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Military Quotes

War hath no fury like a non-combatant.

-- Charles Edward Montague

Revolutionary WarFriday evening, Jan. 19th., I was appointed to command the Reg. then ordered to be raised to march to Canada.

20th. and 21st. went to Cambridge to procure stores.

22nd. Received my Commission from the Council and set out about 8 o’c in the evening, came to Weston at Baldwins.
23rd. To Hunt’s at Spencer.

24th. Got Home. Rec’d the orders ye 25th. and sent them off immediately to ye various Parts – from that time to Feb. 5th. spent in trying to enlist men. The 40£ bounty offered by Gen. Schulyer to ye Berkshire Men, a great block in the way – then returned to Court and the General got new orders – rec’d from General Washington the 10th. in the evening. 11th. rec’d ye orders from the Court, and set out about 5 P.M. – came to Sudbury and lodged at Wheeler’s. Next day to Brookfield, lodged at Hitchcock’s.

13th. Got home. 14th. Went to Northampton and gave orders to Cap. Chapin at Lt. Hunt's. 15th. to Deerfield, etc.

From that time to the time I left home spent in settling the Reg. and going to several parts to muster the men and fixing off the men that were ready.

Thursday, March 21st. Received orders from Gen. Washington to lose no time in setting forward. Left Maj. Morgan to bring forward the men which remained behind, and marched off Cap. Lyman's Comp’y to Northampton – procured wagons to carry baggage.

March 22nd. Set out about 4 P.M. Snowed very hard all night.

23rd. Set out at 8 o'c. in a sleigh – had a Searg’t and 6 men of Cap. Lyman's Company beside ye Q. M. Serg’t and my waiter to guard the stores of Adj’t. Traveling bad, went on foot great part of the day. 24th. to Pittsfield on foot mostly.

25th. Dismissed the guard in the morning and went to Stockbridge, lodged at Tavern, mustered part of Cap. Bacon's Comp’y, and gave enlisting orders to Lt. Beman.

26th. Breakfasted with Mr. Edwards. Returned to Pittsfield.

27th. In Pittsfield – left there 28th. for Albany.

29th. Set out on horseback – rode till noon, overtook my baggage, walked 8 miles – rode 8 to Bennington.

30th. Waited at B. for baggage.

31st. Set out at 10 o’c. for Albany to receive orders from Gen. Thomas. Arrived in evening – bad riding. Albany a nasty dirty place, though I believe bettered within a few years. Put up at Widow Vrooman’s at King's Arms where was Gen. Thomas – saw him in eve’g. Could not get orders until Gen. Schuyler arrived.

April 1st. Walked around the town – fort well planned but badly executed – mostly ruined and gone to decay. Had news of defeat of Tories in North Carolina.

2nd. Heard from Québec by Cap. Parmelee, in two weeks from there, and two weeks from Montreal. He met Cap. Israel Chapin’s comp’y near St. Johns. Cap. Alexander’s com‘y was to march from Ticonderoga the day he left. Wrote by Cap. Parmelee to New Haven to Bro. And Sister Edwards. Set out from Albany at 12, dined at minister’s five miles out, left at 3, and got to Bennington 14 min. past midnight.

3rd. Rain prevented the men from marching till past 3 o’c. P.M., when Adj. Warner and two serjts. With their party, set out with baggage. Sent Lt. Bardwell to Skenesborough to know whether I could pass South Bay.

4th. Left Bennington 11 o’c. Went to Manchester.

5th. Wind blew very hard at S.S.W. 2 nights – fine wind to break up the Lakes. Went to Dorset, thence to Rupert, to Pawlett by 3. Lt. Bardwell reports there is no difficulty in passing from Skeensborough to Ticonderoga by water.

6th. Fine day, set out with Lt. Bardwell, got to Stockwell before night, after sunset set out to meet team, returned and lodged in a forsaken hut.

7th. Got to Stockwell in the morning, dismissed team from B., got a yoke of oxen to carry the baggage to the river. Crossed it with ye baggage in a canoe about one o’clock. Two teams to carry the load to Skeen’s, got there before night, lodged on the floor in Skeen’s house, a room for myself and a few others, but no conveniences. Went a mile to see Gen. Thomas but was disappointed. Found three gentlemen going to Montreal, invited them to go with me in the Batteau.

8th. Set out with two Batteaux, 10 minutes past eight in ye morning – got about 20 miles by ½ past 12, then met with ice which hindered our passing. I staid 2 ½ hours attempting to cut through the ice but in vain. Cap. Shepard turned back with him – the gentlemen went with them for Ticonderoga to send men back to carry the baggage. Built us a fine house and covered it with boards which we brought from ye landing.

9th. Capt. Shepard with two men who came soon after to build a house. Two of ours set out early to find and cut a road to Lake George, which they say is not more than four miles from here – the ice about three inches thick, but vastly different from ye ice in rivers.

About sundown Capt. Lyman with 13 men came to meet us – heard nothing of Shepard.

