Faye that night But as Luck would have it I could not see her got home that night 11:00 O'clock Folks Glad to See me went to bed

January 27, 1918:
got up at 8:00 am pretty cold went to Picture Show in the p.m. went to see Faye Left home 6:00 p.m. had a fine time that night B.E.

February 9 and 10, 1918:
Left C. Funston 12:30 p.m. went to K. C. got in on time Eat supper at home then went to Mo had a pleasant Evening the 10th Spent the morning at home went to Chelsea spent the afternoon had a good time 7:00 p.m. went to Mo had a nice time Left for Camp at 1:00 a.m.

February 13, 1918:
went on guard at 4:30 yesterday wrote several letters today one to Faye one home one to Cora am 23 years old today so wonder where I'll be Feb 13 1919!
B. E. C.

March 3, 1918:
Got pass and Left for home Got in on Good time, Stayed home that night went to picture show Got to bed Early and Got up Early was planning to go to swope park that afternoon But it rained Just Enough to keep us in neverless Faye and I went to picture show and we had a Good time Left her house 12:15 Caught the 1:00 a.m. train Got to Camp on time well that all

June 2, 1918:
3:25 p.m. Got on train going East Leaving C. F. for good I hope well that is all for now
B. E. C.

June 5, 1918:
this morning at 10:00 A. M. arrived in Jersey City N. J. unloaded our Supplies on Ferry Boat and Crossed the river over to Long Island City unloaded the Boat put Stuff on train and came out to Camp Mills was Sure tired this Evening we are Living in tents now

June 21, 1918:
Left Camp Mills at 8:30 p.m. we dont know where we are going but suppose that we are going to some sea port All is Well

June 22, 1918:
9:45 a.m. Boarded a transport think the name is [erased] am feeling good everybody happy got on Board at Boston I think dont know when we will pull out of here we left the pier at 12:40 p.m. everybody thinks it is grand Eat dinner at 3:00 at 4 O'Clock everybody is sick I aint Sick But feel a little funny Cloudy weather Sea a Little rough Ship rocks quite a Bit that is all

June 24, 1918:
We Came into a Beautiful Little Harbor at Halifax. the day is Splendid dont know when we will Leave the Country Sure Looks pretty Spruce trees etc. I Saw the place where the Ship blew up Sure did tear up things. time 2:00 o'clock Loamedon is the name of this Ship.

June 25 and 26, 1918:
at 2:00 p.m. we Lifted anchor and Left Halifax there is three destroyers with us and 9 troop ships the Sea is Smooth I saw a School of porpises I slept well Last Night and today is a nice Clear day we are all well and happy and the convoy is hitting the Ball right along that is all

June 27, 1918:
Well we have been Sailing right along the day is a Little Cloudy nothing Much to tell about. Everybody is well and happy. today is my Dearest Mothers Birthday tho I cant drop her a card I will make a note in here it will show that I think of her for she is the best mother a man could wish for. (4:15 New York time)

June 29, 1918 (4:15 New York time):
got up at 3:30 and the sun is already up I washed my face and came out here I stand on the very back end of her. the sea is pretty rough. We started in on Bad Sea Last Evening sure look grand to see the big ships plowing thru the Choppy sea we run thru a fog Now and then (that all)

June 29, 1918 (cont'd):
Well here I am again the Sea is certainly rough I had to help Clean up the mess hall this a.m. they are Eating now I aint tho as I have no appitite the mess hall is a Dirty Place. Believe me I shall never forget this trip as long as I live. we Live worse than pigs. tho Everybody Keeps well I hope there is no Sickness breaks out while we are on board. we all Look forward to go back to gods country and we will have Lots to tell I have saw a whole Lot Since the 2nd of June

July 4, 1918:
here I am again this is on our Grand and Glorious "Fourth" Nothing has happened Since the Last entry Except I was put on Guard the first time I think we are almost to the Sub-Boat Zone. for they have Lots of Guards out. the Ship is fairly full of Eyes always Looking for the U.-Boats None has been seen yet. they are going to put on a few stunts today. and we are to have a good old U. S. A. Dinner. Cooked by our own cooks. the Sea is sure Smooth Like a floor has been Since yesterday. the Ship does not rock a Bit, that is all. E. P.S. I would Like to be home today. hope to be the next 4th (time) 10:00 a.m.

