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Whether in an advantageous position or a disadvantageous one, the opposite state should be always present to your mind.

-- Ts`ao Kung

Current poll results

Have the Iraqi Security Forces received adequate training and equipment from the U.S. military?

Yes60 %60 %60 % 60.10 % (116)
No26 %26 %26 % 26.42 % (51)
I do not know10 %10 %10 % 10.88 % (21)
I have no opinion2 %2 %2 % 2.07 % (4)
Other, please list in comments0 %0 %0 % 0.52 % (1)

Total votes: 193
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Re: Have the Iraqi Security Forces received adequate trainin
by Anonymous
on Jun 28, 2005
To the extent of our ability, all things considered, heck yes.

There's a ways to go yet, but we ARE getting there.

Re: Have the Iraqi Security Forces received adequate trainin
by Anonymous
on Jul 01, 2005

If the Iraqi Forces are adequately trained and equiped, why are we still there?

Re: Have the Iraqi Security Forces received adequate trainin
by David
on Jul 02, 2005

From what Rumsfeld said at a recent Congressional hearing many of the ISF are merely police not Army. The Army element of the ISF is not yet of sufficient size to take over for the Coalition forces.

Re: Have the Iraqi Security Forces received adequate trainin
by Anonymous
on Jul 05, 2005

Well, the respondants to this poll disagree with Rummy. Who's correct here?

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Military History
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This Day in History
1862: A Union attempt to capture Charleston, South Carolina, is thwarted when the Confederates turn back an attack at Secessionville, just south of the city on James Island.

1864: The siege of Petersburg and Richmond begins after a moonlight skirmish.

1898: A U.S. squadron bombards Santiago, Cuba.

1915: The French gain ground in severe fighting north of Arras.

1918: Yekaterinenfeld is occupied by the Germans.

1925: France accepts a German proposal for a security pact.

1932: The ban on Nazi storm troopers is lifted by the von Papen government in Germany.

1940: French Chief of State, Henri Petain asks for an armistice with Germany.

1951: The 1st Marine Division reached its objective, a line running northeast from the Hwachon Reservoir through the Punch Bowl, a gigantic volcanic crater.

1955: The U.S. House of Representatives votes to extend Selective Service until 1959.