10th. Sun an hour high – set out with Capt. Lyman and ten men to attempt to break through the ice. Broke about 50 rods till the ice was 6 inches thick, then gave out and returned. About ten Capt. Lyman with one man set out on shore to reconnoitre. At two returned and brought word that a passage might be forced upon the shore. With ten men he immediately set out with a batteau for that purpose. Having got my baggae on board and bidding adieu to our pleasant camp, at ½ past two I set out with the residue in another batteau. About two miles ahead met Capt. Shepard and a number of others in a batteau who had come to meet us, and had cut through two or three miles of ice, the men went on the side to cut through with axes. Got to Ticonderoga about dark – rained and blew hard all night. N.B. Where the men cut through the ice after noon by night we were able to row through without difficulty.

11th. Wind blew hard and continued all day, which broke up ye ice in ye lakes. This day began to draw provisions – drew only single rations for self and adjutant.

12th. Snowed very hard till 2. Sent off 16 men to Crown Point for 2 sloops, they got there in ye evening.

13th. Ordered all ye men upon duty. One party up ye lake for batteaux, another down, and a third for wood. Found and brought in four batteaux. Cap. Alexander came here from Crown Point for stores and returned. In ye evening part of Capt. Bacon’s company came in, left him back.

14th. Capt. Bacon arrived with his men.

15th. A fine day. Could not get away for want of bread and batteaux. Got ready for setting out, went to the mills. Ye French Post came from Lake George – brought news from Gen. Schulyer that Gen. Howe and 1,500 men were taken prisoners at Rhode Island – also that ye French at W. Indies had agreed to join us.

16th. Intended to set out this day. Could not get provisions for the men till noon. One of the batteaux taken away, could not recover it till near night – rained hard. Gave orders for the whole to be ready by sunrise the next morning.

17th. A pleasant morning and a good wind. Set out with six batteaux and 144 men from Ticonderoga at 5 min. before 7. ½ after ten got to Crown Point – found Gilbert of Capt. Lyman’s company dead. He died yesterday morning. Set out from there ½ after 12 o’c., had a good wind most of the afternoon. Went about 4 miles beyond ye Split Rock to Day’s at Willsborough and lodged. Came in the whole 40 miles this day.

18th. Set out ½ after six o’clock, ye wind ahead, rowed 5 miles and went ashore. Capt. Lyman had 2 men sick – sent Sergeant Parsons to bleed them. Staid ashore till ½ after 8 o’clock. Went about 27 miles to Belows Island. Staid there till 3. Could not proceed by reason of the squalls of wind. Had comfortable lodgings in our camp wh. we built.

19th. Set out about sunrise in an hour got to Cumberland Point, 8 miles, got to Rock Point 14 miles ½ after 8 o’c., staid on shore an hour, got to ye White House within 30 miles of St. Johns at noon. 6 miles further to a French house and staid an hour. (N.B. Got to the line of Canada 17 m. past 1 o’clock). Set out 15 m. past 2 and reached St. Johns at sunset. Just went on shore and took in a pilot for each batteau and went down the first rapids about a mile to ye village and lodged at one Robinson’s a French man’s – ye woman could talk some English, ye rest none at all. Came 69 miles this day, and rowed all the time. Had with us this voyage two French men (Posts) who piloted, and this day took two Indians on board and brought them to St. Johns.

20th. Set out at 7 o’c. and went down the rapids to Chamblay, a fine pleasant village – put up Mr. Glancy’s.

21st. Pleasant day – went to church in the forenoon. Rec’d orders from Gen’l Arnold to proceed immediately to Quebec. Sent for Capt. Alexander from St. Johns. Gave orders for provisions to be drawn, and the men ready tomorrow morning. Capt. Alexander came in the evening.

22nd. Left Chamblay at 11 o’c. Ye wind against us. Past several beautiful villages. The whoe of the way thick-settled. Got to St. Journ 33 miles about sunset. Lodged in a good house. One man of Capt. Bacon’s company sick at the same house – brought him with us ye next day.

23rd. Set out about 8 o’c., went 12 miles to Sorrell village at ye mouth of the river, could not proceed by reason of contrary winds. Satid there in good lodgings. Viewed the breastworks built last summer – a shiftless thing indeed.

24th. Left Sorrell 7 m. past 6. About 8 entered upon Lake St. Francois, got to the current at 12, to Trois Rivieres, 45 miles about 1 – a very fine pleasant place. Stopt there to wait for the hindmost batteaux. Had to leave Lt. Poole & 24 men as a garrison under Capt. Caswell. Hindered by that 2 1/2 hours. In three hours got to a village 21 miles beyond and there lodged. Came 66 miles this day.

N.B. The inhabitants gave us three cheers upon landing, appeared glad to see us, and gave us the same when we went away again.

25th. Set out ½ after 6, got to ye Point at St. Croix four or five leagues in four hours. Met the tide coming in, and having no wind we waited till the tide turned at one o’c. Got to Point aux Tremble before night but could go no further. Stopt there, lodged at the Nunnery. One nun a pleasant sociable woman, seven or eight small girls – at school here – who behaved very prettily. The wind blew hard all night which damaged the Batteaux very much tho the guards did all in their power to save them. Came this day about 40 miles. Found Col. Elmer and a number of men here bound for Quebec.

26th. Cold northeast storm and strong winds till then – then cleared the Batteaux and gave orders for the men to be on board at 4 o’c in the morning.

