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Military Photos

World War IFriday, January 1 1915
Old Drill dispensed with in place of platoon drill, adopted by the Imperial Army. Mail arrives from Australia dated 4.11.1914. Troops presented with chocolates and cigarettes from the Aust. War Contingent, London.
Saturday 2nd January
Unable to get leave to go to Shool on account of new drill. Doctor's inspection and lecture. Company's photo taken alongside pyramids.

Sunday 3rd January
A Company on guard and fatigue, but I escaped it and had a fine time in town.

Monday 4th January
Reservoir burst during the night and caused great excitement. Half Mena Camp flooded and horses stampeded doing great damage.

Tuesday 5th January
On account of new drill we have an extra hour to drill in the desert. From 8 o'clock till 3 o'clock. Did extra guard for missing parades and found it awfully cold during the early hours of this morning.

Wednesday 6th January
A terrible sand blizzard raging. Unable to see 100 yards in front of you. Australian mail distributed dated 9.12.1914. Night March to the pyramids.

Thursday 7th January
Went for our usual March in the desert when the sand blizzard arises afresh. It was awful and we had great difficulty in finding our way home. Our eyes, ears, and nostrils were full of sand.

Friday 8th January
Officers are very strict with our drill and we are kept going. We are prepared to leave at any moment as the Turks are advancing on Egypt. Troops presented with knives from Sir G Ried.

Saturday 9th January
All leave stopped but was lucky to get special leave to go to Shool. Pickets in large numbers parade the streets, and go as far as to drag men out of Hotel beds.

Sunday 10th January
Christmas pudding presented to the troops and was thoroughly appreciated. Sent photo and parcel home. Met Lady Chettham and felt highly honoured. Dined with the High Commissioner of Railways.

Monday 11th January
SECOND PLATOON A COMPANY on guard, commencing at 4pm. found it intensely cold during the night time. Each sentry served out with cartridges to use under the least provocation.

Tuesday 12th January
Volunteers wanted to act as N.C.Os in the Indian Army. Many men accept. Finish guard at 4.30 pm to my intense relief. A Comp. 1st Platoon go on night March.

Wednesday 13th January
Received Mail from Australia. All dated November. Orders out to be prepared to go on a bivouac, and considering the cold we are not looking forward to it.

Thursday 14th January 1915
We have a new Parade Ground near Sakahr (?) a distance of 5 miles from Camp or an extra mile more than the old Parade Ground. Given a Lecture on the pyramids by Mr Quebell, B.A.

Friday 15th January
Received more November letters. Also Christmas Cards. Second Battalion go on their bivouac for 3 nights. We are still dreading ours.

Saturday 16th January
Broke camp to go to Shool. No leave granted on account of Brigadier's inspection. Came back in time for night parade but was put in the guard tent and charged with breaking camp.

Sunday 17th January
Still under detention awaiting trial. Had a fine Concert. Went to sleep at night and woke up to find that someone had cut all the buttons off my fly. Two other prisoners handcuffed.

Monday 18th January
Uneventful. Still awaiting trial. Battalion go out shooting 8 till 6 and came back dead beat.

Tuesday 19th January
Taken out of guard tent to go on a divisional route march of 10 miles. Passed through a native village built on the edge of a lake. Streets awfully dirty. Came back and was tired. Fined 1 day's pay 5/-.

Wednesday 20th January
Went out shooting. Range 6 miles from Camp. Four of us lost our way and as I was the highest bidder for the only donkey in the district, I came back on it; arriving in Camp at 7 o'clock.

Thursday 21st January
Artillery practicing with shell and shrapnel. Range of 8000 yards. Had great fun with the natives, pelting tomatoes. Discovered with Air Cushion in my pack.

Friday 22nd January
New idea. 1st Batts. holiday. Routine of the day. Kit inspection, then go where you like till 10 pm. Had a great time in Cairo. Slight showers.

Saturday 23rd January
Had permission to go to Shool. Thence I was shown around the poor Jewish quarter and had at least 200 children following me. Went into their Shools. Seems to have no control over congregation.

