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War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want.

-- General William T. Sherman

Current poll results

Admin/Moderators of the PatriotFiles should

not edit post in forums.2 %2 %2 % 2.63 % (2)
not delete post in forums.0 %0 %0 % 0.00 % (0)
not freeze post in forums.0 %0 %0 % 0.00 % (0)
not ban membership of the site.0 %0 %0 % 0.00 % (0)
all of the above.6 %6 %6 % 6.58 % (5)
Continue doing the job that they are.84 %84 %84 % 84.21 % (64)
Other. Please explain in comments.6 %6 %6 % 6.58 % (5)

Total votes: 76
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Re: Admin/Moderators of the PatriotFiles should
by Anonymous
on Jan 14, 2002

Freedom to respond should be allowed. If it gets personal the offended party should be allowed to make the decision about post being deleted or edited. If a person comes to the board just to harrass veterans in general they should be banned from the site. They can go other places and do that. If there is spamming of the site they should be banned. For special cases that fall in between such as the one we had a here recently. A talk with the person and a warning could be administered. If they don't respond after a polite talk and warnng then I think it is time to ban them. I think this poll was an excellent idea. This gives everyone an opportunity to participate in the laying of some ground rules and perhaps help the moderators to know what we really want in regard to these matters. They sometimes have a thankless task damned if they don't and damned if the do. Here's hoping this poll will clear up some gray areas..sis

Re: Admin/Moderators of the PatriotFiles should
by David
on Jan 14, 2002
(posted for bits)

I'm not a computer guru. Nor am I the most tactful speechwriter on the block. People are going to rub each other from time to time. Sometimes most of us need to be jerked up short.

I like Arrow's idea. I especially like the part about giving the parties involved a heads-up on what the moderators have in mind.

If I offend anyone, there is always PM's, too. I accept PM's.

However, we should all have some idea of what is acceptable and what is not. And sometimes we get to the point that we just plain don't give a rats backside. That's when the moderators may have to pay their dues. If the job is too tough for the moderators, then what does the title "moderator" mean?

Thanks for the opportunity to make an input.



Re: Admin/Moderators of the PatriotFiles should
by Anonymous
on Jan 14, 2002

the moderators should only edit or delete post that are deemed offensive by more than one member. If two or more members email the moderators and tell them about a post that they think is not good for this site then the moderators should edit it or delete it.

Re: Admin/Moderators of the PatriotFiles should
by Anonymous
on Jan 15, 2002
There is free speech, and then there is stupid, ill-thought and irresponsible speech. I don't see them as the same. As with any "house" somebody had to have ultimate control, and exercise it as fully as the situation requires WHEN the situation requires.
Just about any site or board in the world w/have a 'TOS' (terms of service) - and anyone that feels that controlling threads or the acts of, say, trolls, is excessive can feel free to review some of the VERY RESTRICTIVE TOSs out there.

This site, too, is a "house" of sorts -

Common sense dictates that it's emcumbant upon participants to interact within reasonable boundaries, and to be held accountable and responsible for their actions. That, my fine friends :) is just one of the many burdens of being an adult :)

I also sub to and am a Mod on a disabilty listserve - you wanna talk restrict moderation? Heehe.... we're talking absolutely ON TOPIC requirement or your posts never makes it to the list even! Not enough punctuation, hard line returns, or comprehensable content? Your post never makes it. We're talking a membership of 800 plus people, and 90% of them have their posts go THROUGH moderator BEFORE it even gets to the list. Now THAT is heavy moderation :) But, its the Rules *there* - and they get followed, period, the end.

When in someone's "house", ya play by the Rules of the House- THEIR Rules. Vets need a safe place to be - and I think that feeling 'safe' here is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Many have post-service difficulties that are made worse by content they can encounter. Why would any Vet continue going to, much less contribute posts/interaction, in a place where they have to feel like free, open game?

Re: Admin/Moderators of the PatriotFiles should
by Anonymous
on Jan 19, 2002
A resonable person knows when something is wrong or when someone is just disagreeing. Life is not Black and White, there are many shades of gray. Its up to you as a Moderator to decide which is which, other-wise we get people that have no idea what they are talking about, talking.
I think most of the people here have confidence in the abilities of the moderators to moderat. Or they wouldn't be here.


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Military History
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Which country should the U.S. target next in the War on Terrorism?

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Votes: 150

This Day in History
1862: A Union attempt to capture Charleston, South Carolina, is thwarted when the Confederates turn back an attack at Secessionville, just south of the city on James Island.

1864: The siege of Petersburg and Richmond begins after a moonlight skirmish.

1898: A U.S. squadron bombards Santiago, Cuba.

1915: The French gain ground in severe fighting north of Arras.

1918: Yekaterinenfeld is occupied by the Germans.

1925: France accepts a German proposal for a security pact.

1932: The ban on Nazi storm troopers is lifted by the von Papen government in Germany.

1940: French Chief of State, Henri Petain asks for an armistice with Germany.

1951: The 1st Marine Division reached its objective, a line running northeast from the Hwachon Reservoir through the Punch Bowl, a gigantic volcanic crater.

1955: The U.S. House of Representatives votes to extend Selective Service until 1959.