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War on the Lakes9371 Reads  Printer-friendly page

War of 1812Sir,
I have the honour to inform you, for the information of the Lords commissioners of the Admiralty, that on the 3rd instant, I sailed with his Majesty`s squadron under my command, from this port. to co-operate with our army at the head of the Lake, and annoy the enemy by intercepting all supplies going to the army, and thereby oblige his squadron to come out for its protection.
At daylight, on the 8th, the enemy`s camp was discovere4 close to us at Forty Mile Creek, it being calm, the large large vessels could not get in but the Beresford, Captain Spilsbery; the Sir Sidney Smith, Lieutenant Majoribanks, and the gunboats, under the orders of Lieutenant Anthony (first of this ship), succeeded in getting close under the enemy`s batteries, and by sharp and well-directed fire soon obliged him to makc a precipitate retreat, leaving all his camp equipage, provisions, stores &c. behind, which fell into our hands; the Beresford a1so captured all his bateaux, laden with stores, &c; Our troops immediately occupied the post. I then proceeded along shore to the westward of the enemy`s camp, leaving our army in his frot. 0n the 13th we captured two schooners and some boats, going to the enemy with supplies; by them I received information, that there was a depot of provisions at Genessee River; I accordingly procceded off that river, landed some seamen and marines of the squadron, and brought off all the provisions found in the government stores, as also a sloop laden with grain, for the army ; on the 19th I anchored off the Great Sodas, landed a party of the 1st regiment of Royal Scots and took off six hundred barrels of flour and pork, which had arrived there for their army.

I have, &c.
Note: H.M.S Wolfe, at Kingston, Upper Canada, 29 June, 1813.


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