Sunday 24th January
A small village has sprung up in the Camp. I went into one of the cafes and even did my tros (?) I also wrote some letters and printed a sign for the proprietor who gave me some dinner. NSWvQ football. Q. won by 27. 0 .

Monday 25th January
We got down on a bag of oranges and cakes, owned by one of the natives. We were feasting ..............

Tuesday 26th January
A Camp supplying pickets. Sleep in our equipment. Each man having 10 bullets. Preparing to leave at any moment. Doing a good deal of trenching. Getting frightfully hot during the daytime.

Tuesday 27th January
General holiday, but no leave granted on account of natives holding some sacred festival. 2nd Platoon on guard but have the luck not being picked. George Adams, my mate, taken to hospital.

Thursday 28th January
New Zealanders leave for the Canal. Great excitement among our troops on account of the Turks having a bit of a skirmish there. Trenches are ready for us in case we are needed there.

Friday 29th January
Second Contingent of New Zealanders arrive. Camped a few miles out of Cairo. They disembarked at Ishmaele whilst our 2nd lot are going on to Alexandria. Am looking forward to seeing Alick.

Saturday 30th January
Went to Shool, whilst Company went out shooting. Hector Jones prepared to leave for Australia on account of a rupture. I got up a subscription for him amounting to 350 P.T. or £3.10.0.

Sunday 31st January
Uneventful. Hottest day we have had since arriving in Egypt. N.S.W. V Artillery League football. N.S.W. wins 8 to 6.

Monday 1st February
Absent from Parade on account of a sore heel. Help the Quarter Master to draw the rations and I get down on a few eggs.

Tuesday 2nd February 1915
Still off Parade. I help the Quarter Master to clean the rifles. I then went for a quiet stroll around the Pyramids.

Wednesday 3rd February
Whole holiday for the 1st Batt. I went into Cairo and had a glorious time. 2nd Contingent arrives. Went out to Abbasiah to find Alick, but he was not there.

Thursday 4th February
2nd Brigade (Vic) leave for Ishmaeli to fight against the Turks. Hec Jones leaves for Sydney. Went out shooting at screens which represented the enemy. Very difficult as we have to find our own range.

Friday 5th February
Went out sham fighting with blank cartridges. Then we practised shooting at the retiring enemy. Whenever we saw a blue flag, that represented the enemies' Machine Gun and we blazed away, and so on.

Saturday 6th February
Went to Shool and thence out to Heliopolis where Alick is stationed. I saw him and he is looking remarkably fit. Turkish prisoners arrive in Cairo from the Canal.

Sunday 7th February
Alick came out to have a look at me. Then I showed him around the Pyramids, Sphinx and the different tombs. Prepare to leave on a two day bivouac. Received Mail from Australia dated 10.1.1915

Wednesday 10th February
Detailed to transport work. Consisted of leading 4 pack horse behind Company. Ride horse 5 miles bareback for water. Company go shooting. Bit of a gale and results of shooting very poor.

Thursday 11th February
Still on transport, but ask Lieut. King to be relieved of my position. Raw as a bit of steak. Told him I had met with an accident when a boy and was frightened of horses. Another chap takes my place.

Friday 12th February
Leave at 9 o'clock for 5 days' bivouac. Same Rendezvous. But we go a short cut. Only 10 miles. We are supposed to be the supports and we dig our trenches 4.6 and 2 ft. wide. Told to sleep in them but is impossible owing to the width. Night bitterly cold.

Saturday 13th February
Owing to us being supports, we stay in our trenches till 2 o'clock pm. When we retire to our Rendezvous. Impossible to describe our hardships in the trenches during the morning. Intensely hot without water. Many men faint. Have great difficulty in walking. Cramped.

Sunday 14th February
Rested in Camp till 9 pm when we left for a night march. Not allowed to put our coats on but have to throw them over our shoulders. Each man carries a pick. March all night with only 10 minutes rest each hour.

Monday 15th February
Finish our night March at 6 o'clock Monday morning after travelling 10 miles in 9 hours. To finish up we had to charge a steep hill with fixed bayonets. Fancy our miseries, walking all night. Rested till 7. Then skirmished till 2 o'clock.