27th. At sunrise set out and soon had a small gale of wind in our favor, stopt a time at a little River 9 miles from Quebec whilst the whole came up. Went off together with part of Col. Elmer’s Reg’t 6 miles further and landed at a place called Cellery – drew up our Batteaux – left a guard with our stores and marched under the bank to Wolfe’s Cove within about ¾ of a mile of the walls of Quebec, then ascended the Plains of Abraham in the same place that Gen. Wolfe drew up his cannon. Got to headquarters about – dined with Gen. Wooster, had quarters provided not the most agreeable. Could not get my baggage forward this night. About ten o’c at night, Capt. Shaw and 80 Men arrived here – lodged in my room about 10 or 12 of them.

28th. Saw several of Capt. Chapin’s Company who were stationed at Charlelour about 4 or 5 miles distant. They have all had the small-pox except Wm. Clark, and most of them got well.

29th. Went upon the Heights and viewed the walls, etc. – drew ammunition for the men.

30th. Rained most of the day, thick fogg – informed that the enemy were loading their vessels to go off – just at night carried the ladders to the Heights near the walls under cover of the Fog.

May 1st. Officer of the day.

2nd. An alarm in the morning. Gen. Thomas arrived in the morning, his attendants in the afternoon. In ye evening our Fire Ship made an Attempt upon the Shipping but failed. We were all under arms upon the Heights.

3rd. Gen Thomas took ye command. The 4 Companies which came with me were ordered off to Cape Saute to have the small pox.

4th. Capt. Wheeler and 20 Men joined the Regt. More were to join him immediately.

5th. Had certain Intelligence that a fleet was coming up the river and near by. A Council of war was held at Headquarters this afternoon – resolved to send off our sick as quick as possible, and draw off our outposts in the Night of the next Day – Officer of the day.

6th. Monday. Early in the morning the Fleet arrived. I sent off to Chalelour at daybreak to Capt. Chapin to bring off his men immediately. About 9 o’clock we began to move off our cannon and heavy baggage, at 11 o’c had general orders to hold our places in readiness to march at a minute’s warning. Put up my baggage with Bishop and 2 waiters. Went to Headquarters with what men I had and formed. When the enemy were within about 80 rods of us, we had orders to retreat slowly and in good order which we did, untill we could find a convenient place to defend ourselves. We formed in the first wood we came to and remained till the rear had got up with us. We then had orders to retreat again. We retreated about 15 miles that night and halted – at 8 o’clock had orders to march again at 12. Were called up at 10 by a false alram, and at 11 to prepare for our march. Set out a little before 12, one sick man with us.

7th. Got to Point au Tremble a little after sunrise. Stopt and brought 2 loaves of bread for about 70 men I had with me, which was all that could be had. Divided it amongst them. ½ after 10 got to the river at Jacques Cartier, was there 2 hours before we could cross. Two ships came up with us here and fired a number of shot among us, but did no execution. We made this day 30 miles to Point du Chambeau, our men excessively fatigued. The men who were taken out of the Hospital and scarce able to cross the room came afoot with us all the way. There was a very heavy cannonade upon Capt. Bacon’s men from the ships, also at the river upon Col. Maxwell’s men. Our men who were sent to Cape Saute, most of them overtook us this night. Expected to make a stand here, but want of provisions and everything else except cannon, obliged the Gen’l to order a retreat to Sorrell. Gave orders for all my men to be brought up and to be ready by daybreak.

8th. Set out with my men in six Batteaux, (Capt. Shepard and his men having gone before afoot,) rowed a few hours and stopt to dress some victuals on the southern shore – the wind and tide strong against us, with difficulty crossed the river to St. Anne’s and lodged. Came this day about 6 or 7 leagues.

9th. The wind against us. With hard rowing we got within about 2 leagues of Trois Rivieres, and stopt late in ye evening, our men much fatigued.

10th. Went in the morning to the three rivers and breakfasted, there to come up till afternoon. There found Capt. Shepard. No provisions there. Purchased 1 sc. Of Flour for Capt. Shepard and left £20 with the Comissary to purchase more to send to Genl. Thomas. Sent ye Batteaux forward and went by land about 7 miles and overtook them and lodged.

11th. Set out in the Morning and rowed till we got into lake St. Francis. It being calm we attempted to cross the middle of ye lake. About noon the south wind began to blow and soon grew very hard which obliged us to make ye shore as soon as possible. My batteau made the shore without losing much way, others were drove back 8 or 10 miles, some more. We found two of our Batteaux there. I was invited with Col. Williams and ye Adjutant to lodge at ye Seigneur’s – was well entertained – bought there 4 sc. of flour for 48/.

12th. Sunday. Set out early in the morning and got over ye lake into the river by 1 o’c before we stopt; rested a little while and then went on to a village about a league and half from Sorrell and rested a spell. Set out and got to Sorrell by dark. One other boat got there before us, the others stopt behind. Lodged at a house where the people were kind. The Prussian Genl Col. Greatorex’s and Col. Bond’s regts. On the ground in camp.

13th. Col. Williams and two or three boats which were left with him came in in ye morning, others in the afternoon. Genl. Arnold arrived in the night before.

14th. Part of the Pennsylvania troops got in, and some more of mine that were scattered behind. Col. Williams and some of my men went back for flour. This night Capt. Lyman lost one man, viz. P. Davis, with ye small pox.