July 4, 1918 (cont'd):
here I am again. well we had some time this p.m. Singing Boxing Wrestling and pie Eating. one of our Boys in Boxing took the Honors of the afternoon. the Sea is still calm we met our convoy about 11:00 a.m. and they Sure are on the Job they play around the Big Ships Like dogs they are scattered around us so we are safe I suppose. the day has been clear and hardly a Breeze Stirring. the rumor is on the we will Disembark Sat morning that all for now
B. E. C.

July 5, 1918:
here I am again. it has been a beautiful day we met a few more destroyers today I have been on Watch up on the Bridge well that is all for today.

July 6, 1918: 7:00 p.m. well we are in the English Channel we passed some Islands Last Night they were called the Silly Isles I saw the Light house also tonight I saw a U.-Boat I believe it was a English one Saw a Big convoy going to the States. 12 big ships also one of ours Left us today and went on to France I believe we will land in London or Liverpool dont know for sure well that is all for now

July 7, 1918:
we landed in London about 2:30 p.m. today. we had spent about 15 days on the Ship. Was glad to get off. we got on a train and went to Southhampton about 88 miles from London we got out to camp before dark and Lots of people was glad to see us. Lots of women on the streets. hardly any men to be seen except oldest men. we stay at a rest camp till 2:30 p.m. the Next day and we got on a ship and came across the Channel got in port some time in the morning and got off of the Boat at Harve France at Last I am here.

July 9, 1918:
time 1:00 p.m. We got off of the Ship this A. M. about 8 O'Clock and Marched out here to a rest camp it is about three miles from the Dock and it was up hill all the way. We are on a hill which you can see the Big bay Lots of ships in it. Now it is sure beautiful place here the french people did not have much to say I believe the reason was we cant understand Each other, I have seen about 50 Germans prisoners. it thrilled me this A. M. when we Marched by them with Old "Glory" Flying they dont Like it.

July 12, 1918:
time 3:00 P. M. well we are tired after a 2 days and 2 nights from Harve France. We know we are somewhere on the Southern part of France a Sea Coast not far from Spain, we are at an U.S.A. Camp Just a Staying on the Cars Just heard we were not to have come here. we have been here since this a.m. and all the boys are tired I am all in we have been a going since the 21st June and we have not had a bath or haircut and we cant clean up a bit we all need a week rest but no telling when we will get it. well that is all for now
Edgar Cruzan

July 13, 1918:
we left the U.S. Camp about 4 p.m. July 12, 18 and backed out on the main track and we rode an hour Longer on the train and got off at a Small Station and found the 340th F.A. Billited there we marched out to Castelnau about 4 or 5 miles and believe me we were just about all in when we got there. we soon got to bed and we Slept Late the Next morning. this is a Small village and we dont know Just how Long we will Stay no Shows or ammusements to go to a perfect Dead town Except wine Shops that is all

Route from Harve to Castlenau
- Le Harve
- Rouen
- Evreux
- St Paterne
- Le Mans
- Chateau du Loir
- Saumeer
- Thouas
- Parthenay
- Niort
- Saintes Jonzao
- Bordeaux
- Salaunes
- Castlenau-de-Medoc

August 4, 1918:
We got up at 4:30 a.m. we are to move to Camp De Souge which is about 28 kilos from here well we Landed at the Camp at one p.m. Sand, Sand, Sand.

August 28, 1918:
it has been some time since I made my Last so I will make another. Still at Camp De Souge I go to Bugle Practice every day and have tried 2 times to quit Bugling and get on a gun squad But have failed so far. it still is hot weather also we have the pesky flies. How I long to go home I think of U. S. everyday. I just simply dont Like France. dont know when we will leave this camp. I have heard we would only be here 6 weeks as that is all the Longest Course in Fireing is our Boys are out everyday. We dont get mail here as we did at Castlenau
B. E. C.

September 18, 1918:
Left Camp De Souge at Noon the 15th of Sept and was for 3 days and nights on the train had a good trip only 16 men in the car so we was not very crowded and now we are at Toul some where between 30 and 50 kilos from the Front dont know just where we will go to. but I think we will go into reserve some place we left Toul at 3:15 p.m. and started for the front we got out about 8 kilos and stopped for the night it is Raining a little disagreable tonight

September 19, 1918:
We left camp at 12:30 today and Started on we have reached the place where our Boys drove the Boche back we have come thru several towns that was shot up. we came thru Essey and we are camped a little way from there now. our Btry took position

September 20, 1918:
tonight the 20th was a very good day rain a little and Last night I went up to the Btry position had my first experience on ducking shells the Dutch put over a few also heard a plane fight it was to dark to See the airplane fight but I could hear it plainer time abou 8:00 or 8:30 P.M.