Tuesday 16th February
Left Rendezvous for home. Brigadier gave a speech. Says, as we have finished our brigade training, I am going to give you till next Monday a holiday. You have performed well and are fit for war. I am proud to be in charge of such a body of men. Unfortunately, small pox has broken out, which means we can't leave for the front till 21 days after last case.

Wednesday 17th February
Began our holiday by being vaccinated. Not allowed out of camp. A lot of the chaps relieved the transport men taking their horses to water. Not me. I had just about enough of transport.

Thursday 18th February
Still loitering about Camp. Told that we only get paid once a fortnight. Men discontented, as it means we are broke for a fortnight instead of a week. have porridge for the first time in Egypt.

Friday 19th February
Kit inspection. Rifles and bayonets thoroughly examined. Tents taken down and fumigated. Sick prepared to leave for Australia. Prisoners sent to Abbasiah awaiting to be sent home. ............

Monday 22nd February
On guard. Frightfully hot. Company rests, but go out on a night March only 10 miles. Owing to being on guard, was exempted from night March.

Tuesday 23rd February
Went out skirmishing but owing to intense heat we had to spell a good deal. Mail delivered from Australia. Great excitement. Had word we were leaving for Europe.

Wednesday 24th February
Battalion's holiday. Also payday. Didn't go into town on account of the intense heat. Received mail from Australia dated 18.1.1915. Did my sewing and washing.

Thursday 25th February
Owing to the heat we rest all day and go out on an 8 miles route March in the night time. Engineers arrived from the Canal. They did the task of burying the dead Turks.

Friday 26th February
Still rest in Camp. Battalion goes on night March, but have the fortune to go to Shool. Witnessed a 7th Batt. lad knocked off a train and killed.

Saturday 27th February
Went to Shool, also out to see Alick who was in the hospital with influenza. Attended Purem Service at 6 o'clock p.m. Strolled around town and had a fine time.

Sunday 28th February
Went into Cairo to visit an English family, the first I had met since arriving in Egypt. They had a fine concert in the night. Also a bit of a jig. Enjoyed myself immensely.

Monday 1st March
Battalion go out shooting. My platoon No 5 (could be 3?) came first with 21 shots. Came back at 6 o'clock and mounted guard immediately. Night intensely cold.

Tuesday 2nd March
Whilst on guard was presented with the Rev. Michael Adler's prayer book. Came off guard at 6 o'clock dead beat and rolled right into bed. 3rd brigade leave Egypt.

Wednesday 3rd March
Battalion go out shooting at running targets. No 2 Platoon. Again, first with 157 hits or an average of 35%. Our Sergeant strikes guard and renders him unconscious.

Thursday 4th March
Stay in Camp till 2 o'clock pm when we went out practicing picket and sentry groups. Many men drop out through the heat. Sentry stabbed whilst on duty. Dies shortly after.

Friday 5th March
Whole division consisting of light horse artillery A.N.C., A.S.C., Machine guns and Infantry go out on a bivouac for the night. No blankets taken. Too cold to sleep. Dig trenches in very rocky country.

Saturday 6th March
Come in at 8 o'clock. Whole Batt. do duty, but pinched into town. Passed some of my company whilst in a motor doing Canal picket. The only man left in Batt. All on guard, get plenty of tucker at Canteen.

Sunday 7th March
Whole Sunday on guard but had to unload meat train. 1,900 lbs of frozen meat. Very ................

Monday 8th March
Company mutinies on account of no holiday. Go on parade to save major Dawson from arrest. Go as far as Pyramids, sent back to fumigate the Camp. Measles outbreak.

Tuesday 9th March
Same thing happens as previous day. Complete cleaning of whole Camp. Blank explodes in fire and caused a nasty gash in a sergeant's face.

Wednesday 10th March
Up at 4 o'clock. Go out digging trenches, and sapping. Return to Camp at 10 o'clock. Mail from Australia dated 31.1.1915. Pay day. Archie Hood invites me to a fine tea.