15th. Maj. Morgan and the rest with him arrived just at night. Drew huts and pitched them in confusion – rec’d letters from Hadley.

16th. In ye afternoon Col. Williams got back with flour – rec’d orders to move our tents, which we did. Officer of the day – went the rounds at sunset and at midnight – lodged in the Fort after I got back. Genl. Thompson arrived.

17th. Orders from Genl. Arnold for 119 of my Regt. To innoculate immediately, which was done. Genl. Thomas arrived in ye afternoon – was much displeased with ye order – ordered them to stop.

18th. Col. Williams set out for Montreal. Rec’d orders from those of my Regt. Who were left back sick at Quebec &c. arrived, except Wm. Clark who was left dying. John Davis and Walker of Chapin’s Company, who were not able to be removed, doubtless perished. 2 or 3 of Capt. Wheeler’s men who had enlisted but not passed muster were lost. Our men much better for their march than if they had lain still. God’s goodness to us in our March has been remarkable and demands a suitable return. We received but ½ allowance of meat this day.

19th. Before our people could get ready to march, the wind blew so hard from the southward that they could not proceed.

20th. In the morning Major Morgan and his party set out for Montreal. Same day Col. Greatorex’s Regt. ordered to Chamblay, also part of Col. Bond’s.

21st. Genl. Thomas broke out with ye small pox, and in the morning resigned the command to Gen. Thompson. Adj. Warner and Lt. White arrested this afternoon (for nothing), confined to their tents two or three hours and released. Lt. Poole arrived this day. N. B. – No meat for 3 days past.

22nd. In the afternoon received orders for my Regt. and Col Poor’s to hold ourselved in readiness to march immediately to St. Johns, but not being able to get Batteaux that afternoon, had leave to stay till morning. Cornet Cotton came in just after and brought me letters from Hadley.

23rd. Early in the morning set out ye baggage in two Batteaux, collected the sick from their quarters, and marched about 7 ½ leagues to St. Dennis. Lodged at Capt. Jacob’s, an Englishman – was kindly treated and entertained gratis. Cornet Cotton came with us.

24th. Marched about 15 miles. Could go no further because the Batteaux could not keep up with us. Lodged at a Frenchman’s, who was kind to us, and professed much friendship for the Bostonians – said he was a Captain in Livingstone’s Regt., that he was wounded a week before in a battle at ye Cedars, and the enemy had 400 killed on ye spot. N. B. – If he was in the engagement, queri, which side he was of? His account differing greatly from others. Beware of French professions.

25th. The wind very strong in the South, could not get along but slowly with the Batteaux. Some rain before we reached Chamblay – got there before night and encamped. Rec’d a letter from Col. Poor to desire me to stop here with my Regt. in consequence of Advice from Genl. Wooster. Applied to Genl. Thomas who gave orders for me to take ye command here.

26th. Having got a small room in the Fort the evening before, I began a letter to Brother in ye morning – wrote him largely by Cornet Cotton. At 9 o’c took command of the Garrison – found things in much confusion – gave orders as I found necessary – placed Guards, &c – towards night got time to visit the several rooms in the garrison.

27th. Rec’d orders from Genl. Wooster to send a company to La Chine to relieve those of my Regt. who were sick of ye small pox. Ordered Capt. Wheeler’s company to march off immediately. Towards night Baron De Waldke arrived to take ye command.

28th. At 9 o’c delievered the command of the garrison and Troops to the Baron. Several of my officers went to Montreal and Chaplain also.

29th. Genls. Wooster and Arnold and several officers arrived. Also the Committee of ye Congress to attend ye Council of War ye next day. Genl. Thomas very bad.

30th. Genl. Thompson arrived in the morning – a general Council of War was held – General Wooster presided – the Plan settled &c.

31st. The Committee of the Congress returned home – the Baron went to St. Johns.

June 1st. Went to see Genl. And found him very low – no expectation of his living.

2nd. Sunday early in the morning Genl. Thomas died – was obliged to be interred that day – he was so mortified. About noon Genl. Sullivan arrived, but could not attend ye funeral – he went off to Montreal soon. In the afternoon Genl. Thomas was buried with as much respect as we could show him. Col. Burril, myself and Capts. Romane, Chapin, Bacon and Shepard were the bearers.

3rd. Genl. Sullivan’s Brigade arrived at Chamblay about 2 o’c – ye Genl. About the same time. They set out the same afternoon for Sorrell, gave me orders to follow with all my well men. I gave orders accordingly.

4th. Was busied in providing proper places for the sick left behind. Sent off fifty men just at night with Lt. Bateman.

5th. Followed with 150 men. Set out at 1 ½ -- though there was no wind we got to St. Dennis and lodged at Mr. Jacobs again – was treated well as before.

6th. About 11 o’c arrived at Camp – found Genl Thompson, Col. St. Clair, Col. Maxwell and others with 40 Batteaux ready to sail down the river to join those who were gone forward. Encamped in a pleasant spot about 80 rods from the Lines. Towards night a very heavy shower of rain.

7th. The rest of Col. Maxwell’s Regt. followed the others. Several of my Regt. were put under guard this day for disobedience of orders. Towards night Lt. Allen & 13 of Capt. Wheeler’s men arrived. Gave out strict orders to prevent firing this day.