September 25, 1918:
I have just completed my 2 day turn at the front and am back at the Camp had to hunt up our bed roll and my bunkie and I have Got our tent set up now. we are out in an open Meadow and it is Just beginning to get dark Fritz has put 3 Shells Close to the Camp we may have to move. if he raises his Range he will get us sure well I am tired so will go to bed good night

September 28, 1918:
Left camp early this morning and went over to find Jake Cruzan after hunting for half a day. At Last I did find him in a Village the name is about a foot Long [Bouillonville] So I'll not put it down here but it is close to Beney, Pannes, and Essey, Jake had been wounded by a Bomb dropped out of a Dutch plane not bad he get all Right Soon he got one piece in the ankle one in the Left Wrist one in the chin had a big long talk

September 29, 1918:
I got up this Morning at 6:00 ate chow at 7:30 and Left for the Btry positions at 8:00 the Day is Foggy and misty am on duty at the Btry positions as telephone operator my first time on and I like it fine and about 6 feet in the Ground a dugout. the "Y" Sent down tobacco, Cookies Cigarettes etc. which we all appreciate very much War is not so bad if it is all Like this Just read in the daily papers that Bulgaria asks for peace We all want it settled But want it our way Are we down hearted HELL, FIRE, NO.

October 6, 1918:
this is Sun morning I wrote to mama today and mailed several other Letters today is very cloudy Somewhat chilly. I did some washing this morning. Saw a airplane fight nobody downed tho. soon will be chow time am hungry as a Bear. I am Glad to hear of Bulgaria being out of the war maybe that will help end it. Just have had chow and am full as can be full good to everybody does (sic) Just wrote a Letter to Cora C well that is all
B. E. C.

October 8, 1918:
Well I am up to the Guns again Came up Last Night am up to Battalion hdq. as Radio Man. Soft Snap aint done a single thing today. An awful bad day Rain all the time Fritz drops a few shells on the hill close by dont worry me heard from Jake C. today he is well. Glad to hear it So am I. if it rains Like this in this Country all the time I would not swap a home in hell for a 4000 acre Ranch huh!
B. E. C.

October 9, 1918:
Just back from my 2 day turn up at the Front am awful tired and Sleepy. Will have a good rest tonight the papers are full of peace talk I hope peace comes but by no means a German Kind we want it to be our way and Kind as our Kind is the only Kind that will insure a Lasting peace Our Noble U. S. Boys and our allies are doing wonderful things nowadays thats all We all hope for peace to come before Xmas.

October 12, 1918:
Well I am here again am up at the 2nd Battallion Hdg. as panel man. had a real Job this a.m. Lugged Sand Bags all morning will Lug some more this p.m. until 3 O'Clock Landed a Jar of Orange Marmalade this morning will have a feast one of these times. Well Wilson Rejected Good Fritzy will come across yet. then we can go home oh for that day to come. Am well.
B. E. C.

October 14, 1918:
Well I have layed around all day. has been a bad day out Misty Nasty underfoot. Was over to Essey and Pannes this p.m. got some cigaretts and Candy todays paper say Germany accepts President Wilsons terms I sure am happy because I think I will see my own Dear U. S. A. and My Friends and Relations soon

October 21, 1918:
Well here I am again. we have got our stuff packed up supposed to go over the top in the morning I got 9 Letters tonight Glad to get them too. Am in the dugout at the Camp with Kopp, Waddie and Myser, myself all in the best of Spirits hope we have good Luck if we go over Time 8:30 P.M.
B. E. C.

October 23, 1918:
Well I am up to the guns again that was all Bunk about the boys going over the top. tho there was a Raiding party sent out right after our Barrage they Brought Back 28 prisoners and 2 that were badly shot up. they tried to spring something on the Doughs and they got 2 Hand Grenades in Return Killed one and wound several, 30 of our Boys got 30 Fritzys

November 4, 1918:
Well our Boys went over this Morning the 28 Division a fine Bunch but the attack failed that is as far as we know Now it seemed as tho nobody knew what was comming off until about 1/2 hour before Zero time But Maybe Our Boys was only to give a fient attack we heard they advanced 15 kilos on our Left the 92nd Div is to our Right I saw my first German Prisoners I mean Fresh ones there were 10, a regular Rocky mts Goats all Beard