Thursday 11th March
Up at 3 o'clock am. to finish trenches. Awful blizzard arises but have to keep on digging. Get back to Camp covered in sand. Soaked 2 hrs in a hot bath.

Friday 12th March
Do an hours digging and shovelling of loose sand from the storm out of trenches. Go at 4 o'clock. 2nd brigade attack us at 11.30 pm Colonel's orderly. Have a good time. Telephone laid on in all trenches.

Saturday 13th March
Fail to go into town, stony broke. Do some writing and in the evening go to a concert in the YMCA. Issued with caps, boots, socks, singlets, and undertrousers.

Sunday 14th March
A Company for divisional guards. I mounted on the Segregation Camp at 5 o'clock pm. Sentry stabs native for selling goods to patients. Used a whole cake of soap on my washing. Pair pyjamas, Khaki shirt and trousers, 2 pairs socks, 2 singlets and a towel.

Monday 15th March
Rained slightly whilst on sentry. Go and got jolly wet. Guard dismounts at 5 o'clock pm. A big mail arrives from Australia unexpected. Battalion goes on a bivouac, but owing to having come off guard, we rested in Camp.

Tuesday 16th March
Rested in Camp during the morning, but went out in the afternoon to fill in miles of trenches that we had dug the previous week. Had more slight showers.

Wednesday 17th March
The whole division work together 1st brigade attack the 2nd. During the fight I find myself alongside Abe's (he's cousin son of father's brother, Sam Weingott) gun. A very strange coincidence. Went with him to the pictures and had an enjoyable evening.

Thursday 18th March
Mail arrives from Australia. Company goes on guard. Put in guard tent for sticking up for my religion. Slight showers. Lieut. King down with the measles.

Friday 19th March
Tried by Major Dawson, case dismissed. Many of the soldiers suffer with dysentery. Lieut. King promoted to 1st Lieutenant and make arrangements to take Abe to Cider night.

Saturday 20th March
Unable to go into Cairo to attend shool. Do my washing during the day and in the night attend a lecture in the YMCA. Also write several letters home. ........................................... into the desert to relieve A Company trench digging. The ground very rocky. ...........................

Tuesday 23rd March
Battalion rest in Camp all day and go out on a bivouac at 5 o'clock pm. Take no sheet or blanket. Coldest night on record. During the night attack the 2nd brigade.

Wednesday 24th March
Arrive in Camp at 8 a.m. Rest in Camp all day. Company paid and receive mail from Australia. I have a lovely swim at Mena House baths.

Thursday 25th March
Battalion rest in Camp and go out on another bivouac at 6 o'clock pm. Attack 2nd brigade but our presence found out through touching an electric fuse. Arrive in Camp at 4 o'clock.

Friday 26th March 1914
Company rest in Camp. Supposed to have been warned for guard by Sergeant Barber, who swore he had done so, but lied. Capt. Robbins leaves case till following day.

Saturday 27th March
Asked for pass to go to Shool. Told I had to do the guard I was supposed to have been warned for. Pinch into town to make arrangements for Passover and come back in time for guard.

Sunday 28th March
Whilst on guard blizzard arises. Beyond description. Attend lecture by Chaplain McKenzie in the YMCA entitled "Fits".

Monday 29th March
Inspected by Sir Ian Hamilton. Had Pass... Leave from 4 o'clock pm. Spent Cider with Mr Eskanaza. Had a great time. Put up at the Hotel du Voyages with Abe and Lionel Cohen.

Tuesday 30th March
Went to Shool. In the afternoon took a trip to the Barrage. The key of the Nile. Had a trolley ride through the gardens. Had second night Cider at Mr Eskanazi's. Also a fine musical evening.

Wednesday 31st March
Went to Shool and had Alyiah. Met Alick and with Abe went out to Heliopolis having a very fine time. Arrived home at 11 pm. Had orders to sleep in our clothes.

Thursday 1st April
Revalle at 4 o'clock to go on divisional work. Trench digging. Returned to Camp at 4 o'clock. Selected for guard. Heavy dew falls during the night.

