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Current poll results

Is America's military (1.4 million active and 1.3 million Guard/Reserve) too big or too small?

Too big0 %0 %0 % 0.64 % (8)
Too Small6 %6 %6 % 6.20 % (77)
Just Right0 %0 %0 % 0.89 % (11)
Need more Guard/Reserve1 %1 %1 % 1.05 % (13)
Need more Active Duty3 %3 %3 % 3.14 % (39)
Need less Guard/Reserve0 %0 %0 % 0.08 % (1)
Need less Active Duty0 %0 %0 % 0.08 % (1)
No Opinion87 %87 %87 % 87.91 % (1091)

Total votes: 1241
One vote is allowed per day

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Re: Is America's military (1.4 million active and 1.3 millio
by Anonymous
on Feb 17, 2002

the way i see things peace through superior fire power it works for me.

Re: Is America's military (1.4 million active and 1.3 millio
by David
on Feb 18, 2002

"The Peacemaker" I think this slogan, painted on the wall of the enlisted chow hall of the USS IOWA, says it all.

Re: Is America's military (1.4 million active and 1.3 millio
by Anonymous
on Feb 18, 2002
As we have in past history, we are allowing our military to erode below the strengths that should be maintained to protect ourselves.
If we had compulsory military training and service for all citizens, both male and female, this would not be a problem. (that's another topic, though.

Re: Is America's military (1.4 million active and 1.3 millio
by Anonymous
on Feb 20, 2002

We have to ,"get to, be at, maintain," a true "ready reserve." Ready for whatever it might take to enhance, maintain and defend the USA and her citizens.

Re: Is America's military (1.4 million active and 1.3 millio
by Anonymous
on Feb 21, 2002
"as many as 20% of the soldiers are troops who exist on paper only, according to Guard members and government investigators."
If 260,000 of our troups are ghost soldiers, we are in deep shit.

Re: Is America's military (1.4 million active and 1.3 millio
by Gimpy
on Feb 23, 2002
I would like to see more reservists and national guard. A strong citizen soldier integrated into the fabric of a nation makes for a stronger nation. I would like to see a mandatory draft for all who are between 18 - 25.


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This Day in History
1758: British forces capture Frances Fortress of Louisbourg after a seven-week siege.

1759: The French relinquish Fort Ticonderoga in New York to the British under General Jeffrey Amherst.

1790: An attempt at a counter-revolution in France is put down by the National Guard at Lyons.

1794: The French defeat an Austrian army at the Battle of Fleurus, France.

1848: The French army suppresses the Paris uprising.

1861: George McClellan assumes command of the Army of the Potomac after the disaster at Bull Run five days prior.

1863: Confederate cavalry leader John Hunt Morgan and 360 of his men are captured at Salineville, Ohio, during a spectacular raid on the North.

1912: The first airborne radio communications from naval aircraft to ship is conducted.

1917: Repeated German attacks north of the Aisne and at Mont Haut are repulsed.

1941: President Franklin Roosevelt seizes all Japanese assets in the United States in retaliation for the Japanese occupation of French Indo-China.