8th. About 2 o’c in morning a heavy firing of cannon down the river was heard, which continued till seven o’c – after that a heavy firing of small arms. A Reinforce of 300 of Col. Wyne’s Regt. were sent down to their relief – the firing continued in ye afternoon and evening. No orders.

9th. Called up by daylight to atten ye Genl. Upon a Council of War. The news from one Party that were off first, nothing direct – the others returned without landing – had reason to believe the whole cut off – the camp in great confusion this day, all the army having most of their effects on board the Batteaux except my Regt. Officer of the day. Very unwell in afternoon. Col. Buel did my duty while I was absent. At night had more favorable accounts than before.

10th. Great part of the troops got in safe though much fatigued. No news of Genl Thompson.

11th. The field officers ordered to attend ye Genl. Next day towards ye 3 Rivers.

12th. Set out with him, called back with an account of ye enemy being on ye opposite shore. Sent off boats &c. About noon set out again – near Birkney we were overtaken again by another express which brought ye same account and we returned – proved to be without foundation. At night a flag came in and brought a letter from Genl. Thompson, who with Col. Irving and some others were Prisoners at ye 3 Rivers.

13th. A Council of War held at night and determined to retire back to St. Johns.

14th. In ye morning got ye things on board ye Batteaux – sent off early for Capt. Chapin’s company who were at Markaw ½ mil distant with orders for their immediate return. About noon the Army began their march, my Regt. ye 3rd in order, Col. Williams and myself in ye Batteaux. Capt. Chapin’s Company not come up. Got to Col. Dougans about sunset —heard of ye menI sent for Capt. Chapin that he was near by. The wind sprang up fair of a sudden, the Batteuax had orders to push off directly, went forward two or three leagues and stopt.

15th. Having rested an hour or two in ye Batteau, I rallied ye men in mine a half hour before sunrise and set forward till 8 o’c. Went on shore ye wind very inconstant, got to Chamblay before night and encamped. Worked till midnight with all my men in getting ye Batteaux, rained very hard, turned in.

16th. By light turned out my men upon fatigue. In ye forenoon my men got in who marched by land. An alarm in ye afternoon. My men turned out well. Sent forward our tents, etc., in ye Batteaux. In ye evening ordered into the Fort. We had but just lain down when we were called up to work and were employed all night in haling of Batteaux up ye Rapids.

17th. In ye morning burnt the Fort, ye gondolas and few Batteaux which remained, and marched to St. Johns. Col. Stark and my Regt. brought up the rear.

18th. A Council of War was held in the morning and resolved to quit St. Johns and retire to Crown Point. Got all the stores on board ye Batteaux, and set out a little before night and got to Isle au Noir about 1 o’c at night, having first burnt up Fort, etc.

19th. Encamped on ye Island. The sick had orders to remove to Crown Point. Could not get them ready until ye next day – 126 sick of my Regt. ordered to go. Col. Williams, Capt. Bacon, Lt. Morgan, Ensign Snow, and 60 Privates to go with them.

20th. They set out with the other sick in the morning. A shower towards night, and considerable rain in night.

21st. Gen’l Sullivan and a number of Field Officers went up the river to reconnoitre, returned safe just before night. About noon I went with Col. Burrill and some other officers down the river about a mile. Stopt a few minutes on shore and returned. Eight officers and four privates of Col. Irving’s Regt. went the same way soon after without any arms, and were attacked by ye Indians – 2 officers and 2 Privates killed on ye spot, 5 officers and 2 Privates taken Prisoners. 1 Officer hid himself in ye chamber and escaped. About ye same time a number of Indians attacked our men in three Batteaux who went on shore up the river about 6 miles, killed 9 and wounded 5 of Col. Duhaas’ Regt. when the Genl. Had but just passed, and when he proposed landing. Thus a number of officers were preserved by God’s goodness from falling into the hands of savages, myself among the rest. May the Remembrance hereof excite me to live to God my Preserver.

22nd. This day sent off all ye Batteaux loaded with artillery and artillery stores to Isle La Motte. Nothing material happened, only that I had a present of Fresh beef, about 20 lb. 5 from the Genl.

23rd. Dined with my officers upon ye Beef, which was a great rarity. Much stiller this day than common, though no time for Public Worship – rain at night.

24th. Officer of the day. About 11 o’c rec’d orders for all the sick to go off. The Batteaux not being able to carry the whole, my men returned. Had orders for ye whole to be ready by daybreak to-morrow morning to quit ye Island. Col. Greatorex, Beedles and my Regts. And ye Rifle Men to go upon ye East Shore by land.

25th. Waited all day for the boats – came just at night – the boats ordered to be proportioned, which was done.

26th. In the morning had orders to go on board our boats – those who were able to march. Crossed the river and landed about 4 miles up the river 1200 men. Col. Greatorex and Col. Wayne’s led the Van. Myself and Col. Vose brought up the rear. Marched 2 or 3 miles to the river La Col, where our men were killed the 21st. Burnt ye house and mill, and brought off some stock belonging to ye Scotchman who deceived them and betrayed them to ye Indians. In the afternoon forward – rained almost all the time. The travelling through the Swamp excessively bad, and marched very slow. About 9 o’clock got to a fine beach by ye Lake, a little to South of Canada Line. Hailed my Batteaux as they passed and got my clothes out of my trunk. Lodged on ye ground without covering and slept well.