November 5, 1918:
I am up on F.O.P. patroled the Line out Left Btry at 5:30 a.m. got here at 9:00 and at 11:00 a.m. I saw a Splendid air Battle 1 Fritz 5 of our Men Our Men drove him down but Luck would have it he landed behind his own lines. I sure was glad to see it. Voss and I Just hollered I can see the Dutch anytime I want to we are now out in No Mans Land I have seen quite a Number of Fritzy

November 10, 1918:
Well I am back again it's a Bad Foggy Morning and we are all in Great Suspense of what will happen within the Next week Rumor is that the Kaiser has abdicated and the Crown prince has Refused to take his place I am looking for this to be the end of it that is the next few days will tell I hope to God it is as this Life and what we have to put up with is certainly Hell, and Let us all hope this is the Last of it. they have been a long time getting together but I believe the it (sic) will soon be here Rumor is we will move but we have not yet its 12:00 p.m.

November 10, 1918 (cont'd):
Well it is night again I got off duty at 3:00 o'clock was on as telephone operator I slipped off to Pannes Mailed 3 Letters got the daily papers and came back our boys put on a 5 hour of Slow Barrage this evening all the guns started at 2:30 p.m. had a good supper the Night is Clear a Little fog Fritzy Gassed the woods in front of us with sneezing gas we got a lot of it but did not put on our masks

P.S. it is quite along the front so far tonight

November 11, 1918:
Officially Reported that it is over Btry F. Fireing her Last Shots. the Barrage Started at 8:42 a.m. and Lasted 15 min. then the Front was quite only a small artillery duel. then at 10:45 the artillery all around us Lights and Heavies struck up a terrific Barrage which Lasted 5 min. then one shot per gun per min which Lasted till 10:58 then the Last 2 min was spent the gunners feeding the guns as fast as could B. E. Cruzan

November 11, 1918 (cont'd):
During a 15 min concentration the Batteries fired as follows

F. 423 Rounds
E. 378 " "
D. 225 " "

During a 50 Sec period from 10:59 to 10:59:50 Btry F. fired as follows

1st Gun 15 Rounds
2 " " 16 " "
3 " " 18 " "
4 " " 19 " "

11:00 Cease fireing War ended it's hard to believe

November 11, 1918 (cont'd):
well I stayed at the guns until 3:00 p.m. we were Relived and we came back to the Echelon a Little tired But Happy OH, Boy What a Grand and Glorious feeling. therer has not been a Shot fired only by some yank. who with his 45 Colts Celebration Glad why words cant express it Back across the Seas to Home Sweet Home. Now the question is where do we go from here, I hope we go Home time 8:00 p.m.

November 11, 1918 (cont'd):
Well now I GuessI am safe to say that the war is over and the only thing Lacking is Signing the peace terms. I am glad to have taken a part in this World War I have spent 1 year and 1 day either in the training camps or on the Route over here and I have spent 53 days on the front. 53 days of actual service on the fireing Linethat aint Long but I Can say that I have saw service on the Battle Line.

November 11, 1918 (cont'd):
one thing more I have not had a real hard time but I have had it in the Eye of a artilleryman. but we cant say that the artilleryman and the Infantryman has the same hardships we had it Easy to what they have it. Only a few days ago I saw 2 Doughboys get Killed by a Shell too bad and they came so near Liveing thru it
B. E. C.

November 14, 1918:
Well I have to get up early in the Morning have to go up to Beney have to take all my stuff. it will be a Load too. Rumor is that we are going to Metz Also to Cologne Germany we dont Know where. But anyway this Brigade has to go somewhere on the River Rhine. well I am well and happy that all
Good Night

November 16, 1918:
I am up to Beney now I have all my stuff here too we dont know where we are going from here. Rumor is we go to Germany and Rumor is we go to the Rear Rumor is the 4 best divisions are going home soon and we are included in the 4 I dont know which is Right but I would Like to do something. OH Joy Oh boy where do we go from here. "that's the question."
B. E. Cruzan

November 20, 1918:
I have been up to Beney all the time except a while yesterday I went back Echelon got a haircut tried to get new clothes but No Luck. I see hundreds of Russians, Serbs, and British, and French. Men who have been Prisnors of war in Germany. that bunch I saw yesterday was a sorry Looking Bunch Rags and torn clothes some were sick and half starved etc.