Friday 2nd April
Received a Passover Prayer book from the Rev. Michael Adler. On guard during the day. Hot cross buns distributed. Sports cancelled on Saturday as we are going away. Began packing up.

Saturday 3rd April
Struck tents and left Mena Camp at 6 o'clock. Arriving in Cairo 9.30 pm. Embarked immediately. Train moves out at 11 o'clock. Had great reception. Marching through the streets of Cairo.

Sunday 4th April
Arrived in Alexandria at 5 o'clock. Embarked on the Atlantic Transport Company's ship ........ ................

Wednesday 7th April
Fifteen of my Platoon goes on guard. My name mentioned but, hide myself in the pontoon and stop there all day. My mate brings me my tucker.

Thursday 8th April
Mail arrives from Australia dated 1.3.1915. Still in midstream. Load more horses and mules. Company rows ashore and supplies night picket in Alexandria.

Friday 9th April
Staff arrive on board including several generals. More mail from Australia 8.3.1915. Tug comes alongside. Steam up and prepared to leave at any moment.

Saturday 10th April
Leave Alexandria at 7 o'clock am., amidst great excitement. All is the number of ship, owing to being the flagship, we are the last to leave. Battalion paid after being broke for three weeks.

Sunday 11th April
Fairly rough weather. Pass numerous small islands during the day. NCO lectured by the General. Disembarkment. Holy Communion held. Heavy rain during night.

Monday 12th April
Land in Lemnoss Bay 5 o'clock am. 5 English, 3 French, 1 Russian Cruisers there besides numerous troopships. Lemnoss Island belongs to Greece and is under British protection.

Tuesday 13th April
Numerous villages dotted around the shore. Beautiful cultivated country. Company climbs down rope ladders onto board ships practising disembarkation. Generals leave in warships to inspect a suitable landing place.

Wednesday 14th April
Company go ashore on a route march through one of the villages. Spotlessly clean. More cruisers and French transports arrive in the bay. Rumours of Greece joining the Allies.

Thursday 15th April
Pontoons lowered into the water in case we move off at any moment. Batt. again practice disembarkation. Slight showers.

Friday 16th April
Company go ashore intending to stay for 24 hours, but return in two hours owing to rumours of leaving.

Saturday 17th April
Engineers and AMC leave the Minniewaska for another transport A33 carrying the 13th Batt. Arrive in Lemnoss Bay and anchor alongside our ship.

Sunday 18th April
I go on a picnic with D Company and tour a portion of the island. Numerous French soldiers under canvas. Also Condinese (?). Had a fine swim whilst ashore.

Monday 19 April
Went aboard the A33 to have a look at Alick. Showed him several of my old letters from home. He gave me a good supply of tobacco. Came back with an officer in the boat.

Tuesday 20th April
Heavy rains. Bay very choppy. Mail from Australia dated 17.3.1915. Sent several letters ....... ....... ....... ....... will be ........ ........... on a Court Martial. ............................ hoisted into their davits as we are prepared to leave at any moment.

Friday 23rd April
Flight Commander Sampson "The man with £1000 on his head", gives us exhibition of flying on his waterplane. A23 (a captive German steamer) steams out of the Bay with N.Z. aboard. Received a message from Alick, "God speed and Good Luck".

Saturday 24th April
Left Lemnoss Bay at 5 o'clock am. Followed the coast line till 10 o'clock when we anchored with three other transports. Passed a beautiful snow capped mountain emerging on its own out of the sea. All prepared; each soldier carrying 200 ctn.

Sunday 25th April
Arrived at the Gallipoli Peninsular at 5 o'clock am when the battleships opened heavy fire on the enemy. Engaged the Turks from 12 o'clock noon Sun. till daybreak Monday. Elbow grazed by shrapnel. Our fellows suffer heavy casualties.

Monday 26th April
Reinforced by the 4th brigade. Separated from my battalion and detached myself to the 5th Batt. Engage the enemy the whole day. Their guns do awful damage. The biggest majority of our chaps seem to be wiped out.