27th. Waited till noon for the boats to come and carry us off; then set out after having breakfasted upon some of ye beef we took ye day before and went forward to ye Isle La Motte, where our stores and sick men were, and got there about 6 o’clock. When I got ashore I found our men in an ugly swamp, but had the comfort to find we were like to get away the next day. Pitched a tent and lodged comfortably. Found that Ensign Stiles and one more had died on their passage to Crown Point, and were buried on the Island.

28th. A division of ye Boats was begun to be made, and a number came in the forenoon. I went with Col. Vose and about 80 Volunteers, and landed ye other side. – brought off with us 2 Horses, 2 Cows, and 2 Calves, etc. – in ye afternoon ye wind (which had been very high in the forenoon in ye south and had brought the Batteaux all in,) fell, and we received orders to embark – set out accordingly and rowed that night till 1 o’clock and got to Cumberland Head and stopt on board.

29th. The wind continued ahead and blew hard in the bay – being in a good Harbour we lay out the wind, and stayed there till noon, then set forward again in order. Crossed Cumberland Bay, the wind hard against us – stopt B----- Island 30 or 3 minutes while ye whole of my Batteaux came in sight, then went forward and formed the line, the wind not so high as before. Went as far as Schuyler’s Island about 22 miles, got there just after sunset, did not go on shore myself.

30th. Set out ½ after six, the wind still ahead tho’ not quite so heavy as the day before. Stopt at Gilland’s Creek ½ after 11 o’clock, then rec’d orders here that a party of 200 Indians had been here this day, and that they had taken a Prisoner near Crown Point. Staid at this place all day – just at night went with Maj. Stoddard to see what became of my Vessels, discovered one or two in sight and returned, lodged on board.

July 1st. We set forward about 8 o’clock, the wind still ahead – stopt an hour in a small harbour, then proceeded to Crown Point which we reached ½ past 11 at night.

2nd. Went on shore and carried our baggage up to the ground of our encampment – pitched out tents just before night.

3rd. Was with the Genl. most of the day, in view of grounds, etc. A mutiny among Capt. Romanes Company this day – rec’d orders to sit upon a special Court martial the next day to try them.

4th. Arose as soon as light to get time to write home. Could get none till 7 o’clock. Wrote till 8, when I was obliged to break off to attend Court martial. Tried 33 Prisoners, etc., dined with the Court at Lewis’s. Col. Williams and Capt. Bacon went off this day upon a furlough for the recovery of their health.

5th. Waited upon the Genl. Early in ye morning to get a Packet which was left there for me, but could not find it. Got a discharge for a number of my men who were not like to be serviceable this Campaign. Had orders to send them with a boat to Skeensborough. Could not get the party away by reason of their not being able to draw Provisions. Genls. Schuyler, Gates and Arnold arrived here this night – rain in night.

6th. A pleasant morning. Officer of the Fatigue Party this day. The orders of yesterday above countermanded. Gen. Schulyer took ye command. Gen. Sullivan determined to return home. Spent evening with him.

7th. Sunday. Very still for a camp this morning. Gave orders for public worship to be attended at 10 o’clock – rqained some in the morning. Had a sermon at the time appointed in the forenoon, by Mr. Breck, from James 4:10 – a good one. Afternoon adjourned the time to five o’c. – had orders to attend the Genl. At that time. The Genl. Informed us that the Genl. had determined we should remove to Ticonderoga and then take Post – this news gave universal uneasiness in the Camp.

8th. Field officers met and agreed upon a remonstrance to Genl. Schuyler against removing. Genls. Schulyer and Gates went off for Ticonderoga, most of the field officers signed this remonstrance. A regimental court martial held this day.

9th. The field offers signed an address to Gen. Sullivan upon his departure. He went away about noon and carried our remonstrance to Genl. Schuyler. In the evening Col. Hartley came back with his party form Cumberland Head and brought in 10 Indians (young and old) as prisoners.

10th. Ordered another regimental court martial to try two men accused of stealing milk. Three regiments went off for Ticonderoga yesterday.

11th. Officer of the day. Very rainy most of day and evening. Went the rounds. Very miry. This day received an answer to our remonstrance to Genl. Schuyler, and an answer to our address to Gen. Sullivan, the latter very handsomely wrote.

12th. About noon rec’d the melancholy tidings of the death of Col. Williams on the 10th. – a loss I deeply feel. Two of my men put under guard this day for going a hunting without liberty.

13th. The two men were ordered to the Quarter Guard of my Regt. This day clothing was divided to the several Regts.

General orders for ye several regiments to hold themselves in readiness to embark for Ticonderoga upon ye shortest notice. News from N.Y. that ye Regulars were beat back from Staten Island with ye loss of 120 men and one of their largest boats – also that ye Indians had fired upon our boats in Lake George.

July 14th. In consequence of yesterday’s orders for the sick to be sent to Fort George, this morning about 50 were returned by ye Sergt., &c., to go – ordered an examination by the doctor and 10 were returned and ordered to go off immediately.