November 20, 1918 (cont'd):
Still waiting, waiting, waiting,

November 21, 1918:
Otto J. Mess and myself was over to the Hindenburg Line we was at Dommartin, St Julien, and Charey all of those towns were badly shot up. we saw in front of the Huns trenches Some tank Mines they were Laid under rolled wire hard to see and they looked wicked and they were big shells Fritzy was Looking for a tank attack also we saw where one hinie was blown to bits he was in his dugout at the time we saw some sights thats all
B. E. C.

November 21, 1918 (cont'd):
All is Well still Waiting

November 27, 1918:
Got up at 6:15 a.m. Got Breakfast at 7:00 Bacon & Coffee and Bread did not do anything only get wood at dinner we had Steak and Gravy & Coffee we heard that mabe we would go tomorrow.had supper at usual time but not much of a chow at that. I sure wish we could get started Lots of poker Games up here A Big one every Night. All is well

November 29, 1918:
Beney, well we are started. Leave here at 8:00 a.m. well we have started from Beney to St Benoit now we are at Vieville made about 20 kilos today.

November 20, 1918:
we got up early this a.m. and marched till dark Stayed all night in a town named Woel

December 1, 1918:
Continued the march to Spincourt got in early had a hot Bath. I shaved had a good feed stayed that night in a old theater. Standing the trip fine only tired every night
B. E. C.

December 2, 1918:
Got up early as usual and marched to Cretry a small town Just close to the Dutch [German] Border

December 3, 1918:
up early finally got started and at 12:30 we crossed over into Luxemberg and now I am at Clamcey dont know how big the town is as I have not passed three people all friendly. Jack Stoltz, Henry, Mosse and I got a swell feed fresh pork & potatoes Coffee and it certainly was fine. Never have felt so good since I left home

December 4, 1918:
We left town Early We led the Reg and we marched thru the Capital of Luxemberg. it was Foggy all the way but we saw some great sights we finally camped

December 6 to 9, 1918:
Junglinster we got in Late and stayed all next day and left there the morning of the 6th and went to Riesport and we had a good billit a dance hall the next day we crossed Sauer [Moselle] River which is the Border of Luxemberg and Germany. we Left there the next morn and came to Baden we stayed there all day Sun the Dutch treated us Good I had Good Eats we Left there today the 9th and marched 7 kilos and now we are at Oberkail we expect to stay here a few days dont know how long

December 15, 1918:
we got up at 4:45 a.m. and left Oberkail Marched to Dudeldorf about 8 or 10 kilos dont know how long we will stay. Sure hope to go home soon.

December 22, 1918:
Well it is Sun again and of course we had to move we Left Dudeldorf at 7:00a.m. and went to Speicher which is a very good town got good Feather Bed to sleep in Big room, etc. We dont know Just how Long we will stay here

December 25, 1918:
Got up about 7:15 a.m. had chow at 9:00 a.m. there was a Battallion formation. the Chaplin gave a short talk then Col Davis gave a talk in which he spoke of the Regiment going home soon I hope what he said is true as it is tough on a fellow to be so far from home and just Loafing around. I got 1 package from Faye 1 from mother. also a small box from the "Y" We all had a good time that is under the circumstances etc. I am well as Ever and hope to get home soon well that is all,
B. E. Cruzan

December 25, 1918 (cont'd):
I spent Xmas 1918 in Speicher Germany
B. E. C.

December 30, 1918:
Got a pass yesterday went down to Trier a fair good sized town Not much sport while there to many M.P. they are thick as flies had a couple good feeds saw some Old Old buildings Stayed till 8:00 a.m. Came back and after we got off Sgt Brown, Rotcap, and Corp Carlton shot up a Saloon by the depot they are under arrest dont know what will be done. All is well

January 1, 1919:
Happy New Year to all. Well there was not a Thing pulled off Last Night. I Slept thru it all. we were in Funston a year ago now, and now we are thousands of miles from there and dont know when we will go back either. But we all hope to be home soon and I hope this year will see me out of the Army for good
B. E. C.

February 13, 1919:
Still in Speicher and this is my birthday am 24 years old this makes the 2nd Birthday I have spent in the service. Am on guard today. Am feeling good. dont know anything as to when we Leave here.
B. E. C.