Tuesday 27th April
Had news that Alec was wounded. Heavy fire continues during the day and night. Had many narrow shaves. Queen Elizabeth does good work. German snipers dressed in our clothes.

Wednesday 28th April
3rd brigade relieved for 24 hours and sent down to the beach, having been with them, I went too. Had good tucker and a fine rest. Nearly killed through a falling cliff. Could see the battle ships engaging the enemy. 1st Brigade relieved. Crawled back to the firing line for an equipment and had a narrow shave of being shot. Did picket along the beach the whole night. Frightened of snipers. Ships keep up a strong fire during the night.

Friday 30th April
Still in rest Camp. Keep up heavy fire during the day. Snipers still keep going and bag a lot of chaps on the beach. An Indian caught one and cut his head off. New Brigadier and Brigade M. appointed.

Saturday 1st May 1914
Left camp at 6 o'clock pm for the firing line. Had to climb a rope 150 ft long. Put in the support trench and dug all night without a rest. Heavy firing going on the whole time.

Sunday 2nd May
Relieved at 8 o'clock am. and took up our position immediately behind the firing line. Went in the firing line at 7 o'clock pm and came out at 2 o'clock am. Had a tough time. The Turks advance on us but we drive them back sustaining slight loss.

Monday 3rd May
Rested until 1 o'clock pm when we went into the firing line again. Enemy keep up heavy shrapnel and rifle fire, but our machine guns do a great deal of damage. Came out of trenches at 7 o'clock pm.

Tuesday 4th May
........................................ but not distributed until Batt. arrived.

Wednesday 5th
Went into the firing line at 7 o'clock am. and came out at 1 o'clock pm. Had a merry time with the enemy and fired close on 250 shots myself. Enemy do heavy damage with shrapnel and I narrowly miss getting hit with the cap of a shell. Heavy shrapnel fire continues during the day. Turks have a good range. Went into the trenches at 2 am. Kept going all the time. Dead bodies outside the trench begin to smell.

Friday 7th May
Very nearly blown to pieces by the enemy's heavy gun fire. Went into the trenches at 7 pm and was relieved 7 am Saturday. Turks make a desperate attack upon our trenches, but were repulsed. A bomb thrown by the enemy lands along side me.

Saturday 8th May
Turks bombard our poseys doing heavy damage. 3rd Batt. Serg. Major has his head blown off whilst shaving. Snipers still do good work and account for many of our chaps.

Sunday 9th May
Went into the trenches at 1 o'clock pm and out at 7 o'clock pm. Turks kept up a heavy shrapnel fire. And during the night our chaps charged a trench but could not hold it and returned with fairly heavy loss.

Monday 10th May
Had a fairly quite (sic) time with the enemy but their snipers still account for many lives. Our chaps suffer 400 casualities (sic) from the charge the previous night. Sent a cable home.

Tuesday 11th May
My birthday passed quietly. Went into the firing line at 7 am out at 1 pm. In again at 7 pm and came out at 7 am. Very miserable owing to the continual rain. Turks are very busy and keep us on the alert.

Wednesday 12th May
Light horse arrives to relieve the marines. Fairly quiet day for us owing to artillery engagement. Snipers not so bad. Rain still continues.

Thursday 13th May
Occupied trenches from 7 am to 1 pm. Enemy artillery do brilliant firing and lob two shells into our trench. One buried itself in the parapet alongside me going in 7 feet but did not explode. The other blew one man to pieces, wounded one.

Friday 14th May
Did 18 hours in the trenches at a stretch. The beggars still have the range of us and pepper us with gun fire throughout the day. During the night they kept up a continual reflex fire which we returned.

Saturday 15th May
Relieved for six hours when we go in a 24 hour shift. 1 pm to 1 pm Sunday. Our artillery keep up a strong a (sic) blow up a portion of the enemy's trench. I begin to feel the strain and am very weak.

Sunday 16th May
Fairly quiet day owing to artillery engagement. Many of our wounded arrive from Alexandria. Sent a letter and P C home. Arm ..... Seg. has his brains blown out by shrapnel whilst inspecting trenches.