Mr. Avery preached to us and Col. Greatorex’s Regt. in ye forenoon from Ezekiel 18:31 – a good sermon. In ye afternoon Mr. Breck preached from Gal. 4:18 and an excellent discourse. Mr. Avery and Mr. Varnum present all day. Afterwards went into the Fort and heard Mr. Robbins preach a fine sermon from Isaiah 8:9, 10, with suitable application. Soon after had news from New York of beating off ye Regulars from Long Island and ye Jerseys, ye sinking a tender and taking a sloop with Intrenching Tools, &c.

15th. Breakfasted with Col. Burrell upon salt salmon which was a great rarity and a fine dish. Orders for five Regts. To embark immediately for Ticonderoga and no boats for any of them. For several days and nights past it has been so cold as it comonly is in Sept. and Oct. this night the best battery was burnt down, whether by order or no I cannot determine.

16th. This morning we rec’d the agreeable news of Independancy being declared by the Congress. About noon 2 or 3 kettles of Brandy Grog evidenced our joy at the news, which we expressed in proper toasts. Rec’d orders to embark for Ticonderoga in the first Batteaux which should arrive – very cold this day and night following.

17th. Waited on Genl. Arnold in the morning and rec’d his directions to apply for boats and get my men away as soon as I could. I got 10 boats, 9 of which were deeply loaded, manned them and sent the rest forward by land. They marched by half after one o’c, and we set out ½ hour later in our Boats. Got to Ticonderoga with our Batteaux about sunset – pitched our tents as well as we could. Some of the men who came by land got in in ye evening, ye rest staid about 3 miles back.

18th. The Residue of my men came in about 7 o’clock in ye morning. Sent off a Capt. And 2 Sergts. & 60 men to Crown Point with Batteaux. Afternoon it began to rain, and proved one of ye most stormy nights I ever knew. This day went over to the Point to view the land proposed for our encampment, did not like it overwell.

19th. This morning I was ordered to sit upon a general Court Martial. Met and adjourned till tomorrow 9 o’clock. Rained in afternoon and evening so that our men could not begin clearing the ground.

20th. Met again this morning upon ye Court Martial. Ordered all my men over ye river to clearing. Began upon Col. Hazen’s trial and adjourned to Monday morning. This day the Army divided into four Brigades – Col. Greatorex, Bonds, Burralls, and mine – ye first Brigade under Genl. Arnold – ye 2nd to be commanded by Col. Reed, viz. Reed’s, Patterson’s, Poor’s and Beedle’s – ye 3rd by Col. Stark, viz., Stark’s Maxwell’s, Winder’s and Windcoop’s – ye 4th by Col. St. Clair, viz. St. Clair’s, Wayne’s Dehaas, and Irving’s. Showers this day also. Got a furlough for a week for ye Adjutant and Lt. Hunt. Lts. Allen and Campbell discharged.

21st. A number of ye sick of my Rgt. Had orders to go to Fort George. Quarter Master Montague went with them. Set off just before night. Went over to the landing.

22nd. Ye Adjutant, Lt. Hunt and Ensign Snow set out in the morning for Skeensborough on their furlough. Attended ye Court Martial again.

23rd. An express arrived from Congress with orders to send a flag of truce to Canada with a proposal of exchange of Prisoners, &c. Capt. Bigelow of ye Artillery was sent off with it. Went over just at night to see our new camp.

24th. Last night Lt. Clark of my Regt. returned from a scout and brought in two Prisoners, a Frenchman and a regular who had been here as a spy. They were sent off this morning to Albany.

25th. Capt. Bacon returned this day from his furlough well recruited by going to Pawlett.

26th. Heard from Stoughton Dickinson that he grew worse, and desired me to procure him a discharge which I applied for and had a promise of. This day went over for the third time to visit our encampment and removed my things. Lodged in Capt. Chapin’s house. Determined to build next day.

27th. In ye morning ye D. A. G. &c. came and ordered me to remove ye officers’ houses, &c., and alter the front of my encampment. This gave much uneasiness to my Regt., and is what I shall be very unwilling to comply with (having gone by orders in fixing my barracks). My men have most of them built comfortable houses and are well covered. This order stopt my building this day. In afternoon Genl. Arnold came over to settle dispute about removal, but determined to refer it to Genl. Gates. Every day this week upon Court Martial. The Genl. this day had news of a French fleet being upon their passage from Canada with troops.

28th. Obliged to attend upon Court Martial again. This day procured a discharge for Stoughton Dickinson, and leave for his brother to attend him to Pittsfield, who set our accordingly. Mr. Breck preached to ye few of ye Regt. who could attend. Got a futlough for ye Adjutant and Ensign Snow for 3 weeks.

29th. Began to move some of our log houses we had built – to alter ye front of our encampment – rained hard ye latter part of ye day and evening. This day ye news of Genl. Clinton’s defeat was confirmed.

30th. Ye Court Martial did not sit this day. Had leisure to examine muster rolls, &c. the Regt. busied in building and clearing. Orders for ye whole to work on ye Lines tomorrow.

31st. Began again upon Col. H-----‘s trial. Nothing extraordinary.

August 1st. Continued ye trial. Rec’d much abuse from Genl. Arnold, which produced a spirited reprimand from ye President.