February 24, 1919:
got orders to pack up and go to Trier I understand we are to go to Coblenz to Football Game all of the Buglers are to be there the whole 89th got to Trier at 1:00 p.m. Reported to the C.O. of 354th inf got our Billets then up town ate supper at the Red Cross had apple pie fine meal saw a good show put on by the 5th Marines.
B. E. C.

February 25 to 28, 1919:
We practiced on the Bugles all morning & p.m. up town every night. I eat at the red cross every chance I get. Thursday we Left our packs and marched to the station Left Trier 8:00 a.m. rode box cars up and back it was sure cold the game was fine the score 14 to 0 in our favor that maked the 89th Div the Champion of the 3rd Army some football game. came back to Trier that night and got back to Speicher the next Evening the 28th all is well

March 16 to 31, 1919:
Left Speicher for Trier Stayed in Trier till the 20th then left for Paris We are in Conflans now. We went to Liouville and stayed all day got away that p.m. the 21st. We Got in Paris the next a.m. at 9:00 o'clock we went out to the red cross near the Eiffel tower stayed there 2 nights then we moved over to some french Barriacks have seen many wonderful sights old Churches, towers, Bridges, Napoleon tomb, Eiffel tower. took a ride on the river Seine Clear thru Paris we was in Paris 8 days Left the night of the 29th Our Football team Beat the 36th 14-6. 89th is Champion now some game we got back to Speicher the Eve of the 31st. 17 days from Speicher. 89th Div vs S.O.S. tours 17-3
B. E. C.

April 23, 1919:
We are in Trier today the whole 89th is to be reviewed by General Pershing it was a nice day we went to the aviation field close to Trier pershing decorated those to be decorated and the Red flags, then the Div passed in Review then we all assembled in the Zeppelin shed Secartary of war Baker & C&C Gave us a talk. and the next day I took a ride in a airplane up 15 min and a 1000 feet high some trip I have had enough of it now one trip was good am well

May 9, 1919:
Homeward Bound we left Speicher 12:00 o'clock we got on the train at Erdorf train leaves 8:12 p.m. this sure is a Happy day for the [illegible]

May 13, 1919:
We are at Brest now Got here the eve of the 12th we had to march to a rest camp we have been deloused and now we have to stand 2 more inspections there in the boat dont know when we will go but hope to soon.

May 14, 1919:
we packed up this morning and marched to the Docks and we were put on the U.S.S. Agamemnon Stayed all night in the Harbor and now we are sailing out at 12:00 p.m. the 16th am helping in officers mess

May 24, 1919:
we landed today at 3:00 p.m. had a good voyage all the way went to C. Upton got there at Midnight dont know how long we will stay B. E. C.

June 2, 1919:
We left Camp Upton at 9:45 a.m. We are on our way to Camp Taylor, Ky. We are Sure Glad as it wont be long until we are out for good as well as ever

June 6, 1919:
Well here I am again will be discharged today it certainly is long day We go down to Louisville this evening we get our papers then will go to St Louis tonight one day there then home in K.C. got D. paper at 7:00 p.m.

June 8, 1919:
at Last at Last I am home again Dad and Jim W. met me at Union Station Sure glad to Get home I have spent 20 mo. & 19 days in Service all together (627 days) we was in France, Germany, about 10 Mo and 21 days. We were in Germany 5 mo and 2 days. it took me Just a year from the day I went into the army till I was going into action in the St. Mihiel Sector we were on the Front 53 days. we were 15 days going over & comeing home this is my Last entry.

Note: by Bugler Benjamin Edgar Cruzan, Battery F, 341st Field Artillery, 89th Division, 3rd Army AEF


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This Day in History
1758: British forces capture Frances Fortress of Louisbourg after a seven-week siege.

1759: The French relinquish Fort Ticonderoga in New York to the British under General Jeffrey Amherst.

1790: An attempt at a counter-revolution in France is put down by the National Guard at Lyons.

1794: The French defeat an Austrian army at the Battle of Fleurus, France.

1848: The French army suppresses the Paris uprising.

1861: George McClellan assumes command of the Army of the Potomac after the disaster at Bull Run five days prior.

1863: Confederate cavalry leader John Hunt Morgan and 360 of his men are captured at Salineville, Ohio, during a spectacular raid on the North.

1912: The first airborne radio communications from naval aircraft to ship is conducted.

1917: Repeated German attacks north of the Aisne and at Mont Haut are repulsed.

1941: President Franklin Roosevelt seizes all Japanese assets in the United States in retaliation for the Japanese occupation of French Indo-China.