Monday 17th May
Enemy keeps up heavy gun fire and the aim is very accurate. Mate of mine shot through the heart whilst asleep. We begin to undermine the enemy's trenches. Shell explodes in our trench, killing or seriously wounding Captain Hill.

Tuesday 18th May
Turks give us an awful time. Shift tons of earth. Terrible sights. Men along side of me blown to pieces. Over 50 shells fired. Great moral effect on the troops. Many loose their nerves. Trenches blown to pieces. Work all night fixing them up.

Wednesday 19th May
The Turks make a General attack at 3 o'clock am lasting 8 solid hours. Heavy work. Enemy come right on top of trenches but repulsed. Hundreds lying dead outside our trench. Our casualities (sic) 200. Enemies 500. Heavy 8" gun still does ............

Thursday 20th May
We give the Turks half an hour to get their wounded in. As the trenches are only 30 yards apart and we all got over the parapet it was easy to converse with the enemy. Our artillery and battle ships keep up an incessant fire during the whole night.

Friday 21st May
Enemy's 8" gun directed on warships but do no damage. Turks artillery keep up a consistent fire and do slight damage amongst our Company. Mail closes, I sent a PC home.

Saturday 22nd May
Incessant rain during the whole day which I do in the firing line. Fairly quiet owing to the elements. 2000 light horse arrive. Aus. Division presented with the bomb thrower by the Japanese Gov. During the night they do brilliant work.

Sunday 23rd May
Working night and day. Am feeling very fatigued. Had narrow escape of being shot clean through the head but bullet strikes a sandbag immediately in front of me. Turks rather quiet.

Monday 24th May
Armistice of 7 hours granted to bury the dead. 400 dead Turks found in front of 1st Batt. lines. Also 185 Rifles. Rain continues throughout the day. 80 Turks found dead in one small trench.

Tuesday 25th May
Austrian submarine sinks the Triumph 11000 tons in sixteen minutes in sight of the Australian troops. 785 souls on board. 150 drowned. I read the burial service. Submarine captured during the night. Enemy rather quiet.

Wednesday 26th May
Reinforcements arrive. Still working night and day been on for the last five days without a rest. Aeroplane drops two bombs into the enemy's trenches thirty yards from us. Enemy keep us very busy. Snipers serving well.

Thursday 27th May
Japanese bomb arrives does some god work. Aeroplane still drops bombs. Enemy fairly quiet but their artillery keep us on the qui vive. Anxiously awaiting to be relieved. Sent P C home.

Friday 28th May
During the day rather quiet but just on dusk the enemy keep up a running fire doing little damage. 15th Batt. trenches undermined and blown up but they recapture them taking 19 prisoners but lose rather heavily.

Saturday 29th May
Tremendous bombardment by the enemy guns commencing at 3 o'clock am. They fire at point blank doing great damage to our trenches. One shell burst in my face and although unwounded was knocked out for a few minutes. My rifle was twisted beyond recognition. Put off for the rest of the day.

Sunday 30th May
Heavy bombardment still continues. Enemy reinforced with 6" guns. Our machine gun crew recommended for the DSM. They continue to fire at the enemy under heavy shell fire. Parts of our trenches blown in. Light horse make a charge.

Monday 31st May
Fairly quiet day. Enemy strengthening their trenches by using overhead covering. Still going day and night. I have quite recovered from my awful experience and feel pretty fit once more.

Tuesday 1st June 1914
Artillery kept busy. Engineers blew up a portion of the enemy's trenches. Japanese mortars do a great deal of damage during the night. Appointed Lance Corporal in charge of a section and I feel very proud.

Wednesday 2nd June
Overheard Lieut Lloyd say that I would make a good N.C.O. as I wasn't at all afraid. Enemy's artillery fairly busy. Japs Mortars still busy.

Thursday 3rd June
Warship fires incessantly at Turkish transports laden with Ammunition and foodstuffs from Constantinople and blow them to pieces. 600 mules reported to have been killed. Enemy rather quiet owing to supposed shortage of ammunition.

Note: Sam Weingott, born 1892, died on active service 5th June 1915.


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