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Will the capture of Saddam Hussein bring an end to the violence in Iraq?

Yes20 %20 %20 % 20.43 % (19)
No73 %73 %73 % 73.12 % (68)
I do not know4 %4 %4 % 4.30 % (4)
I have no opinion0 %0 %0 % 0.00 % (0)
Other, please list in comments2 %2 %2 % 2.15 % (2)

Total votes: 93
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Re: Will the capture of Saddam Hussein bring an end to the v
by Gimpy
on Dec 14, 2003

I think there will be an increase in violence for the short term. Revenge is a strong motive for the Radical Muslim.

Re: Will the capture of Saddam Hussein bring an end to the v
by Anonymous
on Dec 16, 2003

Probably so, eventually, to whatever extent violence in that region or any other can ever truly be said to "end"... anyhow, it's a good thing the guys got the bastard.

Re: Will the capture of Saddam Hussein bring an end to the v
by Anonymous
on Dec 18, 2003
I am ex tank corps officer , author of three books on Indo Pak military history also held in libraries of US Army Command and General Staff College Leavenworth,Carlisle and Library of Congress.My business as a custom clearing agent and logistic consultant has taken me to many parts of the world including all major entry points of Pakistan-Iran and Pakistan-Afghanistan border.In addition I have been researching on low intensity warfare since 1990 , having been associated with research while serving in the army and post retirement.Also attended Society of Military History Meeting of April 1996 at Arlington Virginia.

My assessment is that USA's approach is too direct , too simplistic and too strategically myopic.You have made Saddam and Usama's super heroes from heroes or minor heroes.The capture of Saddam in this context has immensely raised the stature of Saddam in the Islamic world and would intensify the resolve of anti US forces.Some details of how the conflict may unfold I have covered in my article " The age of Strategic Anarchy" published in Nov 2003.

A.H Amin
Major (Retired)
Military Analyst and Security/Logistic Consultant

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Will the capture of Saddam Hussein bring an end to the violence in Iraq?

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Votes: 93

This Day in History
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1898: Marines from the USS Dixie were the first to raise the American flag over Puerto Rico.

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