2nd. Rec’d a written reply from Genl. Arnold, very abusive. Finished Col. H-----‘s trial, and adjourned till ye next day to consider of Genl. Arnold’s affair. Lt. Hunt returned.

3rd. Met and agreed upon a letter to Gen. Gates, informing him of Gen. Arnold’s conduct and of our resolution to try him according to Rules. This day had news that the Regulars had retired from St. John to Quebec.

4th. Mr. Beck preached two sermons to ye Regt. and others today. The news of yesterday again confirmed by another officer who came from Canada, and that an account of a French fleet being in the river was ye occasion.

5th. Set a party to work with Col. Bond’s Regt. in building a bake house and oven. Mr. Breck, Capt. Lyman and Lt. Day went to Fort George, Mr. Breck to stay a fortnight with the sick. Just before night Capt. Jos. Lyman arrived with a company of 99 Recruits and Capt. Childs of Deerfield.

6th. They both returned with their company to Skeensborough. This day gave in the copy of Col. Hazen’s trial (of 42 pages folio) to the Genl., accompanied with a letter and ye copy of Genl. Arnold’s affair. Hard rain. Lt. Whitcomb arrived from a scout as far as Chambler. One man of my Regt. that was with him deserted at St. Johns. He says there were between 2 and 3000 at St. Johns, and also a Regt. at Chambler. They had 30 Batteaux in the water, and 9 on ye stocks – nothing larger.

7th. Trial of Capt. Carlisle for attempting to shoot Lt. Col. Wait and Ensign Ross for breach of orders. Col. Hazen’s sentence approved of by ye Genl. This morning one man of ye Regt. was whipped by a sentence of a Regimental Court Martial, one was pardoned, and one made public acknowledment. Got most of ye timber for my house hewed this day.

8th. Attended Court Martial again and tried one officer. In ye afternoon got my house almost raised.

9th. Tried Ensign McCalla for selling a Batteau and adjourned to Monday.

10th. Dined with Genl. Hazen with the members of the Court Martial. This night the flag of truce returned with an insolent order from Genl. Carleton.

11th. A very rainy day, had no preaching by reason of it.

12th. The Court met. Ordered Gen. Arnold arrested and adjourned to next day – were dissolved by order. One man of Capt. Shepard’s Company died suddenly this day, on ye 10th one of Capt. Lyman’s at Fort George.

13th. Though dissolved ye members of ye Court met according to adjournment and agreed upon sending to Congress. Appointed a Committee to prepare a letter, &c. Ezekiel Mighill of Capt. E. Chapin’s company died instantly this day. Capt. Lyman and Lt. Day returned from Fort George.

14th. Got nails and shingled my house. Three men got in from St. Johns. Say ye Regulars are at Isle au Noir.

15th. Spent the day at the other side. Capts. Lyman, Dickinson and Childs came with their company from Skeensborough.

16th. Examined muster rolls most of ye day – nothing extra.

17th. Crossed ye river in afternoon. A quarrel happened this day between Major H----- and Adjt. Ryan, the latter wounded.

18th. No preaching this day – ye Regt. ordered out to review their Arms in ye afternoon by reason of news from below.

19th. Rec’d orders from Gen. Gates to dismiss Lt. Clark from my Regt. which I did accordingly.

20th. The late Court Martial finished and signed their letter to ye Congress respecting Gen. Arnold. This day Qr. Mar. Montague got a furlough for 3 weeks – Lt. Allan returned – sick went off for furlough.

21st. Capt. Wheeler returned from his furlough – ye Qr. Mr. Set out homeward – rained in forenoon.

22nd. A pleasant day. A Regtl. C. M. this day. One man sentenced to be whipped – pardoned at the post. Had orders for Doctor Watson and a party to go to Fort George tomorrow doe medicine.

23rd. Doctor Watson went off to Fort George. Capt. Shepard, Lt. Allen, and some others went away after some deserters who ran away the night before.

24th. Spent this day as well as several days before in examining and comparing ye muster rolls. Many of my men are sick with the fever and ague and other distempers.

25th. Mr. Davids, Chaplain of Col. Bond’s Regt. preached a sermon to the Brigade in ye afternoon. Mr. Breck returned from Fort George –lost his pack with all his clothes after he landed, found it again at the landing in evening. At night was taken with a fever. Had a very restless night.


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This Day in History
1758: British forces capture Frances Fortress of Louisbourg after a seven-week siege.

1759: The French relinquish Fort Ticonderoga in New York to the British under General Jeffrey Amherst.

1790: An attempt at a counter-revolution in France is put down by the National Guard at Lyons.

1794: The French defeat an Austrian army at the Battle of Fleurus, France.

1848: The French army suppresses the Paris uprising.

1861: George McClellan assumes command of the Army of the Potomac after the disaster at Bull Run five days prior.

1863: Confederate cavalry leader John Hunt Morgan and 360 of his men are captured at Salineville, Ohio, during a spectacular raid on the North.

1912: The first airborne radio communications from naval aircraft to ship is conducted.

1917: Repeated German attacks north of the Aisne and at Mont Haut are repulsed.

1941: President Franklin Roosevelt seizes all Japanese assets in the United States in retaliation for the Japanese occupation of French Indo-China.